Palabra Clave: |
Titulo | Fecha | Tipo | Areas | Autores |
Indice de mala calidad del empleo: una exploracion de la ultima decada en America Latina$ Índice de mala calidad del empleo: una exploración de la última década en América Latina (publicado en: CEPAL Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe)link |
20240408$ Abr 2024 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | González Pablo |
A survey of multimodal information fusion for smart healthcare: Mapping the journey from data to wisdom$ A survey of multimodal information fusion for smart healthcare: Mapping the journey from data to wisdom (publicado en: INFORMATION FUSION)link |
20240201$ Feb 2024 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Information fusion in crime event analysis: A decade survey on data, features and models$ Information fusion in crime event analysis: A decade survey on data, features and models (publicado en: INFORMATION FUSION)link |
20231215$ Dic 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Algorithms for a risk-averse Stackelberg game with multiple adversaries$ Algorithms for a risk-averse Stackelberg game with multiple adversaries (publicado en: COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20231215$ Dic 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Ordóñez Fernando |
Qualitative analysis of health preparedness policies in Chile$ Qualitative analysis of health preparedness policies in Chile (publicado en: REVISTA PANAMERICANA DE SALUD PUBLICA-PAN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH)link |
20231201$ Dic 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Habilidades Profesionales | Martin María Pía |
Gestion empresarial y filosofia estoica$ Gestión empresarial y filosofía estoica (publicado en: Documentos de Gestión DII) |
20231128$ Nov 2023 |
Artículo Nacional | Wigodski Teodoro | |
Corrigendum to ¿Location preferences and slum formation: Evidence from a panel of residence histories¿ [Reg. Sci. Urban Econ., 97 (November 2022) 103816] (Regional Science and Urban Economics (2022) 97, (S0166046222000564), (10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2022.103816))$ Corrigendum to ¿Location preferences and slum formation: Evidence from a panel of residence histories¿ [Reg. Sci. Urban Econ., 97 (November 2022) 103816] (Regional Science and Urban Economics (2022) 97, (S0166046222000564), (10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2022.103816)) (publicado en: REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS)link |
20231125$ Nov 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Undurraga Raimundo |
Dual-interactive fusion for code-mixed deep representation learning in tag recommendation$ Dual-interactive fusion for code-mixed deep representation learning in tag recommendation (publicado en: INFORMATION FUSION)link |
20231120$ Nov 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Why is the Rescorla-Wagner model so influential?$ Why is the Rescorla-Wagner model so influential? (publicado en: NEUROBIOLOGY OF LEARNING AND MEMORY)link |
20231010$ Oct 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Pérez Omar |
Immigration, Crime, and Crime (Mis)Perceptionst$ Immigration, Crime, and Crime (Mis)Perceptionst (publicado en: AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL-APPLIED ECONOMICS)link |
20231004$ Oct 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Undurraga Raimundo |
A generalization of multi-source fusion-based framework to stock selection$ A generalization of multi-source fusion-based framework to stock selection (publicado en: INFORMATION FUSION)link |
20230917$ Sep 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Efficient and Motion Correction-Free Myocardial Perfusion Segmentation in Small MRI Data Using Deep Transfer Learning From Cine Images: A Promising Framework for Clinical Implementation$ Efficient and Motion Correction-Free Myocardial Perfusion Segmentation in Small MRI Data Using Deep Transfer Learning From Cine Images: A Promising Framework for Clinical Implementation (publicado en: IEEE ACCESS)link |
20230911$ Sep 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Jiménez Angel |
Multiple-Choice Questions Difficulty Prediction with Neural Networks$ Multiple-Choice Questions Difficulty Prediction with Neural Networks (publicado en: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems)link |
20230901$ Sep 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Interpretation of contracts: How much human and how much artificial intelligence?$ Interpretation of contracts: How much human and how much artificial intelligence? (publicado en: REVISTA CHILENA DE DERECHO Y TECNOLOGIA)link |
20230829$ Ago 2023 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Predicting Innovative Cities Using Spatio-Temporal Activity Patterns$ Predicting Innovative Cities Using Spatio-Temporal Activity Patterns (publicado en: GEOMETRIC MODELING AND PROCESSING - GMP 2006, PROCEEDINGS)link |
20230829$ Ago 2023 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
INNOVACION SOCIAL y PUBLICA: Experiencias y aproximaciones a la complejidad contemporanea$ INNOVACIÓN SOCIAL y PÚBLICA: Experiencias y aproximaciones a la complejidad contemporánea (publicado en: Universidad de Chile - Portal de Libros Electrónicos)link |
20230814$ Ago 2023 |
Libros | Políticas Públicas | |
The 5G spectrum auction in Chile$ The 5G spectrum auction in Chile (publicado en: TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY)link |
20230810$ Ago 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José Epstein Rafael |
Dynamic community detection including node attributes$ Dynamic community detection including node attributes (publicado en: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS)link |
20230801$ Ago 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weber Richard |
An integer L-shaped algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and stochastic demands$ An integer L-shaped algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and stochastic demands (publicado en: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH)link |
20230716$ Jul 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Ordóñez Fernando |
Trading Prophets$ Trading Prophets (publicado en: EC 2023 - Proceedings of the 24th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation)link |
20230707$ Jul 2023 |
Conferencia Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
A 50 anos del golpe. Estelas de la memoria, el libro postumo de Hugo Behm Rosas$ A 50 años del golpe. Estelas de la memoria, el libro póstumo de Hugo Behm Rosas (publicado en: Cuadernos Médico Sociales)link |
20230701$ Jul 2023 |
Artículo Nacional | Políticas Públicas | Contreras Eduardo |
Using Meta-Learning in Automatic Demand Forecast with a Large Number of Products$ Using Meta-Learning in Automatic Demand Forecast with a Large Number of Products (publicado en: Lecture Notes in Logistics)link |
20230603$ Jun 2023 |
Capítulos de Libros | Marketing | Goic Marcel |
A Constant Factor Prophet Inequality for Online Combinatorial Auctions$ A Constant Factor Prophet Inequality for Online Combinatorial Auctions (publicado en: Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing)link |
20230602$ Jun 2023 |
Simposio Anual | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
El castigo reputacional de una acusacion sin fundamento, atribuida al incumplimiento de normas medioambientales: El caso de valle nevado$ El castigo reputacional de una acusación sin fundamento, atribuída al incumplimiento de normas medioambientales: El caso de valle nevadolink |
20230601$ Jun 2023 |
Artículo Nacional | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
Clustering Cities over Features Extracted from Multiple Virtual Sensors Measuring Micro-Level Activity Patterns Allows One to Discriminate Large-Scale City Characteristics$ Clustering Cities over Features Extracted from Multiple Virtual Sensors Measuring Micro-Level Activity Patterns Allows One to Discriminate Large-Scale City Characteristics (publicado en: SENSORS)link |
20230529$ May 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
The regulation of public-private partnerships$ The regulation of public-private partnerships (publicado en: Handbook on Transport Pricing and Financing)link |
20230523$ May 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Fischer Ronald |
The economics of airports' pricing$ The economics of airports' pricing (publicado en: Handbook on Transport Pricing and Financing)link |
20230523$ May 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo |
Relating emotions, psychophysiological indicators and context in public transport trips: Case study and a joint framework for data collection and analysis$ Relating emotions, psychophysiological indicators and context in public transport trips: Case study and a joint framework for data collection and analysis (publicado en: Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour)link |
20230520$ May 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Jiménez Angel |
Fifty years of operational research in forestry$ Fifty years of operational research in forestry (publicado en: INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH)link |
20230518$ May 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
A firebreak placement model for optimizing biodiversity protection at landscape scale$ A firebreak placement model for optimizing biodiversity protection at landscape scale (publicado en: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT)link |
20230515$ May 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
On the dynamics of credit history and social interaction features, and their impact on creditworthiness assessment performance$ On the dynamics of credit history and social interaction features, and their impact on creditworthiness assessment performance (publicado en: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS)link |
20230515$ May 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Location and Strategies in Stackelberg Security Games with Risk Aversion$ Location and Strategies in Stackelberg Security Games with Risk Aversion (publicado en: International Series in Operations Research and Management Science)link |
20230509$ May 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Ordóñez Fernando |
The Reach up Parenting Program, Child Development, and Maternal Depression: A Meta-analysis$ The Reach up Parenting Program, Child Development, and Maternal Depression: A Meta-analysis (publicado en: PEDIATRICS)link |
20230501$ May 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Jervis Pamela |
Early Stimulation and Enhanced Preschool: A Randomized Trial$ Early Stimulation and Enhanced Preschool: A Randomized Trial (publicado en: PEDIATRICS)link |
20230501$ May 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Jervis Pamela |
Ajustes y desajustes entre campos de estudio y mercado del trabajo: el caso de la Educacion Superior Tecnico Profesional en Chile$ Ajustes y desajustes entre campos de estudio y mercado del trabajo: el caso de la Educación Superior Técnico Profesional en Chile (publicado en: REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE EDUCACION SUPERIOR)link |
20230428$ Abr 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Habilidades Profesionales | Martin María Pía |
An Extended Unit Restriction Model with Environmental Considerations for Forest Harvesting$ An Extended Unit Restriction Model with Environmental Considerations for Forest Harvesting (publicado en: FORESTS)link |
20230412$ Abr 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
A spatial theory of urban segregation$ A spatial theory of urban segregation (publicado en: JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMIC THEORY) |
20230402$ Abr 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Escobar Juan |
Infection with SARS-CoV-2 variant Gamma (P.1) in Chile increased ICU admission risk three to five-fold$ Infection with SARS-CoV-2 variant Gamma (P.1) in Chile increased ICU admission risk three to five-fold (publicado en: PLOS ONE)link |
20230324$ Mar 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de OperacionesMarketing | Basso Leonardo Goic Marcel Sauré Denis |
Multimodality information fusion for automated machine translation$ Multimodality information fusion for automated machine translation (publicado en: INFORMATION FUSION)link |
20230315$ Mar 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Preface to the Special Issue on OR and Big Data in Agriculture$ Preface to the Special Issue on OR and Big Data in Agriculture (publicado en: INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH)link |
20230310$ Mar 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
The elasticity of demand on urban highways: The case of Santiago$ The elasticity of demand on urban highways: The case of Santiago (publicado en: TRANSPORT POLICY)link |
20230310$ Mar 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo |
On the combination of graph data for assessing thin-file borrowers' creditworthiness$ On the combination of graph data for assessing thin-file borrowers' creditworthiness (publicado en: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS)link |
20230301$ Mar 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
COVID-19 lateral flow IgG seropositivity and serum neutralising antibody responses after primary and booster vaccinations in Chile: a cross-sectional study$ COVID-19 lateral flow IgG seropositivity and serum neutralising antibody responses after primary and booster vaccinations in Chile: a cross-sectional study (publicado en: Lancet Microbe)link |
20230228$ Feb 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo Sauré Denis |
Continuous Prediction of Web User Visual Attention on Short Span Windows Based on Gaze Data Analytics$ Continuous Prediction of Web User Visual Attention on Short Span Windows Based on Gaze Data Analytics (publicado en: SENSORS)link |
20230218$ Feb 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Jiménez Angel |
Stochastic forestry planning under market and growth uncertainty$ Stochastic forestry planning under market and growth uncertainty (publicado en: COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20230214$ Feb 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
A fire spread simulator to support tactical management decisions for Mediterranean landscapes$ A fire spread simulator to support tactical management decisions for Mediterranean landscapes (publicado en: FRONTIERS IN FORESTS AND GLOBAL CHANGE)link |
20230210$ Feb 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
A hierarchical feature selection strategy for deepfake video detection$ A hierarchical feature selection strategy for deepfake video detection (publicado en: NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS)link |
20230206$ Feb 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Analytics Saves Lives During the COVID-19 Crisis in Chile$ Analytics Saves Lives During the COVID-19 Crisis in Chile (publicado en: INFORMS JOURNAL ON APPLIED ANALYTICS)link |
20230131$ Ene 2023 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de OperacionesMarketing | Basso Leonardo Goic Marcel Sauré Denis Thraves Charles |
Forbidden induced subgraph characterization of circle graphs within split graphs$ Forbidden induced subgraph characterization of circle graphs within split graphs (publicado en: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS)link |
20221231$ Dic 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Durán Guillermo |
Artificial intelligence at the service of the health of the future$ Artificial intelligence at the service of the health of the future (publicado en: REVISTA MEDICA CLINICA LAS CONDES)link |
20221220$ Dic 2022 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Product line optimization with multiples sites$ Product line optimization with multiples sites (publicado en: COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20221215$ Dic 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Ordóñez Fernando |
Predicting student performance using sequence classification with time-based windows$ Predicting student performance using sequence classification with time-based windows (publicado en: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS)link |
20221215$ Dic 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weber Richard |
A Management and Enterprise Architecture Framework for Comprehensive Structure Design of Complex Services$ A Management and Enterprise Architecture Framework for Comprehensive Structure Design of Complex Services (publicado en: International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology)link |
20221201$ Dic 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Barros Oscar |
Private Finance of Public Infrastructure$ Private Finance of Public Infrastructure (publicado en: ANNUAL REVIEW OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICS)link |
20221130$ Nov 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Fischer Ronald |
Combining optimization and fire simulation modeling to protect biodiversity values at a landscape scale$ Combining optimization and fire simulation modeling to protect biodiversity values at a landscape scale (publicado en: Proceedings - 2022 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence, LA-CCI 2022)link |
20221123$ Nov 2022 |
Conferencia Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Towards Psychophysiological Markers for Affect-Aware Vehicles$ Towards Psychophysiological Markers for Affect-Aware Vehicles (publicado en: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems)link |
20221121$ Nov 2022 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Jiménez Angel |
Location Preferences and Slums Formation: Evidence from a Panel of Residence Histories$ Location Preferences and Slums Formation: Evidence from a Panel of Residence Histories (publicado en: REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS)link |
20221120$ Nov 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Undurraga Raimundo |
Action sequences, habits, and attention in copying strategies$ Action sequences, habits, and attention in copying strategies (publicado en: BEHAVIORAL AND BRAIN SCIENCES)link |
20221110$ Nov 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Pérez Omar |
Colorectal cancer trends in Chile: A Latin-American country with marked socioeconomic inequities$ Colorectal cancer trends in Chile: A Latin-American country with marked socioeconomic inequities (publicado en: PLOS ONE)link |
20221110$ Nov 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Mondschein Susana |
Stationary Strong Stackelberg Equilibrium in Discounted Stochastic Games$ Stationary Strong Stackelberg Equilibrium in Discounted Stochastic Games (publicado en: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL)link |
20221108$ Nov 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Ordóñez Fernando |
Improving the Efficiency of a Public Health Service by Designing Its Innovation Management Structure Based on Data Envelopment Analysis$ Improving the Efficiency of a Public Health Service by Designing Its Innovation Management Structure Based on Data Envelopment Analysis (publicado en: International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology)link |
20221102$ Nov 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Barros Oscar |
Regional inequality in multidimensional quality of employment: insights from Chile, 1996-2017$ Regional inequality in multidimensional quality of employment: insights from Chile, 1996-2017 (publicado en: |
20221013$ Oct 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | González Pablo |
IOWA Rough-Fuzzy Support Vector Data Description$ IOWA Rough-Fuzzy Support Vector Data Description (publicado en: Communications in Computer and Information Science)link |
20221005$ Oct 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weber Richard |
The past, present, and future of retail analytics: Insights from a survey of academic research and interviews with practitioners$ The past, present, and future of retail analytics: Insights from a survey of academic research and interviews with practitioners (publicado en: PRODUCTION AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT)link |
20221001$ Oct 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de OperacionesMarketing | Musalem Andrés |
Artificial Intelligence for the Future of Medicine$ Artificial Intelligence for the Future of Medicine (publicado en: Intelligent Systems Reference Library)link |
20220930$ Sep 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
The effect of dynamic lockdowns on public transport demand in times of COVID-19: Evidence from smartcard data$ The effect of dynamic lockdowns on public transport demand in times of COVID-19: Evidence from smartcard data (publicado en: TRANSPORT POLICY)link |
20220928$ Sep 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Schwartz Daniel |
Assessment of Creditworthiness Models Privacy-Preserving Training with Synthetic Data$ Assessment of Creditworthiness Models Privacy-Preserving Training with Synthetic Data (publicado en: Lecture Notes in Computer Science)link |
20220912$ Sep 2022 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
The roles of multiple channels in predicting website visits and purchases: Engagers versus closers$ The roles of multiple channels in predicting website visits and purchases: Engagers versus closers (publicado en: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MARKETING)link |
20220910$ Sep 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Goic Marcel |
Cooperatives versus traditional banks: the impact of their exclusion from the interbank market$ Cooperatives versus traditional banks: the impact of their exclusion from the interbank market (publicado en: CEPAL REVIEW)link |
20220910$ Sep 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Bergoeing Raphael |
Ambiguity drives higher-order Pavlovian learning$ Ambiguity drives higher-order Pavlovian learning (publicado en: PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY)link |
20220909$ Sep 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Pérez Omar |
The Two-Sided Game of Googol*$ The Two-Sided Game of Googol* (publicado en: JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH)link |
20220810$ Ago 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
On the Optimization of Pit Stop Strategies via Dynamic Programming$ On the Optimization of Pit Stop Strategies via Dynamic Programming (publicado en: Central European Journal of Operations Research)link |
20220809$ Ago 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Thraves Charles |
A Multiarmed Bandit Approach for House Ads Recommendations$ A Multiarmed Bandit Approach for House Ads Recommendations (publicado en: MARKETING SCIENCE)link |
20220714$ Jul 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Goic Marcel |
The Competition Complexity of Dynamic Pricing$ The Competition Complexity of Dynamic Pricing (publicado en: MATHEMATICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20220711$ Jul 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Multi-source information fusion for smart health with artificial intelligence$ Multi-source information fusion for smart health with artificial intelligence (publicado en: INFORMATION FUSION)link |
20220704$ Jul 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Improving Access and Quality in Early Childhood Development Programs: Experimental Evidence from the Gambia$ Improving Access and Quality in Early Childhood Development Programs: Experimental Evidence from the Gambia (publicado en: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CULTURAL CHANGE)link |
20220704$ Jul 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Jervis Pamela |
Colorectal cancer trends in Chile: an observational study$ Colorectal cancer trends in Chile: an observational study (publicado en: LANCET ONCOLOGY)link |
20220701$ Jul 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Mondschein Susana |
2-Nested Matrices: Towards Understanding the Structure of Circle Graphs$ 2-Nested Matrices: Towards Understanding the Structure of Circle Graphs (publicado en: GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS)link |
20220625$ Jun 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Durán Guillermo |
Neuro-semantic prediction of user decisions to contribute content to online social networks$ Neuro-semantic prediction of user decisions to contribute content to online social networks (publicado en: NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS)link |
20220622$ Jun 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Mathematical models for rescheduling Ecuador's 2020 professional football league season disrupted by COVID-19$ Mathematical models for rescheduling Ecuador's 2020 professional football league season disrupted by COVID-19 (publicado en: Society and Economy)link |
20220617$ Jun 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Durán Guillermo |
Computer Based Diagnosis of Some Chronic Diseases: A Medical Journey of the Last Two Decades$ Computer Based Diagnosis of Some Chronic Diseases: A Medical Journey of the Last Two Decades (publicado en: ARCHIVES OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING)link |
20220615$ Jun 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Identifying Food Labeling Effects on Consumer Behavior$ Identifying Food Labeling Effects on Consumer Behavior (publicado en: MARKETING SCIENCE)link |
20220610$ Jun 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Schwartz Daniel |
The diverse impacts of COVID-19 on electricity demand: The case of Chile$ The diverse impacts of COVID-19 on electricity demand: The case of Chile (publicado en: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL POWER & ENERGY SYSTEMS)link |
20220610$ Jun 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo |
Rough-Fuzzy Support Vector Clustering with OWA Operators$ Rough-Fuzzy Support Vector Clustering with OWA Operators (publicado en: NTELIGENCIA ARTIFICIAL-IBEROAMERICAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE)link |
20220608$ Jun 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weber Richard |
Optimal Item Pricing in Online Combinatorial Auctions$ Optimal Item Pricing in Online Combinatorial Auctions (publicado en: MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING)link |
20220527$ May 2022 |
Capítulos de Libros | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Service Design to Balance Waiting Time and Infection Risk: An Application for Elections During the COVID-19 Pandemic$ Service Design to Balance Waiting Time and Infection Risk: An Application for Elections During the COVID-19 Pandemic (publicado en: SERVICE SCIENCE)link |
20220518$ May 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
The effect of economic incentives and cooperation messages on user participation in crowdsourced public transport technologies$ The effect of economic incentives and cooperation messages on user participation in crowdsourced public transport technologies (publicado en: TRANSPORTATION)link |
20220518$ May 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Schwartz Daniel |
Dealing with uncertain surgery times in operating room scheduling$ Dealing with uncertain surgery times in operating room scheduling (publicado en: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH)link |
20220516$ May 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Mondschein Susana |
GRaNN: feature selection with golden ratio-aided neural network for emotion, gender and speaker identification from voice signals$ GRaNN: feature selection with golden ratio-aided neural network for emotion, gender and speaker identification from voice signals (publicado en: NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS)link |
20220508$ May 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Subsampling of cues in associative learning$ Subsampling of cues in associative learning (publicado en: LEARNING & MEMORY)link |
20220429$ Abr 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Pérez Omar |
On the unit interval number of certain graphs$ On the unit interval number of certain graphs (publicado en: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS)link |
20220422$ Abr 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Durán Guillermo |
SARS-COV-2 IgG positivity in vaccinated and non-vaccinated Chilean children: a national cross-sectional study in schools$ SARS-COV-2 IgG positivity in vaccinated and non-vaccinated Chilean children: a national cross-sectional study in schools (publicado en: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES)link |
20220419$ Abr 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo Sauré Denis |
Introducing MACEDA: New micro-data on an indigenous self-determination conflict$ Introducing MACEDA: New micro-data on an indigenous self-determination conflict (publicado en: JOURNAL OF PEACE RESEARCH)link |
20220412$ Abr 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Corvalán Alejandro |
The path towards herd immunity: Predicting COVID-19 vaccination uptake through results from a stated choice study across six continents$ The path towards herd immunity: Predicting COVID-19 vaccination uptake through results from a stated choice study across six continents (publicado en: SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE)link |
20220412$ Abr 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo |
Wellbeing of School Communities in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study in Chilean Low-SES Schools$ Wellbeing of School Communities in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study in Chilean Low-SES Schools (publicado en: FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY)link |
20220410$ Abr 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Jervis Pamela |
Multidimensional political apportionment$ Multidimensional political apportionment (publicado en: PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA)link |
20220408$ Abr 2022 |
Artículo de Investigación | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Service Design to Balance Waiting Time and Infection Risk: An Application for Elections During the COVID-19 Pandemic$ Service Design to Balance Waiting Time and Infection Risk: An Application for Elections During the COVID-19 Pandemic (publicado en: SERVICE SCIENCE)link |
20220318$ Mar 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Schwartz Daniel |
Service Design to Balance Waiting Time and Infection Risk: An Application for Elections During the COVID-19 Pandemic$ Service Design to Balance Waiting Time and Infection Risk: An Application for Elections During the COVID-19 Pandemic (publicado en: SERVICE SCIENCE)link |
20220318$ Mar 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Mondschein Susana Ordóñez Fernando |
Fuzzy ensemble of deep learning models using choquet fuzzy integral, coalition game and information theory for breast cancer histology classification$ Fuzzy ensemble of deep learning models using choquet fuzzy integral, coalition game and information theory for breast cancer histology classification (publicado en: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS)link |
20220315$ Mar 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Drainage area maximization in unconventional hydrocarbon fields with integer linear programming techniques$ Drainage area maximization in unconventional hydrocarbon fields with integer linear programming techniques (publicado en: ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20220315$ Mar 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Durán Guillermo |
Replacing quarantine of COVID-19 contacts with periodic testing is also effective in mitigating the risk of transmission$ Replacing quarantine of COVID-19 contacts with periodic testing is also effective in mitigating the risk of transmission (publicado en: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS)link |
20220307$ Mar 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Mondschein Susana |
On a Variation of Two-part Tariff Pricing of Services: A Data-Driven Approach$ On a Variation of Two-part Tariff Pricing of Services: A Data-Driven Approach (publicado en: Informs Pubs on line)link |
20220201$ Feb 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Thraves Charles |
The Effectiveness of Triggered Email Marketing in Addressing Browse Abandonments$ The Effectiveness of Triggered Email Marketing in Addressing Browse Abandonments (publicado en: JOURNAL OF INTERACTIVE MARKETING)link |
20220131$ Ene 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Goic Marcel |
The Social Divide of Social Distancing: Shelter-in-Place Behavior in Santiago During the Covid-19 Pandemic$ The Social Divide of Social Distancing: Shelter-in-Place Behavior in Santiago During the Covid-19 Pandemic (publicado en: MANAGEMENT SCIENCE)link |
20220121$ Ene 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de OperacionesMarketing | Basso Leonardo Goic Marcel |
Dynamic IgG seropositivity after rollout of CoronaVac and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccines in Chile: a sentinel surveillance study$ Dynamic IgG seropositivity after rollout of CoronaVac and BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccines in Chile: a sentinel surveillance study (publicado en: LANCET INFECTIOUS DISEASES)link |
20220114$ Ene 2022 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo Sauré Denis |
School Choice in Chile$ School Choice in Chile (publicado en: OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20211229$ Dic 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José Epstein Rafael Escobar Juan |
On the Price of Anarchy for Flows over Time$ On the Price of Anarchy for Flows over Time (publicado en: MATHEMATICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20211222$ Dic 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
The Development of Positive Attributes of Character: On the Embodiment of Specificity, Holism, and Self-System Processes$ The Development of Positive Attributes of Character: On the Embodiment of Specificity, Holism, and Self-System Processes (publicado en: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT)link |
20211220$ Dic 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Jervis Pamela |
Prophet Inequalities for Independent and Identically Distributed Random Variables from an Unknown Distribution$ Prophet Inequalities for Independent and Identically Distributed Random Variables from an Unknown Distribution (publicado en: MATHEMATICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20211220$ Dic 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Wealth inequality and the political economy of financial and labour regulations$ Wealth inequality and the political economy of financial and labour regulations (publicado en: JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS)link |
20211208$ Dic 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Fischer Ronald |
Public transport and urban structure$ Public transport and urban structure (publicado en: ECONOMICS OF TRANSPORTATION)link |
20211203$ Dic 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo |
Delegating learning$ Delegating learning (publicado en: THEORETICAL ECONOMICS)link |
20211201$ Dic 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Escobar Juan |
Lockdowns lose one third of their impact on mobility in a month$ Lockdowns lose one third of their impact on mobility in a month (publicado en: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS)link |
20211122$ Nov 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Musalem Andrés |
Cell2Fire: A Cell-Based Forest Fire Growth Model to Support Strategic Landscape Management Planning$ Cell2Fire: A Cell-Based Forest Fire Growth Model to Support Strategic Landscape Management Planning (publicado en: FRONTIERS IN FORESTS AND GLOBAL CHANGE)link |
20211116$ Nov 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Are non-contingent incentives more effective in motivating new behavior? Evidence from the field$ Are non-contingent incentives more effective in motivating new behavior? Evidence from the field (publicado en: GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR)link |
20211115$ Nov 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Schwartz Daniel |
Proportional Apportionment: A Case Study from the Chilean Constitutional Convention$ Proportional Apportionment: A Case Study from the Chilean Constitutional Convention (publicado en: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series)link |
20211104$ Nov 2021 |
Conferencia Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
On the Resource Allocation for Political Campaigns$ On the Resource Allocation for Political Campaigns (publicado en: Production and Operations Management )link |
20211101$ Nov 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Thraves Charles |
Stochastic forestry harvest planning under soil compaction conditions$ Stochastic forestry harvest planning under soil compaction conditions (publicado en: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT)link |
20211015$ Oct 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Fairness and Bias in Online Selection$ Fairness and Bias in Online Selection (publicado en: Proceedings of Machine Learning Research)link |
20211010$ Oct 2021 |
Conferencia Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Scheduling the Main Professional Football League of Argentina$ Scheduling the Main Professional Football League of Argentina (publicado en: INFORMS JOURNAL ON APPLIED ANALYTICS)link |
20210924$ Sep 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Sauré Denis |
Scheduling the Main Professional Football League of Argentina$ Scheduling the Main Professional Football League of Argentina (publicado en: INFORMS JOURNAL ON APPLIED ANALYTICS) |
20210924$ Sep 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Durán Guillermo |
Insuring large stakes: A normative and descriptive analysis of households' flood insurance coverage$ Insuring large stakes: A normative and descriptive analysis of households' flood insurance coverage (publicado en: JOURNAL OF RISK AND INSURANCE)link |
20210923$ Sep 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Schwartz Daniel |
Does maternal mental health and maternal stress affect preschoolers¿ behavioral symptoms?$ Does maternal mental health and maternal stress affect preschoolers¿ behavioral symptoms? (publicado en: CHILDREN-BASEL)link |
20210916$ Sep 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Jervis Pamela |
The Ways of Corruption in Infrastructure: Lessons from the Odebrecht Case$ The Ways of Corruption in Infrastructure: Lessons from the Odebrecht Case (publicado en: JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES)link |
20210915$ Sep 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Fischer Ronald |
Optimal Revenue Guarantees for Pricing in Large Markets$ Optimal Revenue Guarantees for Pricing in Large Markets (publicado en: Lecture Notes in Computer Science)link |
20210914$ Sep 2021 |
Capítulos de Libros | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
On the asymptotic behavior of the expectation of the maximum of i.i.d. random variables$ On the asymptotic behavior of the expectation of the maximum of i.i.d. random variables (publicado en: OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS)link |
20210910$ Sep 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Castigo reputacional por una acusacion sin fundamento atribuible al incumplimiento de normas medioambientales. Caso valle nevado.$ Castigo reputacional por una acusación sin fundamento atribuible al incumplimiento de normas medioambientales. Caso valle |
20210901$ Sep 2021 |
Artículo Nacional | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
The effect of correlation and false negatives in pool testing strategies for COVID-19$ The effect of correlation and false negatives in pool testing strategies for COVID-19 (publicado en: HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT SCIENCE)link |
20210828$ Ago 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo Sauré Denis Thraves Charles |
Sequential Shortest Path Interdiction with Incomplete Information and Limited Feedback$ Sequential Shortest Path Interdiction with Incomplete Information and Limited Feedback (publicado en: DECISION ANALYSIS)link |
20210819$ Ago 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Sauré Denis |
Demand analysis and capacity management for hospital emergencies using advanced forecasting models and stochastic simulation$ Demand analysis and capacity management for hospital emergencies using advanced forecasting models and stochastic simulation (publicado en: OPERATIONS RESEARCH PERSPECTIVES)link |
20210818$ Ago 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de DatosGestión de Operaciones | Barros Oscar Weber Richard |
Adaptive open-pit mining planning under geological uncertainty$ Adaptive open-pit mining planning under geological uncertainty (publicado en: RESOURCES POLICY)link |
20210810$ Ago 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Sauré Denis |
Consumer Surplus Under Demand Uncertainty$ Consumer Surplus Under Demand Uncertaintylink |
20210809$ Ago 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Thraves Charles |
Exploring the multidimensional effects of human activity and land cover on fire occurrence for territorial planning$ Exploring the multidimensional effects of human activity and land cover on fire occurrence for territorial planning (publicado en: JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT)link |
20210807$ Ago 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Bi-Level Prediction Model for Screening COVID-19 Patients Using Chest X-Ray Images$ Bi-Level Prediction Model for Screening COVID-19 Patients Using Chest X-Ray Images (publicado en: BIG DATA RESEARCH)link |
20210715$ Jul 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Enhancing the International Study of Positive Youth Development: Process, Specificity, and The Sample Case of Character Virtues$ Enhancing the International Study of Positive Youth Development: Process, Specificity, and The Sample Case of Character Virtues (publicado en: JOURNAL OF YOUTH DEVELOPMENT)link |
20210714$ Jul 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Jervis Pamela |
Attitudes toward Health Systems Financing in Chile$ Attitudes toward Health Systems Financing in Chile (publicado en: |
20210624$ Jun 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | González Pablo |
Trends and predictors of birth weight in Chilean children$ Trends and predictors of birth weight in Chilean children (publicado en: PUBLIC HEALTH)link |
20210621$ Jun 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Mondschein Susana |
Coordinating resources in Stackelberg Security Games$ Coordinating resources in Stackelberg Security Games (publicado en: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH)link |
20210616$ Jun 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Ordóñez Fernando |
A practical approach for curbing congestion and air pollution: Driving restrictions with toll and vintage exemptions$ A practical approach for curbing congestion and air pollution: Driving restrictions with toll and vintage exemptions (publicado en: TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE)link |
20210608$ Jun 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo |
Non-Intrusive Assessment of COVID-19 Lockdown Follow-Up and Impact Using Credit Card Information: Case Study in Chile$ Non-Intrusive Assessment of COVID-19 Lockdown Follow-Up and Impact Using Credit Card Information: Case Study in Chile (publicado en: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH)link |
20210521$ May 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de DatosMarketing | Goic Marcel Ríos Sebastián |
Drivers of customer satisfaction in the grocery retail industry: A longitudinal analysis across store formats$ Drivers of customer satisfaction in the grocery retail industry: A longitudinal analysis across store formats (publicado en: JOURNAL OF RETAILING AND CONSUMER SERVICES)link |
20210520$ May 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Goic Marcel |
Aspiration adaptation in resource-constrained environments$ Aspiration adaptation in resource-constrained environments (publicado en: JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS)link |
20210510$ May 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Undurraga Raimundo |
Editorial letter special issue "Business Analytics - Emerging Trends and Challenges$ Editorial letter special issue "Business Analytics - Emerging Trends and Challenges" (publicado en: INFORMATION SCIENCES)link |
20210510$ May 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weber Richard |
Planificacion y priorizacion ex ante de la inversion publica en los paises andinos$ Planificación y priorización ex ante de la inversión pública en los países andinos (publicado en: Banco Interamericano del Desarrollo)link |
20210503$ May 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión | Andrian Leandro Gaston Armendariz Edna Contreras Eduardo Hirs Jorge |
A Multidimensional Approach to Measuring Quality of Employment (QoE) Deprivation in Six Central American Countries$ A Multidimensional Approach to Measuring Quality of Employment (QoE) Deprivation in Six Central American Countrieslink |
20210429$ Abr 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | González Pablo |
Sistema de puntuacion de alerta temprana de descompensacion basado en percentiles para pacientes pediatricos hospitalizados$ Sistema de puntuación de alerta temprana de descompensación basado en percentiles para pacientes pediátricos hospitalizados (publicado en: INGENIARE. REVISTA CHILENA DE INGENIERIA)link |
20210425$ Abr 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Detection of COVID-19 from CT scan images: A spiking neural network-based approach$ Detection of COVID-19 from CT scan images: A spiking neural network-based approach (publicado en: NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS)link |
20210416$ Abr 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
The secretary problem with independent sampling$ The secretary problem with independent sampling (publicado en: Proceedings of the Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms)link |
20210321$ Mar 2021 |
Simposio Anual | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Opting-in to prosocial incentives$ Opting-in to prosocial incentives (publicado en: ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR AND HUMAN DECISION PROCESSES)link |
20210320$ Mar 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Schwartz Daniel |
Network Pricing: How to Induce Optimal Flows Under Strategic Link$ Network Pricing: How to Induce Optimal Flows Under Strategic Link (publicado en: OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20210312$ Mar 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Posted Price Mechanisms and Optimal Threshold Strategies for Random Arrivals$ Posted Price Mechanisms and Optimal Threshold Strategies for Random Arrivals (publicado en: MATHEMATICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20210311$ Mar 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Long-Term Behavior of Dynamic Equilibria in Fluid Networks$ Long-Term Behavior of Dynamic Equilibria in Fluid Networks (publicado en: OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20210302$ Mar 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Coalition formation in collaborative production and transportation with competing firms$ Coalition formation in collaborative production and transportation with competing firms (publicado en: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH)link |
20210301$ Mar 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo Weintraub, Andrés |
Analysis of public policy formulation and its effect on the technical and professional work of the community psychologist: A case study$ Analysis of public policy formulation and its effect on the technical and professional work of the community psychologist: A case study (publicado en: JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY PSYCHOLOGY)link |
20210130$ Ene 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Habilidades Profesionales | Martin María Pía |
Efficient referee assignment in Argentinean professional basketball leagues using operations research methods$ Efficient referee assignment in Argentinean professional basketball leagues using operations research methods (publicado en: ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20210123$ Ene 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Durán Guillermo |
Social and Individual Subjective Wellbeing and Capabilities in Chile$ Social and Individual Subjective Wellbeing and Capabilities in Chilelink |
20210117$ Ene 2021 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | González Pablo |
COVID-19: Short-term forecast of ICU beds in times of crisis$ COVID-19: Short-term forecast of ICU beds in times of crisis (publicado en: PLOS ONE)link |
20210113$ Ene 2021 |
Artículo de Investigación | Gestión de OperacionesMarketing | Basso Leonardo Goic Marcel |
Scheduling Multiple Sports Leagues with Travel Distance Fairness: An Application to Argentinean Youth Football$ Scheduling Multiple Sports Leagues with Travel Distance Fairness: An Application to Argentinean Youth Football (publicado en: INTERFACES)link |
20201218$ Dic 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Durán Guillermo |
Accounting for cost heterogeneity on the demand in the context of a technician dispatching problem$ Accounting for cost heterogeneity on the demand in the context of a technician dispatching problem (publicado en: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH)link |
20201216$ Dic 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Goic Marcel Weintraub, Andrés |
Neighborhood covering and independence on P4\documentclass[12pt]-tidy graphs and tree-cographs$ Neighborhood covering and independence on P4\documentclass[12pt]-tidy graphs and tree-cographs (publicado en: ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20201215$ Dic 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Durán Guillermo |
Integrating relations and criminal background to identifying key individuals in crime networks$ Integrating relations and criminal background to identifying key individuals in crime networks (publicado en: DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS)link |
20201215$ Dic 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weber Richard |
Kefuri: A novel technological tool for increasing organ donation in chile$ Kefuri: A novel technological tool for increasing organ donation in chile (publicado en: Proceedings - 2020 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, WI-IAT 2020)link |
20201214$ Dic 2020 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
A Parallelized Variable Fixing Process for Solving Multistage Stochastic Programs with Progressive Hedging$ A Parallelized Variable Fixing Process for Solving Multistage Stochastic Programs with Progressive Hedging (publicado en: ADVANCES IN OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20201212$ Dic 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Group Sessions or Home Visits for Early Childhood Development in India: A Cluster RCT$ Group Sessions or Home Visits for Early Childhood Development in India: A Cluster RCT (publicado en: PEDIATRICS)link |
20201201$ Dic 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Jervis Pamela |
Operating room scheduling under waiting time constraints: the Chilean GES plan$ Operating room scheduling under waiting time constraints: the Chilean GES plan (publicado en: ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20201201$ Dic 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Mondschein Susana |
When Consumers Learn, Money Burns: Signaling Quality via Advertising with Observational Learning and Word of Mouth$ When Consumers Learn, Money Burns: Signaling Quality via Advertising with Observational Learning and Word of Mouth (publicado en: MARKETING SCIENCE)link |
20201006$ Oct 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Musalem Andrés |
Performance guarantees of local search for minsum scheduling problems$ Performance guarantees of local search for minsum scheduling problems (publicado en: MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING)link |
20200930$ Sep 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Mejorando el acceso a la banca: evidencia de Kenia Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti , Robert Cull , Jun "QJ" Qian , Lemma Senbet , Patricio Valenzuela$ Mejorando el acceso a la banca: evidencia de Kenia Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti , Robert Cull , Jun "QJ" Qian , Lemma Senbet , Patricio Valenzuela (publicado en: Revisión de Finanzas)link |
20200930$ Sep 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Methodologically grounded semantic analysis of large volume of chilean medical literature data applied to the analysis of medical research funding efficiency in Chile$ Methodologically grounded semantic analysis of large volume of chilean medical literature data applied to the analysis of medical research funding efficiency in Chile (publicado en: JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SEMANTICS)link |
20200929$ Sep 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Gender bias in the Chilean public health system: Do we all wait the same?$ Gender bias in the Chilean public health system: Do we all wait the same? (publicado en: PLOS ONE)link |
20200924$ Sep 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Mondschein Susana |
A methodological framework to incorporate psychophysiological indicators into transportation modeling$ A methodological framework to incorporate psychophysiological indicators into transportation modeling (publicado en: TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES)link |
20200921$ Sep 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Jiménez Angel |
A framework for adaptive open-pit mining planning under geological uncertainty$ A framework for adaptive open-pit mining planning under geological uncertainty (publicado en: OPTIMIZATION AND ENGINEERING)link |
20200911$ Sep 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Sauré Denis |
“The gender gap in college major choice in Chile”$ “The gender gap in college major choice in Chile” (publicado en: Economics of Education Review 77)link |
20200831$ Ago 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Catalina Canals Mizala Alejandra Paola Bordon |
Evidence-based mapping of the wildland-urban interface to better identify human communities threatened by wildfires$ Evidence-based mapping of the wildland-urban interface to better identify human communities threatened by wildfires (publicado en: ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS)link |
20200827$ Ago 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Prophet secretary through blind strategies$ Prophet secretary through blind strategies (publicado en: MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING)link |
20200803$ Ago 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
On some graph classes related to perfect graphs: A survey$ On some graph classes related to perfect graphs: A survey (publicado en: DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS)link |
20200715$ Jul 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Durán Guillermo |
Sports scheduling and other topics in sports analytics: a survey with special reference to Latin America$ Sports scheduling and other topics in sports analytics: a survey with special reference to Latin America (publicado en: TOP)link |
20200713$ Jul 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Durán Guillermo |
Balancing Agent Retention and Waiting Time in Service Platforms$ Balancing Agent Retention and Waiting Time in Service Platforms (publicado en: OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20200713$ Jul 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Musalem Andrés |
The Value of Observability in Dynamic Pricing$ The Value of Observability in Dynamic Pricing (publicado en: EC 2020 - Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation)link |
20200710$ Jul 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Components of attentional effort for repeated tasks$ Components of attentional effort for repeated tasks (publicado en: JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL DECISION MAKING)link |
20200706$ Jul 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Musalem Andrés |
Analysis of child policy frames in Chile (2014-2018)$ Analysis of child policy frames in Chile (2014-2018) (publicado en: PAPERS-REVISTA DE SOCIOLOGIA)link |
20200701$ Jul 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Habilidades Profesionales | Martin María Pía |
Learning in Combinatorial Optimization: What and How to Explore$ Learning in Combinatorial Optimization: What and How to Explore (publicado en: OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20200619$ Jun 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Sauré Denis |
From Reliability to Resilience: Planning the Grid Against the Extremes$ From Reliability to Resilience: Planning the Grid Against the Extremes (publicado en: IEEE POWER & ENERGY MAGAZINE )link |
20200618$ Jun 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Ordóñez Fernando |
Optimizing leaf sweeping and collection in the Argentine city of Trenque Lauquen$ Optimizing leaf sweeping and collection in the Argentine city of Trenque Lauquen (publicado en: WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH)link |
20200526$ May 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Durán Guillermo |
Simultaneous feature selection and heterogeneity control for SVM classification: An application to mental workload assessment$ Simultaneous feature selection and heterogeneity control for SVM classification: An application to mental workload assessment (publicado en: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS)link |
20200401$ Abr 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Jiménez Angel |
Retail in High Definition: Monitoring Customer Assistance Through Video Analytics$ Retail in High Definition: Monitoring Customer Assistance Through Video Analytics (publicado en: M&SOM-MANUFACTURING & SERVICE OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT)link |
20200330$ Mar 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Musalem Andrés |
The Quality of Employment (QoE) in nine Latin American countries: A multidimensional perspective$ The Quality of Employment (QoE) in nine Latin American countries: A multidimensional perspective (publicado en: |
20200330$ Mar 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | González Pablo |
Comercio minorista en alta definicion: supervision de la asistencia al cliente mediante analisis de video. Andres Musalem , Marcelo Olivares , Ariel Schilkrut$ Comercio minorista en alta definición: supervisión de la asistencia al cliente mediante análisis de vídeo. Andrés Musalem , Marcelo Olivares , Ariel Schilkrut (publicado en: Informs)link |
20200330$ Mar 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Musalem Andrés Olivares Marcelo |
Identifying Optimal Portfolios of Resilient Network Investments Against Natural Hazards, With Applications to Earthquakes$ Identifying Optimal Portfolios of Resilient Network Investments Against Natural Hazards, With Applications to Earthquakes (publicado en: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS)link |
20200327$ Mar 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Ordóñez Fernando |
Informal rules and the center of government: childhood policy reform under Chilean presidentialism (2014-2018)$ Informal rules and the center of government: childhood policy reform under Chilean presidentialism (2014-2018) (publicado en: Revista Española de Ciencia Política-RECP)link |
20200320$ Mar 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Habilidades Profesionales | Martin María Pía |
The importance of flow composition in real-time crash prediction$ The importance of flow composition in real-time crash prediction (publicado en: ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION)link |
20200315$ Mar 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo |
Employing online social networks in precision-medicine approach using information fusion predictive model to improve substance use surveillance: A lesson from Twitter and marijuana consumption$ Employing online social networks in precision-medicine approach using information fusion predictive model to improve substance use surveillance: A lesson from Twitter and marijuana consumption (publicado en: INFORMATION FUSION)link |
20200310$ Mar 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
A process architecture pattern and its application to designing health services: emergency case$ A process architecture pattern and its application to designing health services: emergency case (publicado en: BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT JOURNAL)link |
20200305$ Mar 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Barros Oscar |
Editorial: Computational Social Science as the ultimate Web Intelligence$ Editorial: Computational Social Science as the ultimate Web Intelligence (publicado en: WORLD WIDE WEB-INTERNET AND WEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS)link |
20200304$ Mar 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Balanced training of a hybrid ensemble method for imbalanced datasets: a case of emergency department readmission prediction$ Balanced training of a hybrid ensemble method for imbalanced datasets: a case of emergency department readmission prediction (publicado en: NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS)link |
20200301$ Mar 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
On Bilevel Optimization with Inexact Follower$ On Bilevel Optimization with Inexact Follower (publicado en: DECISION ANALYSIS)link |
20200219$ Feb 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Sauré Denis |
A Progressive Hedging Approach to Solve Harvest Scheduling Problem under Climate Change$ A Progressive Hedging Approach to Solve Harvest Scheduling Problem under Climate Change (publicado en: FORESTS)link |
20200217$ Feb 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
A mixed integer programming approach for multi-action planning for threat management$ A mixed integer programming approach for multi-action planning for threat management (publicado en: ECOLOGICAL MODELLING)link |
20200215$ Feb 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Trends and predictors of gestational diabetes mellitus in Chile$ Trends and predictors of gestational diabetes mellitus in Chile (publicado en: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GYNECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS)link |
20200201$ Feb 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Mondschein Susana |
Credit scoring using three-way decisions with probabilistic rough sets$ Credit scoring using three-way decisions with probabilistic rough sets (publicado en: INFORMATION SCIENCES)link |
20200128$ Ene 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weber Richard |
Computational Intelligence in Remote Sensing: An Editorial$ Computational Intelligence in Remote Sensing: An Editorial (publicado en: SENSORS)link |
20200123$ Ene 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
A software to prevent delirium in hospitalised older adults: development and feasibility assessment$ A software to prevent delirium in hospitalised older adults: development and feasibility assessment (publicado en: AGE AND AGEING)link |
20200120$ Ene 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
A non-negative matrix factorization approach to update communities in temporal networks using node features$ A non-negative matrix factorization approach to update communities in temporal networks using node features (publicado en: Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, ASONAM 2019)link |
20200115$ Ene 2020 |
Conferencia Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weber Richard |
A novel approach to detect associations in criminal networks$ A novel approach to detect associations in criminal networks (publicado en: DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS)link |
20200110$ Ene 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weber Richard |
Servicios de asesoramiento empresarial y empleo femenino en un contexto institucional extremo$ Servicios de asesoramiento empresarial y empleo femenino en un contexto institucional extremo (publicado en: Britisch Journfal of Management)link |
20200102$ Ene 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
¿Por que la investigacion empirica es buena para la gestion de operaciones y que es una buena gestion de operaciones empiricas? Marshall Fisher, Brad Staats, Marcelo Olivares$ ¿Por qué la investigación empírica es buena para la gestión de operaciones y qué es una buena gestión de operaciones empíricas? Marshall Fisher, Brad Staats, Marcelo Olivares (publicado en: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS))link |
20200101$ Ene 2020 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Olivares Marcelo |
Setting up standards: A methodological proposal for pediatric Triage machine learning model construction based on clinical outcomes$ Setting up standards: A methodological proposal for pediatric Triage machine learning model construction based on clinical outcomes (publicado en: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS)link |
20191230$ Dic 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Analisis de la eficiencia tecnica escolar en Chile de los establecimientos financiados por el Estado, incorporando sus recursos financieros$ Análisis de la eficiencia técnica escolar en Chile de los establecimientos financiados por el Estado, incorporando sus recursos financieroslink |
20191228$ Dic 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | González Pablo |
Protocol invariance and the timing of decisions in dynamic games$ Protocol invariance and the timing of decisions in dynamic gameslink |
20191220$ Dic 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Escobar Juan |
Efficient algorithms to match GPS data on a map$ Efficient algorithms to match GPS data on a map (publicado en: International Journal of Operational Research)link |
20191210$ Dic 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Ordóñez Fernando |
On dealing with strategic and tactical decision levels in forestry planning under uncertainty$ On dealing with strategic and tactical decision levels in forestry planning under uncertainty (publicado en: COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20191106$ Nov 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
A study of general and security Stackelberg game formulations$ A study of general and security Stackelberg game formulations (publicado en: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH)link |
20191101$ Nov 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Ordóñez Fernando |
An integer programming method for the design of multi-criteria multi-action conservation plans$ An integer programming method for the design of multi-criteria multi-action conservation plans (publicado en: OMEGA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE)link |
20191017$ Oct 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
The Inefficiency of Nash and Subgame Perfect Equilibria for Network Routing$ The Inefficiency of Nash and Subgame Perfect Equilibria for Network Routing (publicado en: MATHEMATICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20190910$ Sep 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
The efficiency of bus rapid transit (BRT) systems: A dynamic congestion approach$ The efficiency of bus rapid transit (BRT) systems: A dynamic congestion approach (publicado en: TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL)link |
20190910$ Sep 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo |
Optimizing the pipeline planning system at the national oil company$ Optimizing the pipeline planning system at the national oil company (publicado en: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH)link |
20190901$ Sep 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Neural and statistical predictors for time to readmission in emergency departments: A case study$ Neural and statistical predictors for time to readmission in emergency departments: A case study (publicado en: NEUROCOMPUTING)link |
20190818$ Ago 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Improving service in an emergency department by designing the health production flow$ Improving service in an emergency department by designing the health production flow (publicado en: HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT RESEARCH)link |
20190705$ Jul 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Barros Oscar |
Foro OM: una revision de la gestion de operaciones empiricas durante las dos ultimas decadas. Christian Terwiesch , Marcelo Olivares , Bradley R. Staats , Vishal Gaur$ Foro OM: una revisión de la gestión de operaciones empíricas durante las dos últimas décadas. Christian Terwiesch , Marcelo Olivares , Bradley R. Staats , Vishal Gaur (publicado en: Informs)link |
20190619$ Jun 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Olivares Marcelo |
School choice in Chile$ School choice in Chile (publicado en: ACM EC 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation)link |
20190617$ Jun 2019 |
Conferencia Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José Epstein Rafael Escobar Juan |
Prophet inequalities for I.I.D. random variables from an unknown distribution$ Prophet inequalities for I.I.D. random variables from an unknown distribution (publicado en: ACM EC 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation)link |
20190617$ Jun 2019 |
Conferencia Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
On the Price of Anarchy for flows over time$ On the Price of Anarchy for flows over time (publicado en: ACM EC 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation)link |
20190617$ Jun 2019 |
Conferencia Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Scheduling Argentina's professional basketball leagues: A variation on the Travelling Tournament Problem$ Scheduling Argentina's professional basketball leagues: A variation on the Travelling Tournament Problem (publicado en: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH)link |
20190616$ Jun 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Durán Guillermo |
Controles de capital y costo de la deuda Eugenia Andreasen ,Martin Schindler y Patricio Valenzuela$ Controles de capital y costo de la deuda Eugenia Andreasen ,Martin Schindler y Patricio Valenzuela (publicado en: Revisión Económica del FMI)link |
20190515$ May 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
An analytics approach to the FIFA ranking procedure and the World Cup final draw$ An analytics approach to the FIFA ranking procedure and the World Cup final draw (publicado en: ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20190510$ May 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Durán Guillermo Sauré Denis |
On the harm from mergers in input markets$ On the harm from mergers in input markets (publicado en: ECONOMICS LETTERS)link |
20190510$ May 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo |
The interplay between intrinsic motivation, financial incentives and nudges in sustainable consumption$ The interplay between intrinsic motivation, financial incentives and nudges in sustainable consumption (publicado en: A Research Agenda for Economic Psychology)link |
20190429$ Abr 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Schwartz Daniel |
Machine Learning Readmission Risk Modeling: A Pediatric Case Study$ Machine Learning Readmission Risk Modeling: A Pediatric Case Study (publicado en: BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL)link |
20190415$ Abr 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
The two-sided game of googol and sample-based prophet inequalities$ The two-sided game of googol and sample-based prophet inequalities (publicado en: Proceedings of the Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms)link |
20190413$ Abr 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
¿Agregar inventario aumenta las ventas? Evidencia de un efecto de escasez en las concesionarias de automoviles de Estados Unidos, Santiago Gallino, Gerard Cachon, Marcelo Olivares$ ¿Agregar inventario aumenta las ventas? Evidencia de un efecto de escasez en las concesionarias de automóviles de Estados Unidos, Santiago Gallino, Gerard Cachon, Marcelo Olivares (publicado en: Informs)link |
20190412$ Abr 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Olivares Marcelo |
Ellipsoidal Methods for Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis$ Ellipsoidal Methods for Adaptive Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis (publicado en: OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20190318$ Mar 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Sauré Denis |
Promoting quality education in Chile: the politics of reforming teacher careers$ Promoting quality education in Chile: the politics of reforming teacher careers (publicado en: Journal of Educational Policy, 35(4): 529-555)link |
20190315$ Mar 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Ben Schneider Mizala Alejandra |
El nexo desigualdad-credito. Ronald Fischer, Diego Huerta, Patricio Valenzuelaa$ El nexo desigualdad-crédito. Ronald Fischer, Diego Huerta, Patricio Valenzuelaa (publicado en: Journal of International Money and Finance Volume 91)link |
20190315$ Mar 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Fischer Ronald Valenzuela, Patricio |
Prophet secretary through blind strategies$ Prophet secretary through blind strategies (publicado en: Proceedings of the Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms)link |
20190312$ Mar 2019 |
Capítulos de Libros | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Fifty years of Transportation Research journals: A bibliometric overview$ Fifty years of Transportation Research journals: A bibliometric overview (publicado en: TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE )link |
20190220$ Feb 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weber Richard |
Cournot competition in networked markets$ Cournot competition in networked markets (publicado en: MANAGEMENT SCIENCE)link |
20190219$ Feb 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaGestión de Operaciones | Ilkilic Rahmi |
Sequential Interdiction with Incomplete Information and Learning$ Sequential Interdiction with Incomplete Information and Learning (publicado en: OPERATIONS RESEARCH)link |
20190201$ Feb 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Sauré Denis |
Semantically enhanced network analysis for influencer identification in online social networks$ Semantically enhanced network analysis for influencer identification in online social networks (publicado en: NEUROCOMPUTING)link |
20190131$ Ene 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Equilibrium refinements for the network formation game$ Equilibrium refinements for the network formation game (publicado en: REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DESIGN)link |
20190122$ Ene 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Ilkilic Rahmi |
Effects of asymmetric information on airport congestion management mechanisms$ Effects of asymmetric information on airport congestion management mechanisms (publicado en: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION)link |
20190118$ Ene 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Basso Leonardo |
Overlapping community detection in static and dynamic social networks$ Overlapping community detection in static and dynamic social networks (publicado en: WSDM 2019 - Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining)link |
20190115$ Ene 2019 |
Conferencia Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weber Richard |
Mental Workload Assessment in Smartphone Multitasking Users: A Feature Selection Approach using Physiological and Simulated Data$ Mental Workload Assessment in Smartphone Multitasking Users: A Feature Selection Approach using Physiological and Simulated Data (publicado en: Proceedings - 2018 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2018)link |
20190113$ Ene 2019 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Jiménez Angel |
Soft budgets and endogenous renegotiations in transport PPPs: An equilibrium analysis$ Soft budgets and endogenous renegotiations in transport PPPs: An equilibrium analysis (publicado en: ECONOMICS OF TRANSPORTATION)link |
20190111$ Ene 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Fischer Ronald |
Network congestion games are robust to variable demand$ Network congestion games are robust to variable demand (publicado en: TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART B-METHODOLOGICAL)link |
20190105$ Ene 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
From pricing to prophets, and back!$ From pricing to prophets, and back! (publicado en: OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS)link |
20190103$ Ene 2019 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
A Plagiarism Detection Engine for Images in Docode$ A Plagiarism Detection Engine for Images in Docode (publicado en: Proceedings - 2018 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2018)link |
20181201$ Dic 2018 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Dynamic effects of price promotions: field evidence, consumer search, and supply-side implications Andres Elberg, Pedro M. Gardete, Rosario Macera, Carlos Noton$ Dynamic effects of price promotions: field evidence, consumer search, and supply-side implications Andres Elberg, Pedro M. Gardete, Rosario Macera, Carlos Noton (publicado en: Quantitative Marketing and Economics )link |
20181004$ Oct 2018 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Noton Carlos |
A Dynamic Clustering Approach to Data-Driven Assortment Personalization$ A Dynamic Clustering Approach to Data-Driven Assortment Personalization (publicado en: MANAGEMENT SCIENCE)link |
20180905$ Sep 2018 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Sauré Denis |
School Closure and Educational Attainment: Evidence from a Market-based System$ School Closure and Educational Attainment: Evidence from a Market-based System (publicado en: Economics of Education Review 65:1-17)link |
20180830$ Ago 2018 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Daniel Hojman Mizala Alejandra Nicolás Grau |
A survey on obstacles and difficulties of practical implementation of horizontal collaboration in logistics$ A survey on obstacles and difficulties of practical implementation of horizontal collaboration in logistics (publicado en: INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH)link |
20180724$ Jul 2018 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
WI 2018 Preface$ WI 2018 Preface (publicado en: Proceedings - 2018 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2018)link |
20180603$ Jun 2018 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
¿ALTERAN LAS FINANZAS LA RELACION ENTRE DESIGUALDAD Y CRECIMIENTO? Matias Braun, Francisco Parro, Patricio Valenzuela$ ¿ALTERAN LAS FINANZAS LA RELACIÓN ENTRE DESIGUALDAD Y CRECIMIENTO? Matías Braun, Francisco Parro, Patricio Valenzuela (publicado en: Economics Inpuiry)link |
20180419$ Abr 2018 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
A multicriteria stochastic optimization framework for sustainable forest decision making under uncertainty$ A multicriteria stochastic optimization framework for sustainable forest decision making under uncertainty (publicado en: FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS)link |
20180413$ Abr 2018 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
The half-life of happiness: Hedonic adaptation in the subjective well-being of poor slum dwellers to the satisfaction of basic housing needs$ The half-life of happiness: Hedonic adaptation in the subjective well-being of poor slum dwellers to the satisfaction of basic housing needs (publicado en: JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION)link |
20180110$ Ene 2018 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Undurraga Raimundo |
Detecting inefficiently managed categories in a retail store$ Detecting inefficiently managed categories in a retail store (publicado en: JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY)link |
20171221$ Dic 2017 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Bosch Máximo |
Primer Congreso Internacional de Evaluacion de Proyectos$ Primer Congreso Internacional de Evaluación de Proyectoslink |
20171120$ Nov 2017 |
Conferencia Internacional | Políticas Públicas | Contreras Eduardo |
Means-Tested School Vouchers and Educational Achievement: Evidence from Chile’s Universal Voucher System$ Means-Tested School Vouchers and Educational Achievement: Evidence from Chile’s Universal Voucher System (publicado en: ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 674:163-183)link |
20171030$ Oct 2017 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Florencia Torche Mizala Alejandra |
The heterogeneous level of life quality across Chilean regions$ The heterogeneous level of life quality across Chilean regions (publicado en: Habitat International)link |
20171006$ Oct 2017 |
Artículo Internacional | Políticas Públicas | González Pablo |
Pensar y disenar proyectos en el mundo actual: un taller para estudiantes de Ingenieria. G. Held y G. Suarez$ Pensar y diseñar proyectos en el mundo actual: un taller para estudiantes de Ingeniería. G. Held y G. Suárez (publicado en: Sociedad Chilena de Educación en Ingeniería)link |
20171001$ Oct 2017 |
Documentos de trabajo | Gestión | Held Gastón |
Design of the emergnecy service production in a public hospital$ Design of the emergnecy service production in a public hospital (publicado en: ResearchGate)link |
20170901$ Sep 2017 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Barros Oscar |
Voluntariado juvenil: Factores de permanencia en experiencias de intervencion en infancia, Carlos Andrade G., Sara Arancibia C., Maria Cristina Cardenas y Eduardo Contreras$ Voluntariado juvenil: Factores de permanencia en experiencias de intervención en infancia, Carlos Andrade G., Sara Arancibia C., María Cristina Cárdenas y Eduardo Contreras (publicado en: Universidad de Zulia - Repositorio Académico)link |
20170308$ Mar 2017 |
Artículo Internacional | Políticas Públicas | Contreras Eduardo |
Means Tested School Vouchers and Educational Achievement: Evidence from Chile’s Universal Voucher System. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 674:163-183, 2017, Alejandra Mizala with F. Torche$ Means Tested School Vouchers and Educational Achievement: Evidence from Chile’s Universal Voucher System. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 674:163-183, 2017, Alejandra Mizala with F. Torche (publicado en: ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science)link |
20170102$ Ene 2017 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaPolíticas Públicas | Mizala Alejandra |
School Closure and Educational Attainment: Evidence from a Market-based System. Economics of Education Review 65, 2017:1-17, Alejandra Mizala with N. Grau and D. Hojman$ School Closure and Educational Attainment: Evidence from a Market-based System. Economics of Education Review 65, 2017:1-17, Alejandra Mizala with N. Grau and D. Hojman (publicado en: Economics of Education Review 65, 2017:1-17)link |
20170102$ Ene 2017 |
Artículo Internacional | Educación | Mizala Alejandra |
Control de admision a la UCI: un estudio empirico de la asignacion de capacidad y su implicacion para los resultados de los pacientes. Kim, Song-Hee; Chan, Carri ; Olivares, Marcelo ; Escobar, Gabriel J.$ Control de admisión a la UCI: un estudio empírico de la asignación de capacidad y su implicación para los resultados de los pacientes. Kim, Song-Hee; Chan, Carri ; Olivares, Marcelo ; Escobar, Gabriel J. (publicado en: Revista Society of Critical Care Medicine)link |
20161010$ Oct 2016 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Olivares Marcelo |
Asociacion entre la congestion de la UCI, la decision de admision a la UCI y los resultados del paciente. Kim, Song-Hee , Chan, Carri W. , Olivares, Marcelo, Escobar, Gabriel$ Asociación entre la congestión de la UCI, la decisión de admisión a la UCI y los resultados del paciente. Kim, Song-Hee , Chan, Carri W. , Olivares, Marcelo, Escobar, Gabriel (publicado en: Revista Society of Critical Care Medicine)link |
20161010$ Oct 2016 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Olivares Marcelo |
Guia general para la gestion de residuos solidos domiciliarios. Rondon Toro, Estefani ; Szanto Narea, Marcel ; Pacheco, Juan Francisco ; Contreras, Eduardo ; Galvez, Alejandro$ Guía general para la gestión de residuos sólidos domiciliarios. Rondón Toro, Estefani ; Szantó Narea, Marcel ; Pacheco, Juan Francisco ; Contreras, Eduardo ; Gálvez, Alejandro (publicado en: Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe)link |
20160701$ Jul 2016 |
Libros | Contreras Eduardo | |
Desde el cobre a la innovacion: Roadmap tecnologico 2015 - 2035$ "Desde el cobre a la innovación: Roadmap tecnológico 2015 - 2035" |
20160516$ May 2016 |
Libros | Economía | |
Motivating with Simple Contracts", Juan Escobar y Carlos Pulgar$ "Motivating with Simple Contracts", Juan Escobar y Carlos Pulgarbajar |
20160516$ May 2016 |
Documentos de trabajo | Economía | Escobar Juan |
Environmental Collapse and Institutional Restructuring: The Sanitary Crisis in the Chilean Salmon Industry, Michiko Iizuka y Juan Pablo Zanlungo$ Environmental Collapse and Institutional Restructuring: The Sanitary Crisis in the Chilean Salmon Industry, Michiko Iizuka y Juan Pablo Zanlungobajar |
20160502$ May 2016 |
Capítulos de Libros | Gestión | |
Gone with the wind, demographic transitions and domestic saving", Eduardo Cavallo, Gabriel Sanchez y Patricio Valenzuela$ "Gone with the wind, demographic transitions and domestic saving", Eduardo Cavallo, Gabriel Sánchez y Patricio Valenzuelabajar |
20160407$ Abr 2016 |
Documentos de trabajo | Economía | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Depreciacion e impuestos: ¿Que cambia con la reforma tributaria?", Eduardo Contreras$ "Depreciación e impuestos: ¿Qué cambia con la reforma tributaria?", Eduardo Contreras (publicado en: Ministerio de Desarrollo Social)bajar |
20160401$ Abr 2016 |
Artículo Nacional | Finanzas | Contreras Eduardo |
Measuring the Relative Pay of School Teachers in Latin America 1997-2007$ Measuring the Relative Pay of School Teachers in Latin America 1997-2007 (publicado en: International Journal of Educational Development 47: 20-32)link |
20160330$ Mar 2016 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Hugo Ñopo Mizala Alejandra |
The Whole is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts: Complementary Reforms to Address Microeconomic Distortions$ The Whole is Greater than the Sum of Its Parts: Complementary Reforms to Address Microeconomic Distortions (publicado en: WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW )link |
20160302$ Mar 2016 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Bergoeing Raphael |
Measuring the Relative Pay of School Teachers in Latin America 1997-2007 . International Journal of Educational Development 47, 2016: 20-32, Alejandra Mizala with H. Nopo.$ Measuring the Relative Pay of School Teachers in Latin America 1997-2007 . International Journal of Educational Development 47, 2016: 20-32, Alejandra Mizala with H. Ñopo. (publicado en: International Journal of Educational Development 47, 2016: 20-32)link |
20160301$ Mar 2016 |
Artículo Internacional | EducaciónPolíticas Públicas | Mizala Alejandra |
Apertura financiera, desarrollo financiero nacional y calificaciones crediticias. Eugenia Andreasen, Patricio Valenzuelab$ Apertura financiera, desarrollo financiero nacional y calificaciones crediticias. Eugenia Andreasen, Patricio Valenzuelab (publicado en: Finance Research Letters)link |
20160201$ Feb 2016 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Eye-Tracking Reveals Processes that Enable Conjoint Choices to Become Increasingly Efficient with Practice (lead article)$ Eye-Tracking Reveals Processes that Enable Conjoint Choices to Become Increasingly Efficient with Practice (lead article) (publicado en: Journal of Marketing Research, Martin Meißner, Andres Musalem and Joel Huber)link |
20160201$ Feb 2016 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Musalem Andrés |
The Joy of Flying, Efficient Airport PPP Contracts", Eduardo Engel, Ronald Fischer y Alexander Galetovic$ "The Joy of Flying, Efficient Airport PPP Contracts", Eduardo Engel, Ronald Fischer y Alexander Galetovic (publicado en: Documento de Trabajo CEA)bajar |
20160114$ Ene 2016 |
Documentos de trabajo | Economía | Fischer Ronald |
About opportunism in business: from legitimate benefit to kairospathy$ About opportunism in business: from legitimate benefit to kairospathy (publicado en: Social Science Research Network, Noviembre 2015)link |
20151102$ Nov 2015 |
Artículo Internacional | RSE | Wigodski Teodoro |
Colaboracion publico-privada: reforma del sistema concesional espanol de autopistas de peaje", Eduardo Engel, Ronald Fischer, Alexander Galetovic y Gines de Rus$ "Colaboración público-privada: reforma del sistema concesional español de autopistas de peaje", Eduardo Engel, Ronald Fischer, Alexander Galetovic y Ginés de Rus (publicado en: Documentos de Trabajo CEA)bajar |
20151023$ Oct 2015 |
Artículo Nacional | Economía | |
On the welfare cost of bank concentration", Sofia Bauducco y Alexandre Janiak$ "On the welfare cost of bank concentration", Sofía Bauducco y Alexandre Janiak (publicado en: Documento de Trabajo CEA)bajar |
20151013$ Oct 2015 |
Documentos de trabajo | Economía | |
Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) Evolucion, Presente y Tendencias. Teodoro Wigodski (publicado en: Trabajo realizado por los alumnos Fernando Nowajewski, Alberto Perez, y Emilia Schlesinger, para el curso IN 4839-1 de la carrera de Ingenieria Civil Industrial con la orientacion y supervision del Profesor)$ "Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) Evolución, Presente y Tendencias. Teodoro Wigodski (publicado en: Trabajo realizado por los alumnos Fernando Nowajewski, Alberto Pérez, y Emilia Schlesinger, para el curso IN 4839-1 de la carrera de Ingenieria Civil Industrial con la orientación y supervisión del Profesor)bajar |
20151002$ Oct 2015 |
Documentos de trabajo | RSE | Wigodski Teodoro |
A Semantic Framework for Continuous U-health Services Provisioning. Matias Echeverria, Angel Jimenez Molina, Sebastian A. Rios$ A Semantic Framework for Continuous U-health Services Provisioning. Matias Echeverria, Angel Jiménez Molina, Sebastián A. Ríos (publicado en: Procedia Computer Science Volume 60, 2015, Pages 603–612)link |
20150901$ Sep 2015 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
A web-based platform for automated diabetic retinopathy screening . Jose Tomas Arenas-Cavallia, Sebastian A. Rios, Mariano Pola, Rodrigo Donoso$ A web-based platform for automated diabetic retinopathy screening . José Tomás Arenas-Cavallia, Sebastián A. Ríos, Mariano Pola, Rodrigo Donoso (publicado en: Procedia Computer Science Volume 60, 2015, Pages 557–563)link |
20150901$ Sep 2015 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Comentarios sobre la reforma de transmision electrica, Jacques Clerc$ Comentarios sobre la reforma de transmisión eléctrica, Jacques Clerc (publicado en: Puntos de Referencia, Centro de Estudios Públicos)bajar |
20150901$ Sep 2015 |
Artículo Nacional | Economía | |
Pre-service Elementary School Teachers’ Expectations about Student Performance: How their Beliefs are affected by their Mathematics Anxiety and Student’s Gender$ Pre-service Elementary School Teachers’ Expectations about Student Performance: How their Beliefs are affected by their Mathematics Anxiety and Student’s Gender (publicado en: Teaching and Teacher Education 50: 70-78)link |
20150831$ Ago 2015 |
Artículo Internacional | Educación | Francisco Martínez Mizala Alejandra Salomé Martínez |
Pre-service Elementary School Teachers .Expectations about Student Performance: How their Beliefs are affected by their Mathematics Anxiety and Student’s Gender”. Teaching and Teacher Education 50, 2015: 70-78, Alejandra Mizala, S. Martinez y F. Martinez$ Pre-service Elementary School Teachers .Expectations about Student Performance: How their Beliefs are affected by their Mathematics Anxiety and Student’s Gender”. Teaching and Teacher Education 50, 2015: 70-78, Alejandra Mizala, S. Martinez y F. Martinez (publicado en: Teaching and Teacher Education 50, 2015: 70-78)link |
20150801$ Ago 2015 |
Artículo Internacional | EducaciónPolíticas Públicas | Mizala Alejandra |
Intermediated Corruption$ Intermediated Corruption (publicado en: International Economic Review)link |
20150801$ Ago 2015 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Dusha, Elton |
Soft Budgets and Renegotiations in Public-Private Partnerships: Theory and Evidence", Eduardo Engel, Ronald Fischer y Alexander Galetovic$ "Soft Budgets and Renegotiations in Public-Private Partnerships: Theory and Evidence", Eduardo Engel, Ronald Fischer y Alexander Galetovic (publicado en: Documentos de Trabajo CEA) |
20150724$ Jul 2015 |
Documentos de trabajo | Economía | Fischer Ronald |
Financial Openness, Domestic Financial Development and Credit Ratings", Eugenia Andreasen y Patricio Valenzuela$ "Financial Openness, Domestic Financial Development and Credit Ratings", Eugenia Andreasen y Patricio Valenzuela (publicado en: Serie Economía)bajar |
20150701$ Jul 2015 |
Documentos de trabajo | Economía | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Brief history of systems analysis in forest resources , B. Bruce Bare , AndresWeintraub$ Brief history of systems analysis in forest resources , B. Bruce Bare , AndresWeintraub (publicado en: Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015)bajar |
20150617$ Jun 2015 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Riesgo de refinanciacion y diferenciales crediticios: evidencia de bonos corporativos internacionales$ Riesgo de refinanciación y diferenciales crediticios: evidencia de bonos corporativos internacionales (publicado en: Review of Finance , Volumen 20, Número 2, )link |
20150611$ Jun 2015 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Neural Networks for Emotion Recognition Based on Eye Tracking Data.Claudio Aracena, Sebastian Basterrech y, Vaclav Snašely, and Juan Velasquez$ Neural Networks for Emotion Recognition Based on Eye Tracking Data.Claudio Aracena, Sebastián Basterrech y, Václav Snášely, and Juan Velásquez (publicado en: Proceedings of IEEE SMC 2015 Conference, part SMC2015-C17. to appear 2015)bajar |
20150601$ Jun 2015 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Eye tracking and EEG features for salient Web object identification Gino Slanzi, Claudio Aracena, and Juan D. Velasquez$ Eye tracking and EEG features for salient Web object identification Gino Slanzi, Claudio Aracena, and Juan D. Velásquez (publicado en: Proceeedings Brain Informatics and Health Conference, to appear 2015)bajar |
20150601$ Jun 2015 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Opinion Mining and Information Fusion: A Survey Jorge A. Balazs, Juan D. Velasquez$ Opinion Mining and Information Fusion: A Survey Jorge A. Balazs, Juan D. Velasquezbajar |
20150601$ Jun 2015 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
DOCODE 3.0 (DOcument COpy DEtector): A system for plagiarism detection by applying an information fusion process from multiple documental data sources. Juan D. Velasqueza, Yerko Covacevicha, Francisco Molinaa, Edison Marrese-Taylora, Cristian Rodrigueza, Felipe Bravo-Marquezb$ DOCODE 3.0 (DOcument COpy DEtector): A system for plagiarism detection by applying an information fusion process from multiple documental data sources. Juan D. Velásqueza, Yerko Covacevicha, Francisco Molinaa, Edison Marrese-Taylora, Cristián Rodrígueza, Felipe Bravo-Marquezb (publicado en: Information Fusion)bajar |
20150501$ May 2015 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Combining Eye Tracking and Pupillary Dilation Analysis to Identify Website Key Objects. Pablo Loyolaa, Gustavo Martineza, Kristofher Mu~nozb, Juan D. Velasqueza, Pedro Maldonadoc, Andres Couvec$ Combining Eye Tracking and Pupillary Dilation Analysis to Identify Website Key Objects. Pablo Loyolaa, Gustavo Martineza, Kristofher Mu~nozb, Juan D. Velasqueza, Pedro Maldonadoc, Andres Couvec (publicado en: Neurocomputing)bajar |
20150501$ May 2015 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Sobre el oportunismo en los negocios: del beneficio legitimo a la kairospatia - Teodoro Wigodski.$ Sobre el oportunismo en los negocios: del beneficio legítimo a la kairospatía - Teodoro Wigodski. (publicado en: J. Carlos Saez Editor) |
20150420$ Abr 2015 |
Libros | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
Minimum coverage regulation in insurance markets, Daniel McFadden, Carlos Noton, Pau Olivella$ Minimum coverage regulation in insurance markets, Daniel McFadden, Carlos Noton, Pau Olivella (publicado en: SERIEs DOI 10.1007/s13209-015-0126-1)bajar |
20150416$ Abr 2015 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Noton Carlos |
Sobre el oportunismo en los negocios$ Sobre el oportunismo en los negocioslink |
20150401$ Abr 2015 |
Libros | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
Cooperation Dynamics in Repeated Games of Adverse Selection, Juan Escobar y Gaston Llanes$ Cooperation Dynamics in Repeated Games of Adverse Selection, Juan Escobar y Gastón Llanes (publicado en: Documento de Trabajo CEA)bajar |
20150331$ Mar 2015 |
Artículo Nacional | Economía | Escobar Juan |
Diseno y Evaluacion de Proyectos, un enfoque integrado$ Diseño y Evaluación de Proyectos, un enfoque integrado (publicado en: J C Sáez Editor) |
20150324$ Mar 2015 |
Libros | Gestión | Contreras Eduardo Diez Christian |
Pre-service Elementary School Teachers Expectations About Student Performance, Francisco Martinez, Salome Martinez y Alejandra Mizala$ Pre-service Elementary School Teachers Expectations About Student Performance, Francisco Martínez, Salome Martínez y Alejandra Mizala (publicado en: Documento de Trabajo CEA)bajar |
20150317$ Mar 2015 |
Artículo Nacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Todos hacemos el DII, historia del Centro de Estudiantes de Ingenieria Industrial$ Todos hacemos el DII, historia del Centro de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Industrialbajar |
20150303$ Mar 2015 |
Artículo Nacional | ||
A mixed integer programming model to evaluate integrating strategies in the forest value chain — a case study in the Chilean forest industry. Juan Troncoso, Sophie D’Amours, Patrik Flisberg, Mikael Ronnqvist, and Andres Weintraub$ A mixed integer programming model to evaluate integrating strategies in the forest value chain — a case study in the Chilean forest industry. Juan Troncoso, Sophie D’Amours, Patrik Flisberg, Mikael Rönnqvist, and Andrés Weintraub (publicado en: NRC)link |
20150302$ Mar 2015 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
When demand projections are too optimistic: A structural model of product line and pricing decisions$ When demand projections are too optimistic: A structural model of product line and pricing decisions (publicado en: Social Science Research Network, Andrés Musalem)link |
20150228$ Feb 2015 |
Working Paper | EconomíaMarketing | Musalem Andrés |
Capital Controls and the Cost of Debt$ Capital Controls and the Cost of Debt (publicado en: Documentos de Trabajo CEA)bajar |
20150120$ Ene 2015 |
Artículo Nacional | Valenzuela, Patricio | |
Can a non-binding minimum wage reduce wages and employment?$ Can a non-binding minimum wage reduce wages and employment?bajar |
20150107$ Ene 2015 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Janiak, Alexandre |
Heterogeneidad en los resultados de gestion de Centros de Salud Familiar de la Region Metropolitana mediante un metodo multicriterio. Eduardo Contreras, Francisca Vidal, Sara Arancibia y Antonio Infante$ Heterogeneidad en los resultados de gestión de Centros de Salud Familiar de la Región Metropolitana mediante un método multicriterio. Eduardo Contreras, Francisca Vidal, Sara Arancibia y Antonio Infante (publicado en: Revista Chilena de Salud Pública)bajar |
20150000$ Dic 2015 |
Artículo Nacional | Gestión | Contreras Eduardo |
On the size of home bias. Carlos Noton$ On the size of home bias. Carlos Notonbajar |
20141001$ Oct 2014 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Noton Carlos |
A Benchmark on Automatic Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening Algorithms in Children. Lili Erazo, Sebastian A. Rios$ A Benchmark on Automatic Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening Algorithms in Children. Lili Erazo, Sebastián A. Ríos (publicado en: Procedia Computer Science Volume 35, 2014, Pages 739–746)link |
20140913$ Sep 2014 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Generating Groups of Products Using Graph Mining Techniques. Sebastian A. Rios, Ivan F. Videla-Cavieres$ Generating Groups of Products Using Graph Mining Techniques. Sebastián A. Ríos, Ivan F. Videla-Cavieres (publicado en: Procedia Computer Science Volume 35, 2014, Pages 730–738)link |
20140913$ Sep 2014 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Co creacion para la innovacion: un caso en el sector publico chileno$ Co creación para la innovación: un caso en el sector público chileno (publicado en: Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemas)bajar |
20140901$ Sep 2014 |
Artículo Nacional | Gestión | Contreras Eduardo Waissbluth Mario |
El rol de las Tecnologias de Informacion en la co-creacion de innovaciones: el caso de la salud primaria en Chile$ El rol de las Tecnologías de Información en la co-creación de innovaciones: el caso de la salud primaria en Chile (publicado en: Revista WOBI)bajar |
20140829$ Ago 2014 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de DatosGestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Economia de las asociaciones publico-privadas: Una guia basica. Ronald Fischer, Eduardo Engel y Alexander Galetovic$ Economía de las asociaciones publico-privadas: Una guía básica. Ronald Fischer, Eduardo Engel y Alexander Galetovic |
20140826$ Ago 2014 |
Libros | Economía | Fischer Ronald |
Structural Models of Complementary Choices$ Structural Models of Complementary Choices (publicado en: Marketing Letters, Steve Berry, Ahmed Khwaja, Vineet Kumar, Andres Musalem, Ken Wilbur, Greg Allenby, Bharat Anand, Pradeep Chintagunta, Michael Hanemann, Przemek Jeziorski and Angelo Mele)link |
20140801$ Ago 2014 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaMarketing | Musalem Andrés |
Essential equilibria of large generalized games$ Essential equilibria of large generalized games (publicado en: ECONOMIC THEORY)link |
20140603$ Jun 2014 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Correa Sofía |
Model risk and the implications for risk management, macroprudential policy, and financial regulations. Jon Danielsson, Kevin James, Marcela Valenzuela, Ilknur Zer$ Model risk and the implications for risk management, macroprudential policy, and financial regulations. Jon Danielsson, Kevin James, Marcela Valenzuela, Ilknur Zer (publicado en: VOX - Research-based policy analysis and commentary from leading economists)link |
20140601$ Jun 2014 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Marcela |
Stochastic Optimization Models in Forest Planning- A Progressive Hedging Approach. Fernando Badilla Veliz · Jean-PaulWatson · AndresWeintraub · Roger J.-B. Wets · David L. Woodruff$ Stochastic Optimization Models in Forest Planning- A Progressive Hedging Approach. Fernando Badilla Veliz · Jean-PaulWatson · AndresWeintraub · Roger J.-B. Wets · David L. Woodruff (publicado en: Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014)bajar |
20140505$ May 2014 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
A novel approach for comparing web sites by using MicroGenres. Kudelka, Milos y Snasel, Vaclav and Horak, Zdenek and Ella Hassanien, Aboul and Abraham, Ajith and Velasquez, Juan D ,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence ,vol. 35 ,pp. 187-198 ,2014.$ A novel approach for comparing web sites by using MicroGenres. Kudelka, Milos y Snasel, Vaclav and Horak, Zdenek and Ella Hassanien, Aboul and Abraham, Ajith and Velásquez, Juan D ,Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence ,vol. 35 ,pp. 187-198 ,2014. (publicado en: Science Direct)link |
20140501$ May 2014 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
A novel deterministic approach for aspect-based opinion mining in tourism products reviews. Marrese-Taylor, Edison, Velasquez, Juan y Bravo-Marquez, Felipe$ A novel deterministic approach for aspect-based opinion mining in tourism products reviews. Marrese-Taylor, Edison, Velásquez, Juan y Bravo-Marquez, Felipe (publicado en: Expert Systems with Applications ,vol. 41 ,num. 17 ,pp. 7764-7775 ,2014)link |
20140501$ May 2014 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Reflexiones sobre el modelo crecimiento, desigualdad y prosperidad en la economia global. Raphael Bergoeing$ Reflexiones sobre el modelo crecimiento, desigualdad y prosperidad en la economía global. Raphael Bergoeing (publicado en: Centro de Estudios Públicos - CEP)bajar |
20140501$ May 2014 |
Artículo Nacional | Economía | Bergoeing Raphael |
Word of mouth bias and optimal communication strategies.$ Word of mouth bias and optimal communication strategies. (publicado en: Social Science Research Network, Yogesh V. Joshi and Andrés Musalem)link |
20140401$ Abr 2014 |
Working Paper | EconomíaMarketing | Musalem Andrés |
Branch-and-price-and-constraint-programming-for-solving-a-real-life-technician-dispatching-problem. Cristian E. Cortes, Michel Gendreau, Louis Martin Rousseau, Sebastian Souyris , Andres Weintraub$ Branch-and-price-and-constraint-programming-for-solving-a-real-life-technician-dispatching-problem. Cristián E. Cortés, Michel Gendreau, Louis Martin Rousseau, Sebastián Souyris , Andrés Weintraub (publicado en: European Journal of Operational Research)bajar |
20140313$ Mar 2014 |
Publicación ISI | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Opening the black box of social capital formation. Valdivieso, Patricio ; Villena, Benjamin.$ Opening the black box of social capital formation. Valdivieso, Patricio ; Villena, Benjamín. (publicado en: American Political Science Review, 108(1), pp 121-143, February)link |
20140203$ Feb 2014 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Villena Roldán, Benjamín |
Negotiating Education Reform: Teacher Evaluations and Incentives in Chile (1990-2010)$ Negotiating Education Reform: Teacher Evaluations and Incentives in Chile (1990-2010) (publicado en: Governance vol 27(1): 87-109)link |
20140130$ Ene 2014 |
Artículo Internacional | EducaciónPolíticas Públicas | Ben Ross Schneider Mizala Alejandra |
The optimal rotation of a flammable forest stand when both carbon sequestration and timber are valued a multi-criteria approach. Luis Diaz-Balteiro • David L. Martell • Carlos Romero • Andre´s Weintraub$ The optimal rotation of a flammable forest stand when both carbon sequestration and timber are valued a multi-criteria approach. Luis Diaz-Balteiro • David L. Martell • Carlos Romero • Andre´s Weintraub (publicado en: Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht)bajar |
20140103$ Ene 2014 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Assessing the extent of democratic failures. A 99% condorcet’s jury theorem. Matteo Triossi$ Assessing the extent of democratic failures. A 99% condorcet’s jury theorem. Matteo Triossi (publicado en: Documento de Trabajo CEA)bajarlink |
20140103$ Ene 2014 |
Working Paper | Economía | Triossi, Matteo |
Negotiating education reform: teacher evaluations and incentives in Chile (1990-2010). B. Schneider, A. Mizala$ Negotiating education reform: teacher evaluations and incentives in Chile (1990-2010). B. Schneider, A. Mizala (publicado en: Governance vol 27(1): 87-109, 2014)link |
20140101$ Ene 2014 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Identifying user sessions from web server logs with integer programming. Pablo E. Roman, Robert F. Dell, Juan D. Velasquez, Pablo S. Loyola$ Identifying user sessions from web server logs with integer programming. Pablo E. Román, Robert F. Dell, Juan D. Velásquez, Pablo S. Loyola (publicado en: Intelligent Data Analysis , vol. 18, num. 1 , pp. 43-61 ,2014)link |
20140101$ Ene 2014 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Caso Lan Airlines: integrando tres estrategias de negocios. Teodoro Wigodski y Jerko Juretic$ Caso Lan Airlines: integrando tres estrategias de negocios. Teodoro Wigodski y Jerko Jureticbajar |
20131231$ Dic 2013 |
Documentos de trabajo | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
Banking competition and economic stabilit. Ronald Fischer, N. Inostroza, F. J. Ramirez$ Banking competition and economic stabilit. Ronald Fischer, N. Inostroza, F. J. Ramírezbajar |
20131205$ Dic 2013 |
Working Paper | Economía | Fischer Ronald |
Learning how to smile: can rational learning explain the predictable dynamics in the implied volatility surface. Alejandro Bernales y Massimo Guidolin$ Learning how to smile: can rational learning explain the predictable dynamics in the implied volatility surface. Alejandro Bernales y Massimo Guidolinlink |
20131201$ Dic 2013 |
Working Paper | EconomíaFinanzas | Bernales, Alejandro |
Algorithmic and high frequency trading in dynamic limit order markets. Alejandro Bernales y Joseph Daoud$ Algorithmic and high frequency trading in dynamic limit order markets. Alejandro Bernales y Joseph Daoudlink |
20131201$ Dic 2013 |
Working Paper | EconomíaFinanzas | Bernales, Alejandro |
A model for content generation in on-line social network. Sebastian Rios$ A model for content generation in on-line social network. Sebastián Ríos (publicado en: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications EbookVolume 243: Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems)link |
20131201$ Dic 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Structural estimation of price adjustment costs in the European car market. Carlos Noton$ Structural estimation of price adjustment costs in the European car market. Carlos Notonbajar |
20131106$ Nov 2013 |
Working Paper | Economía | Noton Carlos |
¿Techos soberanos "lite"? El impacto de las calificaciones soberanas en las calificaciones corporativas Los enlaces de autor abren el panel de superposicion, Eduardo Borensztein, Kevin Cowan, Patricio Valenzuelac$ ¿Techos soberanos "lite"? El impacto de las calificaciones soberanas en las calificaciones corporativas Los enlaces de autor abren el panel de superposición, Eduardo Borensztein, Kevin Cowan, Patricio Valenzuelac (publicado en: Journal of Banking & Finance)link |
20131102$ Nov 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Thinly Traded Securities and Risk Management . Alejandro Bernales, Diether W. Beuermann y Gonzalo Cortazar$ Thinly Traded Securities and Risk Management . Alejandro Bernales, Diether W. Beuermann y Gonzalo Cortazar (publicado en: Forthcoming Estudios de Economía)bajarlink |
20131101$ Nov 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Bernales, Alejandro |
A new dissimilarity measure for online social networks moderation. Sebastian A. Rios, Roberto A. Silva$ A new dissimilarity measure for online social networks moderation. Sebastián A. Ríos, Roberto A. Silva (publicado en: Journal Web Intelligence and Agent Systems - Web Intelligence and Communities Volume 11 Issue 4)link |
20131004$ Oct 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
A neurology-inspired model of web usage. Pablo E. Roman, Juan D. Velasquez.$ A neurology-inspired model of web usage. Pablo E. Román, Juan D. Velásquez. (publicado en: Neurocomputing ,vol. 131, num. 0, pp. 300-311 , 2014.)bajar |
20131001$ Oct 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
The african financial development and financial inclusion gaps. Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Robert Cull, Jun "QJ" Qian, Lemma Senbet y Patricio Valenzuela$ The african financial development and financial inclusion gaps. Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Robert Cull, Jun "QJ" Qian, Lemma Senbet y Patricio Valenzuela (publicado en: Forthcoming Journal of African Economies)bajar |
20130930$ Sep 2013 |
Working Paper | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Extending market basket analysis with graph mining techniques: A real case. Ivan F. Videla-Cavieres, Sebastian A. Rios$ Extending market basket analysis with graph mining techniques: A real case. Ivan F. Videla-Cavieres, Sebastián A. Ríos (publicado en: Expert Systems with Applications Volume 41, Issue 4, Part 2, March 2014, Pages 1928–1936)link |
20130905$ Sep 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Revealing bargaining power through actual wholesale prices. Carlos Noton, Andres Elberg$ Revealing bargaining power through actual wholesale prices. Carlos Noton, Andrés Elbergbajar |
20130826$ Ago 2013 |
Working Paper | Economía | Noton Carlos |
Financial openness, market structure and private credit: an empirical investigation. Ronald Fischer y Patricio Valenzuela$ Financial openness, market structure and private credit: an empirical investigation. Ronald Fischer y Patricio Valenzuelabajar |
20130802$ Ago 2013 |
Working Paper | Economía | Fischer Ronald Valenzuela, Patricio |
Measuring the Effect of Waiting Time on Customer Purchases$ Measuring the Effect of Waiting Time on Customer Purchases (publicado en: Management Science, Yina Lu, Andres Musalem, Marcelo Olivares and Ariel Schilkrut)link |
20130801$ Ago 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de OperacionesMarketing | Musalem Andrés Olivares Marcelo |
Detecting trends on the web: a multidisciplinary approach. R. Fernandez , Juan Velasquez, Gaston L`Huillier$ Detecting trends on the web: a multidisciplinary approach. R. Fernández , Juan Velásquez, Gastón L`Huillier (publicado en: Information Fusion, vol. 20 , num. 0, pp. 129 - 135 , 2014.)bajar |
20130801$ Ago 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Identifying web sessions with simulated annealing. Tomas Arcea, Pablo E. Roman, Juan Velasquez, Victor Parada$ Identifying web sessions with simulated annealing. Tomás Arcea, Pablo E. Román, Juan Velásquez, Víctor Parada (publicado en: Expert Systems with Applications 41 (2014) 1593–1600)bajar |
20130801$ Ago 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Rollover risk and corporate bond spreads. Patricio Valenzuela$ Rollover risk and corporate bond spreads. Patricio Valenzuelabajar |
20130801$ Ago 2013 |
Working Paper | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Asignacion de recursos a hospitales: ¿Como promover la mejora de servicios y la eficiencia". Oscar Barros, Ismael Aguilera$ Asignación de recursos a hospitales: ¿Cómo promover la mejora de servicios y la eficiencia". Oscar Barros, Ismael Aguilerabajar |
20130801$ Ago 2013 |
Working Paper | Gestión | Barros Oscar |
Imposing Connectivity Constraints in Forest Planning Models. Rodolfo Carvajal, Miguel Constantino, Marcos Goycolea, Juan Pablo Vielma, Andres Weintraub$ Imposing Connectivity Constraints in Forest Planning Models. Rodolfo Carvajal, Miguel Constantino, Marcos Goycolea, Juan Pablo Vielma, Andrés Weintraub (publicado en: INFORMS, 2013)link |
20130731$ Jul 2013 |
Publicación ISI | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
School markets: The impact of information approximating schools effectiveness$ School markets: The impact of information approximating schools effectiveness (publicado en: Journal of Development Economics 103: 313-335)link |
20130730$ Jul 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Miguel Urquiola Mizala Alejandra |
School markets: the impact of information approximating schools’ effectiveness. M. Urquiola, A. Mizala$ School markets: the impact of information approximating schools’ effectiveness. M. Urquiola, A. Mizala (publicado en: Journal of Development Economics 103:313-335, 2013.)link |
20130701$ Jul 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Does finance accelerate or retard growth? Theory and evidence forthcoming global citizen foundation, in towards a better global economy: Policy implications for citizens worldwide in the 21st Century. Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Jun Qian y Patricio Valenzuela$ Does finance accelerate or retard growth? Theory and evidence forthcoming global citizen foundation, in towards a better global economy: Policy implications for citizens worldwide in the 21st Century. Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Jun Qian y Patricio Valenzuela (publicado en: Oxford University Press)link |
20130601$ Jun 2013 |
Capítulos de Libros | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Financial liberalization, market structure and credit penetration. Felipe Balmaceda, Ronald Fischer, Felipe J. Ramirez$ Financial liberalization, market structure and credit penetration. Felipe Balmaceda, Ronald Fischer, Felipe J. Ramírez (publicado en: Journal of Financial Intermediation)bajarlink |
20130601$ Jun 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Balmaceda, Felipe Fischer Ronald |
Desarrollo de modelos de precios para el sector horticola en Chile. Jose Pizarro, Cristian Bravo, Eduardo Contreras ,Teodoro Rivas$ Desarrollo de modelos de precios para el sector hortícola en Chile. José Pizarro, Cristián Bravo, Eduardo Contreras ,Teodoro Rivas bajar |
20130522$ May 2013 |
Artículo Nacional | Finanzas | Contreras Eduardo |
An approach for efficient ship routing.Gonzalo Romero, Guillermo Duran, Javier Marenco, Andres Weintraub$ An approach for efficient ship routing.Gonzalo Romero, Guillermo Durán, Javier Marenco, Andres Weintraub (publicado en: INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS INOPERATIONAL RESEARCH) |
20130402$ Abr 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Trust in cohesive communities. Felipe Balmaceda y Juan F. Escobar$ Trust in cohesive communities. Felipe Balmaceda y Juan F. Escobarbajar |
20130402$ Abr 2013 |
Working Paper | Economía | Balmaceda, Felipe Escobar Juan |
Mathematical models for optimizing production chain planning in salmon farming. Fernanda Bravo, Guillermo Duran, Abilio Lucena, Javier Marenco, Diego Moran, Andres Weintraub$ Mathematical models for optimizing production chain planning in salmon farming. Fernanda Bravo, Guillermo Durán, Abilio Lucena, Javier Marenco, Diego Morán, Andrés Weintraub (publicado en: Transaction in Operational Research)bajar |
20130313$ Mar 2013 |
Publicación ISI | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
The effects of derivatives on underlying financial markets: equity options, commodity derivatives and credit default swaps. William Arrata, Alejandro Bernales y Virginie Coudert$ The effects of derivatives on underlying financial markets: equity options, commodity derivatives and credit default swaps. William Arrata, Alejandro Bernales y Virginie Coudert (publicado en: The European Money and Finance Forum in its series SUERF 50th Anniversary Volume Chapters with number 1-13.)bajarlink |
20130301$ Mar 2013 |
Capítulos de Libros | Finanzas | Bernales, Alejandro |
Remedies for sick insurance. Daniel McFadden, Carlos Noton y Pau Olivella$ Remedies for sick insurance. Daniel McFadden, Carlos Noton y Pau Olivellabajar |
20130301$ Mar 2013 |
Working Paper | Economía | Noton Carlos |
Business engineering and the design of services application to hospital. Oscar Barros$ Business engineering and the design of services application to hospital. Oscar Barrosbajar |
20130301$ Mar 2013 |
Working Paper | Gestión | Barros Oscar |
A spatial model of voting with endogenous proposals: theory and evidence from chilean senate. Matteo Triossi, Patricio Valdivieso y Benjamin Villena-Roldan$ A spatial model of voting with endogenous proposals: theory and evidence from chilean senate. Matteo Triossi, Patricio Valdivieso y Benjamín Villena-Roldánbajar |
20130105$ Ene 2013 |
Working Paper | Economía | Triossi, Matteo Villena Roldán, Benjamín |
Sovereign ceilings ‘‘lite’’.The impact of sovereign ratings on corporate ratings. Eduardo Borensztein , Kevin Cowan , Patricio Valenzuela$ Sovereign ceilings ‘‘lite’’.The impact of sovereign ratings on corporate ratings. Eduardo Borensztein , Kevin Cowan , Patricio Valenzuela (publicado en: Journal of Banking & Finance 37 (2013) 4014–4024)bajarlink |
20130102$ Ene 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence -2. Velasquez, J.D. , Palade, Vasile , Jain, L.C.$ Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence -2. Velásquez, J.D. , Palade, Vasile , Jain, L.C. (publicado en: Springer , num. v. 1 , 2013) |
20130101$ Ene 2013 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Tratamiento de datos personales en internet. Velasquez, J.D. y Lorena Donoso$ Tratamiento de datos personales en internet. Velásquez, J.D. y Lorena Donoso (publicado en: Thompson Reuters, num. v. 1 , pp. 212) |
20130101$ Ene 2013 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Financial intermediaries, markets and alternative financial sectors. The Handbook of the Economics of Finance, North Holland - Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Jun Qian y Patricio Valenzuela$ Financial intermediaries, markets and alternative financial sectors. The Handbook of the Economics of Finance, North Holland - Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Jun Qian y Patricio Valenzuela (publicado en: Handbook of the Economics of Finance Volume 2, Part A, 2013, Pages 759–798)link |
20130101$ Ene 2013 |
Capítulos de Libros | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Web Mining and privacy concerns: Some important legal issues to be consider before applying any data and information extraction technique in Web-based environments. Juan Velasquez$ Web Mining and privacy concerns: Some important legal issues to be consider before applying any data and information extraction technique in Web-based environments. Juan Velásquez (publicado en: Expert Systems with Applications, pp. 5228-5239, 2013)bajar |
20130101$ Ene 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Characterization and detection of taxpayers with false invoices using data mining techniques$ Characterization and detection of taxpayers with false invoices using data mining techniques (publicado en: Expert Systems with Applications , vol. 40, num. 5, pp. 1427 - 1436 , 2013.)bajar |
20130101$ Ene 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Combining eye-tracking technologies with web usage mining for identifying Website Keyobjects. Juan Velasquez$ Combining eye-tracking technologies with web usage mining for identifying Website Keyobjects. Juan Velásquez (publicado en: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. 26 , pp. 1469 - 1478, 2013)bajarlink |
20130101$ Ene 2013 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Una aplicacion de web opinion mining para la extraccion de tendencias y topicos de relevancia a partir de las opiniones consignadas en blogs y sitios de noticias. Rodrigo Duenas F. ,Juan D. Velasquez.$ Una aplicación de web opinion mining para la extracción de tendencias y tópicos de relevancia a partir de las opiniones consignadas en blogs y sitios de noticias. Rodrigo Dueñas F. ,Juan D. Velásquez. (publicado en: Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemas ,vol. 27 ,pp. 33-54 ,2013.) |
20130000$ Dic 2013 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
New trends in web user behaviour analysis. Roman, Pablo y Velasquez, Juan D ; Palade, Vasile y Jain, Lakhmi C .$ New trends in web user behaviour analysis. Román, Pablo y Velásquez, Juan D ; Palade, Vasile y Jain, Lakhmi C . (publicado en: Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence -2 ,pp. 1-10 ,2013) |
20130000$ Dic 2013 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Web usage data pre-processing. L’Huillier, Gaston y Velasquez, Juan D.$ Web usage data pre-processing. L’Huillier, Gaston y Velásquez, Juan D. (publicado en: Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence-2 ,pp. 11-34 ,2013) |
20130000$ Dic 2013 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Web opinion mining and sentimental analysis. Taylor, Edison Marrese, Rodriguez, Cristian, Velasquez, Juan D , Ghosh, Goldina y Banerjee, Soumya.$ Web opinion mining and sentimental analysis. Taylor, Edison Marrese, Rodríguez, Cristián, Velásquez, Juan D , Ghosh, Goldina y Banerjee, Soumya. (publicado en: Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence -2 ,pp. 105-126 ,2013) |
20130000$ Dic 2013 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
A web browsing cognitive model. Roman, Pablo E y Velasquez, Juan D.$ A web browsing cognitive model. Román, Pablo E y Velásquez, Juan D. (publicado en: Knowledge Engineering, Machine Learning and Lattice Computing with Applications ,pp. 31-40 ,2013) |
20130000$ Dic 2013 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Caso Sudamericana de Vapores: altos y bajos de una estrategia internacion. Teodoro Wigodski y Jerko Juretic$ Caso Sudamericana de Vapores: altos y bajos de una estrategia internación. Teodoro Wigodski y Jerko Jureticbajar |
20121212$ Dic 2012 |
Documentos de trabajo | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
Sociotecnologia, innovacion radical y construccion de capital social para America Latina. Carlos Vignolo$ Sociotecnología, innovación radical y construcción de capital social para América Latina. Carlos Vignolobajar |
20121201$ Dic 2012 |
Working Paper | Gestión | Vignolo, Carlos |
Participation in organizations, trust and social capital formation: evidence from Chile. Patricio Valdivieso y Benjamin Villena-Roldan$ Participation in organizations, trust and social capital formation: evidence from Chile. Patricio Valdivieso y Benjamín Villena-Roldánbajar |
20121127$ Nov 2012 |
Working Paper | Economía | Villena Roldán, Benjamín |
Gestion del cambio en programas y proyectos. Mario Waissbluth$ Gestión del cambio en programas y proyectos. Mario Waissbluthbajar |
20121115$ Nov 2012 |
Artículo Nacional | Gestión | Waissbluth Mario |
Allocation algorithms for personal TV advertisements. Ron Adany, Darit Kraus y Fernando Ordonez$ Allocation algorithms for personal TV advertisements. Ron Adany, Darit Kraus y Fernando Ordóñez (publicado en: Multimedia Systems DOI 10.1007/s00530-012-0284-y)bajar |
20121114$ Nov 2012 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Escobar Juan |
Granting and managing loans for micro-entrepreneurs: new developments and practical experiences European. Cristian Bravo, Sebastian Maldonado y Richard Weber$ Granting and managing loans for micro-entrepreneurs: new developments and practical experiences European. Cristián Bravo, Sebastián Maldonado y Richard Weber (publicado en: Journal of Operational Research)bajarlink |
20121101$ Nov 2012 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Weber Richard |
Text mining applied to plagiarism detection: the use of words for detecting deviations in the writing style. Oberreuter, Gabriel, Velasquez, Juan D$ Text mining applied to plagiarism detection: the use of words for detecting deviations in the writing style. Oberreuter, Gabriel, Velásquez, Juan D (publicado en: Expert Systems with Applications, vol 40, num 9, pp. 3756-3763, 2013)bajar |
20121001$ Oct 2012 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Who benefits from capital account liberalization. Evidence from firm-level credit ratings data. Alessandro Prati , Martin Schindler, Patricio Valenzuela$ Who benefits from capital account liberalization. Evidence from firm-level credit ratings data. Alessandro Prati , Martin Schindler, Patricio Valenzuela (publicado en: Journal of International Money and Finance 31 (2012) 1649–1673)bajarlink |
20120910$ Sep 2012 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Medium range optimization of copper extraction planning under uncertainty in future copper prices. Antonio Alonso-Ayuso , Felipe Carvallo, Laureano F. Escudero, Monique Guignard, Jiaxing Pi, Raghav Puranmalka, Andres Weintraub$ Medium range optimization of copper extraction planning under uncertainty in future copper prices. Antonio Alonso-Ayuso , Felipe Carvallo, Laureano F. Escudero, Monique Guignard, Jiaxing Pi, Raghav Puranmalka, Andrés Weintraub (publicado en: European Journal of Operational Research)bajar |
20120903$ Sep 2012 |
Publicación ISI | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Improving access to banking: evidence from Kenya. F. Allen, E. Carletti, R. Cull, J.“QJ” Qian, L. Senbet – Patricio Valenzuela$ Improving access to banking: evidence from Kenya. F. Allen, E. Carletti, R. Cull, J.“QJ” Qian, L. Senbet – Patricio Valenzuelabajar |
20120901$ Sep 2012 |
Working Paper | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Self governance in social networks of information transmission. Felipe Balmaceda y Juan Escobar$ Self governance in social networks of information transmission. Felipe Balmaceda y Juan Escobar (publicado en: Americaeconomí, 2012)bajar |
20120901$ Sep 2012 |
Working Paper | Economía | Balmaceda, Felipe Escobar Juan |
On the optimality of one size fits all contracts, the limited liability case. Felipe Balmaceda$ On the optimality of one size fits all contracts, the limited liability case. Felipe Balmacedabajar |
20120830$ Ago 2012 |
Working Paper | Economía | Balmaceda, Felipe |
Predicting web user behavior using learning-based ant colony optimization. Loyola, P, Roman, P.E., Velasquez, Juan$ Predicting web user behavior using learning-based ant colony optimization. Loyola, P, Román, P.E., Velásquez, Juan (publicado en: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence ,vol. 25 ,num. 5 ,pp. 889-897 ,2012.)bajar |
20120801$ Ago 2012 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Games with capacity manipulation: incentives and nash equilibria. Mateo Triossi$ Games with capacity manipulation: incentives and nash equilibria. Mateo Triossibajar |
20120801$ Ago 2012 |
Working Paper | Economía | Triossi, Matteo |
Elementos conceptuales y aplicaciones de microeconomia para la evaluacion de proyectos. Eduardo Contreras$ Elementos conceptuales y aplicaciones de microeconomía para la evaluación de proyectos. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20120726$ Jul 2012 |
Artículo Nacional | EconomíaGestión | Contreras Eduardo |
EPL and capital labor ratios. Alexander Janiak y Etienne Wasmer$ EPL and capital labor ratios. Alexander Janiak y Etienne Wasmerbajar |
20120614$ Jun 2012 |
Working Paper | Economía | Janiak, Alexandre |
Un modelo de calidad de servicio para la banca retail. Maximo Bosch, Eduardo Contreras y Patricia Ross$ Un modelo de calidad de servicio para la banca retail. Máximo Bosch, Eduardo Contreras y Patricia Rossbajar |
20120601$ Jun 2012 |
Working Paper | Gestión | Bosch Máximo Contreras Eduardo |
Un modelo de calidad de servicio para banca retail. Eduardo Contreras$ Un modelo de calidad de servicio para banca retail. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20120525$ May 2012 |
Artículo Nacional | FinanzasGestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Minimum wages strike back: the effects on capital and labor demands in a large-firm framework. Sofia Bauducco y Alexandre Janiak$ Minimum wages strike back: the effects on capital and labor demands in a large-firm framework. Sofía Bauducco y Alexandre Janiak bajar |
20120502$ May 2012 |
Working Paper | Economía | Janiak, Alexandre |
Subastas combinatorias para adquisiciones: un estudio empirico de la subasta de comidas escolares en Chile. Marcelo Olivares, Gabriel Y. Weintraub, Rafael Epstein, Daniel Yung$ Subastas combinatorias para adquisiciones: un estudio empírico de la subasta de comidas escolares en Chile. Marcelo Olivares, Gabriel Y. Weintraub, Rafael Epstein, Daniel Yunglink |
20120418$ Abr 2012 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Epstein Rafael Olivares Marcelo |
Resolving the african financial development gap: cross-country comparisons and a within-country study of Kenya forthcoming. Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Robert Cull, Jun Qian, Lemma Senbet y Patricio Valenzuela$ Resolving the african financial development gap: cross-country comparisons and a within-country study of Kenya forthcoming. Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Robert Cull, Jun Qian, Lemma Senbet y Patricio Valenzuela (publicado en: National bureau of economics research)bajarlink |
20120401$ Abr 2012 |
Capítulos de Libros | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Efficiency in games with markovian private information.Juan Escobar, Juuso Toikka$ Efficiency in games with markovian private information.Juan Escobar, Juuso Toikka (publicado en: Econometrica, 2013)bajarlink |
20120401$ Abr 2012 |
Working Paper | Gestión de Operaciones | Escobar Juan |
Caso: Banca en Chile$ Caso: Banca en Chilelink |
20120301$ Mar 2012 |
Documentos de trabajo | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
Improving credit scoring by differentiating defaulter behaviour. Cristian Bravo, Lyn C Thomas, Richard Weber$ Improving credit scoring by differentiating defaulter behaviour. Cristián Bravo, Lyn C Thomas, Richard Weber (publicado en: Journal of the Operational Research Society)link |
20120201$ Feb 2012 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Weber Richard |
A dissimilarity measure for automate moderation in online social networks. Sebastian Rios$ A dissimilarity measure for automate moderation in online social networks. Sebastián Ríos (publicado en: WI&C '12 Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Web Intelligence & Communities Article No. 3)link |
20120201$ Feb 2012 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Overlapping community detection in VCoP using topic models. Sebastian Rios$ Overlapping community detection in VCoP using topic models. Sebastián Ríos (publicado en: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications Volume 243: Advances in Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems Abstract)link |
20120201$ Feb 2012 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Effective Schools do Exist: Low Income Childrens Academic Performance in Chile$ Effective Schools do Exist: Low Income Childrens Academic Performance in Chile (publicado en: Applied Economics Letters vol 19(5): 445-451)link |
20120130$ Ene 2012 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Andrea Repetto Bernardo Lara Francisco Henríquez Mizala Alejandra |
Bringing the schools back in: the stratification of educational achievement in the Chilean voucher system$ Bringing the schools back in: the stratification of educational achievement in the Chilean voucher system (publicado en: International Journal of Educational Development 32(1): 132-144)link |
20120130$ Ene 2012 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Florencia Torche Mizala Alejandra |
Neutral mergers between bilateral markets. Antonio Romero Medina y Matteo Triossi$ Neutral mergers between bilateral markets. Antonio Romero Medina y Matteo Triossi bajar |
20120124$ Ene 2012 |
Working Paper | Economía | Triossi, Matteo |
Caso: Vina Concha y Toro$ Caso: Viña Concha y Torolink |
20120101$ Ene 2012 |
Documentos de trabajo | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
Restricted feedback in long term relationships. Ulrich Doraszelski y Juan Escobar$ Restricted feedback in long term relationships. Ulrich Doraszelski y Juan Escobar (publicado en: Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 147, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 142-161)bajarlink |
20120101$ Ene 2012 |
Working Paper | Economía | Escobar Juan |
Una aplicacion de herramientas de eye-tracking para analizar las preferencias de contenido de los usuarios de sitios web. Gonzalez, L. and Velasquez, J.D.$ Una aplicación de herramientas de eye-tracking para analizar las preferencias de contenido de los usuarios de sitios web. González, L. and Velásquez, J.D. (publicado en: Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemas ,vol. 26 , num. 1 ,pp. 95-118 ,2012) |
20120000$ Dic 2012 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Causal effects of maternal time-investment on children's cognitive outcomes. Benjamin Villena y Cecilia-Rios Aguilar$ Causal effects of maternal time-investment on children's cognitive outcomes. Benjamín Villena y Cecilia-Ríos Aguilarbajar |
20111231$ Dic 2011 |
Working Paper | Economía | Villena Roldán, Benjamín |
Enterprise and process architecture patterns. Oscar Barros y Cristian Julio$ Enterprise and process architecture patterns. Oscar Barros y Cristian Juliobajar |
20111231$ Dic 2011 |
Working Paper | Gestión | Barros Oscar |
Public-Private Wage Gap in Latin America (1992-2007): A Matching Approach$ Public-Private Wage Gap in Latin America (1992-2007): A Matching Approach (publicado en: Labour Economics vol 18: 115-131)link |
20111201$ Dic 2011 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra Pilar Romaguera Sebastián Gallegos |
Extracting significant Website Key Objects: A Semantic Web mining approach. Velasquez, Juan; Dujovne, Luis ; L`Huillier, Gaston$ Extracting significant Website Key Objects: A Semantic Web mining approach. Velásquez, Juan; Dujovne, Luis ; L`Huillier, Gaston (publicado en: Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell. ,vol. 24 ,num. 8 ,pp. 1532-1541 ,2011.)bajarlink |
20111201$ Dic 2011 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Teachers salaries in Latin America. How much are the (under or over) paid. Alejandra Mizala y Hugo Nopo$ Teachers salaries in Latin America. How much are the (under or over) paid. Alejandra Mizala y Hugo Ñopobajar |
20111201$ Dic 2011 |
Working Paper | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Optimizing location and size of rural schools in Chile. Fernando Araya, Robert Dell, Pedro Donoso, Vladimir Marianov, Francisco Martinez, Andres Weintraub$ Optimizing location and size of rural schools in Chile. Fernando Araya, Robert Dell, Pedro Donoso, Vladimir Marianov, Francisco Martínez, Andrés Weintraub (publicado en: INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS INOPERATIONAL RESEARCH)bajar |
20111128$ Nov 2011 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
A branch-and-cluster coordination scheme for selecting prison facility sites under uncertainty. Patricio Hernandez , Antonio Alonso-Ayuso, Fernanda Bravo, Laureano F. Escudero, Monique Guignard, Vladimir Marianov, Andres Weintraub$ A branch-and-cluster coordination scheme for selecting prison facility sites under uncertainty. Patricio Hernández , Antonio Alonso-Ayuso, Fernanda Bravo, Laureano F. Escudero, Monique Guignard, Vladimir Marianov, Andrés Weintraub (publicado en: Computers & Operations Research)bajarlink |
20111115$ Nov 2011 |
Publicación ISI | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
A Text Similarity Meta-Search Engine Based on Document Fingerprints and Search Results Records. Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Gaston L'Huillier, Sebastian A. Rios, Juan D. Velasquez:$ A Text Similarity Meta-Search Engine Based on Document Fingerprints and Search Results Records. Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Gaston L'Huillier, Sebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez: (publicado en: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology)link |
20111101$ Nov 2011 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Outlier-Based Approaches for Intrinsic and External Plagiarism Detection. Gabriel Oberreuter, Gaston L’Huillier, Sebastian A. Rios, Juan D. Velasquez$ Outlier-Based Approaches for Intrinsic and External Plagiarism Detection. Gabriel Oberreuter, Gaston L’Huillier, Sebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez (publicado en: Knowlege-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems Volume 6882 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 11-20)link |
20111101$ Nov 2011 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
An automatic text comprehension classifier based on mental models and latent semantic features. Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Gaston L'Huillier, Patricio Moya, Sebastian A. Rios, Juan D. Velasquez:$ An automatic text comprehension classifier based on mental models and latent semantic features. Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Gaston L'Huillier, Patricio Moya, Sebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez: (publicado en: i-KNOW '11 Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies Article No. 23)link |
20111101$ Nov 2011 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Enhancing Community Discovery and Characterization in VCoP Using Topic Models. Lautaro Cuadra, Sebastian A. Rios, Gaston L'Huillier$ Enhancing Community Discovery and Characterization in VCoP Using Topic Models. Lautaro Cuadra, Sebastián A. Ríos, Gaston L'Huillier (publicado en: 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology)link |
20111101$ Nov 2011 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Approaches for Intrinsic and External Plagiarism Detection. Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011 Gabriel Oberreuter , Gaston L’Huillier , Sebastian Rios$ Approaches for Intrinsic and External Plagiarism Detection. Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2011 Gabriel Oberreuter , Gaston L’Huillier , Sebastián Ríos (publicado en: CLEF 2011)link |
20111101$ Nov 2011 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Future trends in business analytics and optimization .Donald E Brown, Fazel Famili, Gerhaard Paass, Kate Smith-Miles, Lyn C Thomas, Richard Weber, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Cristian Bravo, Gaston L'Huillier, Sebastian Maldonado.$ Future trends in business analytics and optimization .Donald E Brown, Fazel Famili, Gerhaard Paass, Kate Smith-Miles, Lyn C Thomas, Richard Weber, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Cristián Bravo, Gastón L'Huillier, Sebastián Maldonado. (publicado en: Journal Intelligent Data Analysis)link |
20111101$ Nov 2011 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weber Richard |
Caso AquaChile, estrategias de crecimiento en un entorno amenazante. Carolina Troya, Teodoro Wigodski, Jerko Juretic y Roberto Castro$ Caso AquaChile, estrategias de crecimiento en un entorno amenazante. Carolina Troya, Teodoro Wigodski, Jerko Juretic y Roberto Castrobajar |
20111101$ Nov 2011 |
Documentos de trabajo | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
Towards a quantitative theory of automatic stabilizers: the role of demographics. Alexandre Janiak y Paulo Santos Monteiro$ Towards a quantitative theory of automatic stabilizers: the role of demographics. Alexandre Janiak y Paulo Santos Monteirobajar |
20111101$ Nov 2011 |
Working Paper | Economía | Janiak, Alexandre |
Costly information acquisition. Better to toss a coin?. Matteo Triossi$ Costly information acquisition. Better to toss a coin?. Matteo Triossibajar |
20111010$ Oct 2011 |
Working Paper | Economía | Triossi, Matteo |
Equilibrium analysis of dynamic models of imperfect competition. Juan Escobar$ Equilibrium analysis of dynamic models of imperfect competition. Juan Escobar (publicado en: International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2013)bajarlink |
20111001$ Oct 2011 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Escobar Juan |
Design of Insurance Contracts using Stochastic Programming in Forestry Planning. Jose Mosquera, Mordecai I. Henig, Andres Weintraub$ Design of Insurance Contracts using Stochastic Programming in Forestry Planning. Jose Mosquera, Mordecai I. Henig, Andres Weintraub (publicado en: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009)bajar |
20110905$ Sep 2011 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
El CAPM y la estimacion de tasas de descuento. Fernando Cartes, Eduardo Contreras y Jose Miguel Cruz$ El CAPM y la estimación de tasas de descuento. Fernando Cartes, Eduardo Contreras y José Miguel Cruzbajar |
20110901$ Sep 2011 |
Artículo Nacional | FinanzasGestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Leveraging social network analysis with topic models and the Semantic Web (extended). Sebastian A. Rios, Felipe Aguilera, Francisco Bustos, Tope Omitola, Nigel Shadbolt$ Leveraging social network analysis with topic models and the Semantic Web (extended). Sebastián A. Ríos, Felipe Aguilera, Francisco Bustos, Tope Omitola, Nigel Shadbolt (publicado en: Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on)link |
20110822$ Ago 2011 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Acyclicity and singleton cores in matching markets. Antonio Romero-Medina y Matteo Triossi$ Acyclicity and singleton cores in matching markets. Antonio Romero-Medina y Matteo Triossibajar |
20110819$ Ago 2011 |
Working Paper | Economía | Triossi, Matteo |
Inflation and welfare in long-run equilibrium with firm dynamics. Alexander Janiak, Paulo Santos Monteiro$ Inflation and welfare in long-run equilibrium with firm dynamics. Alexander Janiak, Paulo Santos Monteiro (publicado en: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 43, No 5 (August 2011))bajar |
20110801$ Ago 2011 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Janiak, Alexandre |
A Lightweight Approach for Designing Enterprrise Architectures Using BPMN: an Application in Hospitals, O. Barros, R. Seguel y A. Quezada$ A Lightweight Approach for Designing Enterprrise Architectures Using BPMN: an Application in Hospitals, O. Barros, R. Seguel y A. Quezadabajar |
20110801$ Ago 2011 |
Working Paper | Gestión | Barros Oscar |
Inversion publica, desafios del sistema nacional de inversiones. Eduardo Contreras y Luis Zaviezo$ Inversión pública, desafíos del sistema nacional de inversiones. Eduardo Contreras y Luis Zaviezobajar |
20110701$ Jul 2011 |
Working Paper | Gestión | Contreras Eduardo |
VEA (valor economico agregado), aportes y deficiencias en su aplicacion a la gestion financiera. Eduardo Contreras$ VEA (valor económico agregado), aportes y deficiencias en su aplicación a la gestión financiera. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20110701$ Jul 2011 |
Working Paper | Gestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Comments on Donahue and Zeckhauser: collaborative governance .Ronald Fischer$ Comments on Donahue and Zeckhauser: collaborative governance .Ronald Fischer bajar |
20110615$ Jun 2011 |
Working Paper | Economía | Fischer Ronald |
The economics of infrastructure finance- public – private partnerships versus public provision. Ronald Fischer$ The economics of infrastructure finance- public – private partnerships versus public provision. Ronald Fischerbajar |
20110609$ Jun 2011 |
Working Paper | Economía | Fischer Ronald |
The Effectiveness of Private Voucher Education: Evidence from Structural School Switches. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis vol. 33(2): 119-137, 2011, Alejandra Mizala with B. Lara and A. Repetto.$ The Effectiveness of Private Voucher Education: Evidence from Structural School Switches. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis vol. 33(2): 119-137, 2011, Alejandra Mizala with B. Lara and A. Repetto. (publicado en: Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis vol. 33(2): 119-137, 2011)link |
20110602$ Jun 2011 |
Artículo Internacional | EducaciónPolíticas Públicas | Mizala Alejandra |
The Effectiveness of Private Voucher Education: Evidence from Structural School Switches$ The Effectiveness of Private Voucher Education: Evidence from Structural School Switches (publicado en: Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis vol. 33(2): 119-137)link |
20110601$ Jun 2011 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Andrea Repetto Bernardo Lara Mizala Alejandra |
Optimizing Long-Term Production Plans in Underground and Open-Pit Copper Mines. Rafael Epstein, Marcel Goic, Andres Weintraub, Jaime Catalan, Pablo Santibanez, Rodolfo Urrutia, Raul Cancino, Sergio Gaete, Augusto Aguayo, Felipe Caro$ Optimizing Long-Term Production Plans in Underground and Open-Pit Copper Mines. Rafael Epstein, Marcel Goic, Andrés Weintraub, Jaime Catalán, Pablo Santibáñez, Rodolfo Urrutia, Raúl Cancino, Sergio Gaete, Augusto Aguayo, Felipe Caro (publicado en: INFORMS, 2012)link |
20110601$ Jun 2011 |
Publicación ISI | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Effective schools do exist: low income children’s academic performance in Chile. B. Lara, A. Repetto, A. Mizala$ Effective schools do exist: low income children’s academic performance in Chile. B. Lara, A. Repetto, A. Mizala (publicado en: Applied Economics Letters vol 19(5): 445-451, 2012)link |
20110601$ Jun 2011 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Gestion del conocimiento y transparencia: desafios para la inversion publica a nivel local. Eduardo Contreras$ Gestión del conocimiento y transparencia: desafíos para la inversión pública a nivel local. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20110509$ May 2011 |
Artículo Nacional | Gestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Inversion publica: desafios del sistema nacional de inversiones. Eduardo Contreras$ Inversión pública: desafíos del sistema nacional de inversiones. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20110404$ Abr 2011 |
Working Paper | Gestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Unemployment, participation and worker flows over the life-cycle. Sekyu Choi, Alexandre Janiak y Benjamin Villena$ Unemployment, participation and worker flows over the life-cycle. Sekyu Choi, Alexandre Janiak y Benjamin Villena (publicado en: Economic Journal)bajar |
20110318$ Mar 2011 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Janiak, Alexandre Villena Roldán, Benjamín |
Semi-supervised constrained clustering with cluster outlier filtering. Cristian Bravo, Richard Weber$ Semi-supervised constrained clustering with cluster outlier filtering. Cristián Bravo, Richard Weber (publicado en: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7042 -)link |
20110301$ Mar 2011 |
Capítulos de Libros | Economía | Weber Richard |
Job design and incentives. Felipe Balmaceda$ Job design and incentives. Felipe Balmacedabajar |
20110218$ Feb 2011 |
Working Paper | Economía | Balmaceda, Felipe |
Special issue on semantic information and engineering systems. Rossi Setchi, Juan D. Velasquez, Sebastian A. Rios, Cungen Cao.$ Special issue on semantic information and engineering systems. Rossi Setchi, Juan D. Velásquez, Sebastián A. Ríos, Cungen Cao. (publicado en: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 24)link |
20110201$ Feb 2011 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
An Information System for Monitoring the Chilean Salmon Industry Sustainability. Juan Velasquez, Gaston L´Huillier, Lucia Hernandez , Victor Rebolledo y Manuel Diaz.$ An Information System for Monitoring the Chilean Salmon Industry Sustainability. Juan Velásquez, Gastón L´Huillier, Lucía Hernández , Víctor Rebolledo y Manuel Díaz. (publicado en: Ocean & Coastal Management ,vol. 54 ,num. 3 ,pp. 231-240 ,2011)bajarlink |
20110101$ Ene 2011 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Caracterizacion de contribuyentes que presentan facturas falsas al SII mediante tecnicas de data mining. Castellon, P. y Velasquez, J.D.$ Caracterización de contribuyentes que presentan facturas falsas al SII mediante técnicas de data mining. Castellón, P. y Velásquez, J.D. (publicado en: Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemas ,vol. 25 ,num. 1 ,pp. 77-104 ,2011.) |
20110000$ Dic 2011 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
El fenomeno del plagio en documentos digitales: un analisis de la situacion actual en el sistema educacional chileno. Molina, F. ; Velasquez, J.D.; Rios, S.: Calfucoy, P.A. y Cocina M.$ El fenómeno del plagio en documentos digitales: un análisis de la situación actual en el sistema educacional chileno. Molina, F. ; Velásquez, J.D.; Rios, S.: Calfucoy, P.A. y Cociña M. (publicado en: Revista Ingeniería de Sistemas ,vol. 25 ,pp. 5-28 ,2011.) |
20110000$ Dic 2011 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
Topic-based social network analysis for virtual communities of interests in the dark web$ Topic-based social network analysis for virtual communities of interests in the dark web (publicado en: SIGKDD Explorations , Volume 12, Issue 2.)bajarlink |
20101201$ Dic 2010 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Angeles y demonios en la gestion publica. Carlos Vignolo$ Ángeles y demonios en la gestión pública. Carlos Vignolobajar |
20101201$ Dic 2010 |
Artículo Nacional | Gestión | Vignolo, Carlos |
FastDocode: Finding Approximated Segments of N-Grams for Document Copy Detection. Gabriel Oberreuter, Gaston L'Huillier, Sebastian A. Rios, Juan D. Velasquez:$ FastDocode: Finding Approximated Segments of N-Grams for Document Copy Detection. Gabriel Oberreuter, Gaston L'Huillier, Sebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez: (publicado en: Lab Report for PAN at CLEF 2010)link |
20101101$ Nov 2010 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
Gobierno corporativo mayores empresas mineras del mundo:Teodoro Wigodski/Alumnos: Victor Garay, Ronald Monsalve, Carolina Moya$ Gobierno corporativo mayores empresas mineras del mundo:Teodoro Wigodski/Alumnos: Victor Garay, Ronald Monsalve, Carolina Moyalink |
20101101$ Nov 2010 |
Documentos de trabajo | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
Caso Conflicto con pueblos mapuches originarios: el estado chileno y el pueblo mapuche.$ Caso Conflicto con pueblos mapuches originarios: el estado chileno y el pueblo |
20101101$ Nov 2010 |
Documentos de trabajo | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
EVA: aportes y deficiencias en su aplicacion a la gestion financiera. Eduardo Contreras$ EVA: aportes y deficiencias en su aplicación a la gestión financiera. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20101029$ Oct 2010 |
Artículo Nacional | Finanzas | Contreras Eduardo |
Hypergeometric Language Model and Zipf-Like Scoring Function for Web Document Similarity Retrieval. Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Gaston L'Huillier, Sebastian A. Rios, Juan D. Velasquez:$ Hypergeometric Language Model and Zipf-Like Scoring Function for Web Document Similarity Retrieval. Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Gaston L'Huillier, Sebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez: (publicado en: Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 303-308)link |
20101013$ Oct 2010 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
The technical efficiency of schools in Chile. P. Romaguera, D. Farren, A. Mizala$ The technical efficiency of schools in Chile. P. Romaguera, D. Farren, A. Mizala (publicado en: Applied Economics 34, 2002)link |
20101001$ Oct 2010 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Finding Inner Copy Communities Using Social Network Analysis. Eduardo Merlo, Sebastian A. Rios, Hector Alvarez, Gaston L'Huillier, Juan D. Velasquez$ Finding Inner Copy Communities Using Social Network Analysis. Eduardo Merlo, Sebastián A. Ríos, Héctor Álvarez, Gaston L'Huillier, Juan D. Velásquez (publicado en: Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 581-590)link |
20100908$ Sep 2010 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
DOCODE-Lite: A Meta-Search Engine for Document Similarity Retrieval. Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Gaston L'Huillier, Sebastian A. Rios, Juan D. Velasquez, Luis A. Guerrero:$ DOCODE-Lite: A Meta-Search Engine for Document Similarity Retrieval. Felipe Bravo-Marquez, Gaston L'Huillier, Sebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Luis A. Guerrero: (publicado en: 14th International Conference, KES 2010, Cardiff, UK, September 8-10, 2010,)link |
20100908$ Sep 2010 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
Bringing the schools back in: the stratification of educational achievement in the Chilean voucher system. F. Torche, A. Mizala$ Bringing the schools back in: the stratification of educational achievement in the Chilean voucher system. F. Torche, A. Mizala (publicado en: International Journal of Educational Development 32(1): 132-144, 2012)link |
20100901$ Sep 2010 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Wage dispersion and recruiting selection. Benjamin Villena$ Wage dispersion and recruiting selection. Benjamin Villenabajar |
20100809$ Ago 2010 |
Working Paper | Economía | Villena Roldán, Benjamín |
Aggregate implications of employer search and recruiting selection. Benjamin Villena$ Aggregate implications of employer search and recruiting selection. Benjamin Villenabajar |
20100802$ Ago 2010 |
Working Paper | Economía | Villena Roldán, Benjamín |
Los SNIP de America Latina y el Caribe: historia, evolucion y lecciones aprendidas. Eduardo Contreras$ Los SNIP de América Latina y el Caribe: historia, evolución y lecciones aprendidas. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20100706$ Jul 2010 |
Working Paper | Gestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Labor force heterogeneity: implications for the relation between aggregate volatility and government size. Alexandre Janiak - Paulo Santos Moreno$ Labor force heterogeneity: implications for the relation between aggregate volatility and government size. Alexandre Janiak - Paulo Santos Morenobajar |
20100705$ Jul 2010 |
Working Paper | Economía | Janiak, Alexandre |
Structural Estimation of the Effect of Out of Stocks$ Structural Estimation of the Effect of Out of Stocks (publicado en: Management Science, Andres Musalem, Marcelo Olivares, Eric Bradlow, Christian Terwiesch and Daniel Corsten)link |
20100701$ Jul 2010 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de OperacionesMarketing | Musalem Andrés Olivares Marcelo |
A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning. Alexandra M. Newman, Enrique Rubio, Rodrigo Caro, Andres Weintraub, Kelly Eurek$ A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning. Alexandra M. Newman, Enrique Rubio, Rodrigo Caro, Andrés Weintraub, Kelly Eurek (publicado en: Vol. 40, No. 3, May–June 2010, pp. 222–245)bajar |
20100601$ Jun 2010 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Latent semantic analysis and keyword extraction for phishing classification. Gaston L'Huillier, Alejandro Hevia, Richard Weber, Sebastian A. Rios:$ Latent semantic analysis and keyword extraction for phishing classification. Gaston L'Huillier, Alejandro Hevia, Richard Weber, Sebastián A. Ríos: (publicado en: Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI), 2010 IEEE International Conference on)link |
20100526$ May 2010 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Weber Richard |
Gestion del conocimiento: del tacito al explicito 20 anos despues. Eduardo Contreras$ Gestión del conocimiento: del tácito al explícito 20 años después. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20100503$ May 2010 |
Artículo Nacional | Gestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Public-private wage gap in Latin America (1999-2007): A matching approach. Alejandra Mizala, Pilar Romaguera y S. Gallegos.$ Public-private wage gap in Latin America (1999-2007): A matching approach. Alejandra Mizala, Pilar Romaguera y S. Gallegos. (publicado en: Labor Economics vol 18:115-131, 201 )link |
20100406$ Abr 2010 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Non-revelation mechanisms in many-to-one markets. Matteo Triossi - Antonio Medina Romero$ Non-revelation mechanisms in many-to-one markets. Matteo Triossi - Antonio Medina Romerobajar |
20100405$ Abr 2010 |
Working Paper | Economía | Triossi, Matteo |
Regularidades en los fallos de la corte suprema sobre libre competencia$ Regularidades en los fallos de la corte suprema sobre libre competencia |
20100401$ Abr 2010 |
Documentos de trabajo | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
Gestion Empresarial, incluye: Gestion de Crisis y Gestion Estrategica. Audiolibro (CD Amazon)$ Gestión Empresarial, incluye: Gestión de Crisis y Gestión Estratégica. Audiolibro (CD Amazon)link |
20100401$ Abr 2010 |
Libros | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
.$ . (publicado en: Advances in Data Mining. Applications and Theoretical Aspects. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 6171, 2010, pp 323-337)bajarlink |
20100401$ Abr 2010 |
Capítulos de Libros | Economía | Weber Richard |
Parental decisions in a choice based school system: analyzing the transition between primary and secondary school. Alejandra Mizala$ Parental decisions in a choice based school system: analyzing the transition between primary and secondary school. Alejandra Mizalabajar |
20100315$ Mar 2010 |
Working Paper | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Buscando sentido. Teodoro Wigodski y Jacqueline Valenzuela$ Buscando sentido. Teodoro Wigodski y Jacqueline Valenzuelalink |
20100301$ Mar 2010 |
Documentos de trabajo | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
Structural unemployment and the costs of firm entry and exit. Alexandre Janiak$ Structural unemployment and the costs of firm entry and exit. Alexandre Janiak (publicado en: Labour Economics (2013) 1-19)bajarlink |
20100301$ Mar 2010 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Janiak, Alexandre |
Local social capital and geographical mobility. Quentin David , Alexandre Janiak, Etienne Wasmer$ Local social capital and geographical mobility. Quentin David , Alexandre Janiak, Etienne Wasmer (publicado en: Journal of Urban Economics 68 (2010) 191–204)bajarlink |
20100301$ Mar 2010 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Janiak, Alexandre |
Expanding the Possibilities of Deliberation: The Use of Data Mining for Strengthening Democracy with an Application to Education Reform.$ Expanding the Possibilities of Deliberation: The Use of Data Mining for Strengthening Democracy with an Application to Education Reform. (publicado en: The Information Society ,vol. 26 ,num. 1 ,pp. 1-16 ,2010.)bajarlink |
20100119$ Ene 2010 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Ant colony surfer: discovering the distribution of text preferences from web usage. Loyola, Pablo; Roman, Pablo E y Velasquez, Juan D.$ Ant colony surfer: discovering the distribution of text preferences from web usage. Loyola, Pablo; Román, Pablo E y Velásquez, Juan D. (publicado en: The First Workshop in Business Analytics and Optimization (BAO 2010)”, Santiago, Chile ,2010) |
20100000$ Dic 2010 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Generacion de equipos de trabajo mediante analisis de redes sociales e identificacion de atributos personales. F. Molina, P. Loyola y J. D. Velasquez.$ Generación de equipos de trabajo mediante análisis de redes sociales e identificación de atributos personales. F. Molina, P. Loyola y J. D. Velásquez. (publicado en: Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemas ,vol. 24 ,num. 1 ,pp. 103-122 ,2010) |
20100000$ Dic 2010 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Aplicacion de tecnicas de web mining sobre los datos originados por usuarios de paginas web. Vision critica desde las garantias fundamentales, especialmente la libertad, la privacidad y el honor de las personas. J. D. Velasquez y L. Donoso.$ Aplicación de técnicas de web mining sobre los datos originados por usuarios de páginas web. Visión crítica desde las garantías fundamentales, especialmente la libertad, la privacidad y el honor de las personas. J. D. Velásquez y L. Donoso. (publicado en: Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemas ,vol. 24 ,num. 1 ,pp. 47-68 ,2010) |
20100000$ Dic 2010 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Innovations in web intelligence. L’Huillier, Gaston; Velasquez, Juan D y Jain, Lakhmi C .$ Innovations in web intelligence. L’Huillier, Gastón; Velásquez, Juan D y Jain, Lakhmi C . (publicado en: Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence-I ,pp. 1-17 ,2010) |
20100000$ Dic 2010 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Web pattern extraction and storage. Rebolledo, Victor L ; L’Huillier, Gaston y Velasquez, Juan D.$ Web pattern extraction and storage. Rebolledo, Víctor L ; L’Huillier, Gastón y Velásquez, Juan D. (publicado en: Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence-I ,pp. 49-77 ,2010) |
20100000$ Dic 2010 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Advanced techniques in web data pre-processing and cleaning. Roman, Pablo E, Dell, Robert F y Velasquez, Juan D.$ Advanced techniques in web data pre-processing and cleaning. Román, Pablo E, Dell, Robert F y Velásquez, Juan D. (publicado en: Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence-I ,pp. 19-48 ,2010) |
20100000$ Dic 2010 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Web usage mining. Roman, Pablo E , L’Huillier, Gaston y Velasquez, Juan D.$ Web usage mining. Román, Pablo E , L’Huillier, Gastón y Velásquez, Juan D. (publicado en: Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence-I ,pp. 143-165 ,2010) |
20100000$ Dic 2010 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
A dynamic stochastic model applied to the analysis of the web user behavior. Roman, Pablo E y Velasquez, Juan D.$ A dynamic stochastic model applied to the analysis of the web user behavior. Román, Pablo E y Velásquez, Juan D. (publicado en: Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering-2 ,pp. 31-39 ,2010) |
20100000$ Dic 2010 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Advanced techniques in web intelligence -1. Velasquez, J.D. y Jain, L.C.$ Advanced techniques in web intelligence -1. Velásquez, J.D. y Jain, L.C. (publicado en: Springer, num. v. 1 ,2010) |
20100000$ Dic 2010 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
The handbook of technology management. J. D. Velasquez y V. L. Rebolledo.$ The handbook of technology management. J. D. Velásquez y V. L. Rebolledo. (publicado en: Willey ,pp. 639-673 ,2010) |
20100000$ Dic 2010 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Medicion de riesgos: el concepto de value at risk (VaR). Eduardo Contreras$ Medíción de riesgos: el concepto de value at risk (VaR). Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20091201$ Dic 2009 |
Artículo Nacional | FinanzasGestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Evaluacion de inversiones bajo incertidumbre: teoria y aplicaciones a proyectos en Chile. Eduardo Contreras$ Evaluación de inversiones bajo incertidumbre: teoría y aplicaciones a proyectos en Chile. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20091103$ Nov 2009 |
Manuales | FinanzasGestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Propuesta de una institucionalidad para el sistema de evaluacion del gobierno.Eduardo Contreras$ Propuesta de una institucionalidad para el sistema de evaluación del gobierno.Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20091005$ Oct 2009 |
Working Paper | EconomíaGestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Seguimiento en Modelos de Regresion Logistica. Cristian Bravo, Sebastian Maldonado y Richard Weber$ Seguimiento en Modelos de Regresión Logística. Cristián Bravo, Sebastián Maldonado y Richard Weber (publicado en: Revista de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad del Bío-Bío)bajar |
20091001$ Oct 2009 |
Artículo Nacional | Finanzas | Weber Richard |
Virtual Communities of Practice's Purpose Evolution Analysis Using a Concept-Based Mining Approach. Sebastian A. Rios, Felipe Aguilera, Luis A. Guerrero:$ Virtual Communities of Practice's Purpose Evolution Analysis Using a Concept-Based Mining Approach. Sebastián A. Ríos, Felipe Aguilera, Luis A. Guerrero: (publicado en: Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 480-489)link |
20090928$ Sep 2009 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
A hybrid system for probability estimation in multiclass problems combining SVMs and neural networks. Cristian Bravo, Gaston L'Huillier, Jose Luis Lobato, Richard Weber.$ A hybrid system for probability estimation in multiclass problems combining SVMs and neural networks. Cristián Bravo, Gastón L'Huillier, José Luis Lobato, Richard Weber. (publicado en: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2008.)link |
20090901$ Sep 2009 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Weber Richard |
The determinants of corporate risk in emerging markets: an option-adjusted spread analysis. Eduardo A. Cavallo, Patricio Valenzuela.$ The determinants of corporate risk in emerging markets: an option-adjusted spread analysis. Eduardo A. Cavallo, Patricio Valenzuela. (publicado en: NTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ECONOMICS Int. J. Fin. Econ. 15: 59–74 (2010) Published online 27 August 2009 in Wiley InterScience . DOI: 10.1002/ijfe.398)bajarlink |
20090826$ Ago 2009 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
A Column Generation Model for Truck Routing in the Chilean Forest Industry. Pablo A. Rey, Juan Carlos Munoz y Andres Weintraub$ A Column Generation Model for Truck Routing in the Chilean Forest Industry. Pablo A. Rey, Juan Carlos Muñoz y Andrés Weintraub (publicado en: INFOR, Vol. 47, No. 3, August 2009, pp. 215–221)bajar |
20090803$ Ago 2009 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Finding representative web pages based on a SOM and a reverse cluster analysis. Sebastian Rios, Juan Velasquez$ Finding representative web pages based on a SOM and a reverse cluster analysis. Sebastián Ríos, Juan Velásquez (publicado en: International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 20(1): 93-118 (2011))link |
20090801$ Ago 2009 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
Using School Scholarships to Estimate the Effect of Private Education on the Academic Achievement of Low Income Students in Chile$ Using School Scholarships to Estimate the Effect of Private Education on the Academic Achievement of Low Income Students in Chile (publicado en: Economic of Education Review 28(3): 370-381)link |
20090630$ Jun 2009 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Andrea Repetto Mizala Alejandra Priyanka Anand |
Using school scholarships to estimate the effect of private education on the academic achievement of low income students in Chile. Andrea Repetto , Priyanka Anand y Alejandra Mizala$ Using school scholarships to estimate the effect of private education on the academic achievement of low income students in Chile. Andrea Repetto , Priyanka Anand y Alejandra Mizala (publicado en: Economic of Education Review 28(3): 370-381, 2009,)link |
20090601$ Jun 2009 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Etica en los Negocios$ Etica en los Negocioslink |
20090501$ May 2009 |
Libros | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
How Much Should You Invest In Each Customer Relationship$ How Much Should You Invest In Each Customer Relationship (publicado en: Marketing Science, Andres Musalem and Yogesh Joshi)link |
20090501$ May 2009 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Musalem Andrés |
Bayesian Estimation of Random-Coefficients Choice Models using Aggregate Data$ Bayesian Estimation of Random-Coefficients Choice Models using Aggregate Data (publicado en: Journal of Applied Econometrics, Andres Musalem, Eric T. Bradlow and Jagmohan S. Raju)link |
20090401$ Abr 2009 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaMarketing | Musalem Andrés |
Evaluating approaches for solving the area restriction model in harvest scheduling. Marcos Goycoolea, Alan T. Murray, Juan Pablo Vielma, Andres Weintraub$ Evaluating approaches for solving the area restriction model in harvest scheduling. Marcos Goycoolea, Alan T. Murray, Juan Pablo Vielma, Andres Weintraubbajar |
20090302$ Mar 2009 |
Conferencia Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Decisiones Eticas en Tiempos de Crisis: El Caso del Rescate al Sistema Financiero y a la Industria Automotriz de EEUU. Teodoro Wigodski, Christian Espinoza, Guido Silva$ Decisiones Éticas en Tiempos de Crisis: El Caso del Rescate al Sistema Financiero y a la Industria Automotriz de EEUU. Teodoro Wigodski, Christián Espinoza, Guido Silvalink |
20090101$ Ene 2009 |
Documentos de trabajo | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
Debt sustainability under catastrophic risk: the case for government budget insurance. Eduardo Borensztein, Eduardo Cavallo, Patricio Valenzuela$ Debt sustainability under catastrophic risk: the case for government budget insurance. Eduardo Borensztein, Eduardo Cavallo, Patricio Valenzuela (publicado en: Risk Management and Insurance Review, 2009, Vol. 12, No. 2, 273-294 - EDUCATIONAL INSIGHTS)bajar |
20090101$ Ene 2009 |
Artículo Internacional | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Web mining: analisis sobre la privacidad del tratamiento de datos originados en la web. , J. D. Velasquez y L. Donoso.$ Web mining: análisis sobre la privacidad del tratamiento de datos originados en la web. , J. D. Velásquez y L. Donoso. (publicado en: Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemasa de Sistemas ,vol. 23 ,num. 1 ,pp. 5-26 ,2009) |
20090000$ Dic 2009 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Un metodo de optimizacion lineal entera para el analisis de sesiones de usuarios web. P. Roman; J. D. Velasquez ; R. Dell ; Juan D. Velasquez y Pablo Roman.$ Un método de optimización lineal entera para el análisis de sesiones de usuarios web. P. Román; J. D. Velásquez ; R. Dell ; Juan D. Velásquez y Pablo Román. (publicado en: Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemas ,vol. 23 ,num. 1 ,pp. 109-124 ,2009) |
20090000$ Dic 2009 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Knowledge-based and intelligent information and engineering systems: innovations in chance discovery advanced knowledge-based systems; Multi-agent negotiation and coordination: models and applications; Innovations in intelligent systems (I); Intelligent. , Velasquez, Juan D.$ Knowledge-based and intelligent information and engineering systems: innovations in chance discovery advanced knowledge-based systems; Multi-agent negotiation and coordination: models and applications; Innovations in intelligent systems (I); Intelligent. , Velásquez, Juan D. (publicado en: Springer ,2009.) |
20090000$ Dic 2009 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
Semantic Web Usage Mining by a Concept-Based Approach for Off-line Web Site Enhancements. Sebastian A. Rios, Juan D. Velasquez:$ Semantic Web Usage Mining by a Concept-Based Approach for Off-line Web Site Enhancements. Sebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez: (publicado en: Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, 2008. WI-IAT '08. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on (Volume:1 ))link |
20081209$ Dic 2008 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
Who's Got The Coupon: Estimating Consumer Preferences and Coupon Usage from Aggregate Information$ Who's Got The Coupon: Estimating Consumer Preferences and Coupon Usage from Aggregate Information (publicado en: Journal of Marketing Research, Andres Musalem, Eric T. Bradlow and Jagmohan S. Raju)bajar |
20081201$ Dic 2008 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Musalem Andrés |
Using operational research for supply chain planning in the forest products industry. Sophie D’Amours, Mikael Ronnqvist, Andres Weintraub$ Using operational research for supply chain planning in the forest products industry. Sophie D’Amours, Mikael Ronnqvist, Andrés Weintraub (publicado en: INFOR, Vol. 46, No. 4, November 2008, pp. 265–281)bajar |
20081103$ Nov 2008 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
A theory of regular markov perfect equilibria in dynamic stochastic games: genericity, stability, and puri. Juan Escobar, Ulrich Doraszelski$ A theory of regular markov perfect equilibria in dynamic stochastic games: genericity, stability, and puri. Juan Escobar, Ulrich Doraszelski (publicado en: Theoretical Economics, 2010)bajarlink |
20081101$ Nov 2008 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Escobar Juan |
A genetic algorithm for a bicriteria supplier selection problem. Chuda Basneta, Andres Weintraubb$ A genetic algorithm for a bicriteria supplier selection problem. Chuda Basneta, Andres Weintraubb (publicado en: INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH)bajar |
20081004$ Oct 2008 |
Publicación ISI | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Metodologias basadas en VaR para el analisis de riesgo en proyectos de embalses. Eduardo Contreras$ Metodologías basadas en VaR para el análisis de riesgo en proyectos de embalses. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20080908$ Sep 2008 |
Artículo Nacional | FinanzasGestión | Contreras Eduardo |
A Priori and A Posteriori Aggregation Procedures to Reduce Model Size in MIP Mine Planning Models. Andres Weintraub, Marianela Pereira, Ximena Schultz$ A Priori and A Posteriori Aggregation Procedures to Reduce Model Size in MIP Mine Planning Models. Andres Weintraub, Marianela Pereira, Ximena Schultz (publicado en: Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 30 (2008) 297–302)bajarlink |
20080901$ Sep 2008 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Mobility in Europe –why itislow,the bottlenecks and the policy solutions. Alexandre Janiak and Etienne Wasmer$ Mobility in Europe –why itislow,the bottlenecks and the policy solutions. Alexandre Janiak and Etienne Wasmer (publicado en: European Economics - Economic and Financial Affairs)bajarlink |
20080901$ Sep 2008 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Janiak, Alexandre |
Monopolistic competition in electricity networks with resistance losses. Alejandro Jofre, Juan Escobar$ Monopolistic competition in electricity networks with resistance losses. Alejandro Jofré, Juan Escobar (publicado en: Economics Theory, 2010)bajarlink |
20080801$ Ago 2008 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Escobar Juan |
Manual metodologico de evaluacion multicriterio para programas y proyectos. Eduardo Contreras$ Manual metodológico de evaluación multicriterio para programas y proyectos. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20080701$ Jul 2008 |
Manuales | Gestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Mediana mineria en Chile ¿Por que no se articula el mercado de capitales? Eduardo Contreras$ Mediana minería en Chile ¿Por qué no se articula el mercado de capitales? Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20080523$ May 2008 |
Artículo Nacional | FinanzasGestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Drivers of
nished goods inventory in the U.S. automobile industry. Marcelo Olivares$ Drivers of nished goods inventory in the U.S. automobile industry. Marcelo Olivares (publicado en: Social Science Research Network)bajarlink |
20080513$ May 2008 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Olivares Marcelo |
Web site keywords: A methodology for improving gradually the web site text content. Velasquez, Juan$ Web site keywords: A methodology for improving gradually the web site text content. Velásquez, Juan (publicado en: Intelligent Data Analysis ,vol. 16 ,num. 2 ,pp. 327-348 ,2012.)bajar |
20080501$ May 2008 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Una mirada al gobierno corporativo en Chile: Casos emblematicos. Fernando Lefort y Teodoro Wigodski$ Una mirada al gobierno corporativo en Chile: Casos emblemáticos. Fernando Lefort y Teodoro Wigodskilink |
20080301$ Mar 2008 |
Libros | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
Mejoramiento de la gestion y uso de TICs en las mipymes a traves de software libre. A. Jimenez; J. D. Velasquez y A. Fuentes ,$ Mejoramiento de la gestión y uso de TICs en las mipymes a través de software libre. A. Jiménez; J. D. Velásquez y A. Fuentes , (publicado en: Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemas ,vol. 22 ,num. 1 ,pp. 31-55 ,2008) |
20080000$ Dic 2008 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Adaptive web sites. Velasquez, JD y Palade, V.$ Adaptive web sites. Velásquez, JD y Palade, V. (publicado en: IOS Press ,2008) |
20080000$ Dic 2008 |
Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
A hybrid system for concept-based web usage mining.Sebastian A. Rios, Juan D. Velasquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki$ A hybrid system for concept-based web usage mining.Sebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki (publicado en: International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Volume 3, Number 4/2006)link |
20071201$ Dic 2007 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
Socioeconomic status or noise? Tradeoffs in the generation of school quality information$ Socioeconomic status or noise? Tradeoffs in the generation of school quality information (publicado en: Journal of Development Economics 84: 61-75)link |
20070930$ Sep 2007 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Miguel Urquiola Mizala Alejandra Pilar Romaguera |
Scheduling the Chilean Soccer League by integer programming. Guillermo Duran, Mario Guajardo, Jaime Miranda, Denis Saure, Sebastian Souyris, Andres Weintraub, Rodrigo Wolf,$ Scheduling the Chilean Soccer League by integer programming. Guillermo Durán, Mario Guajardo, Jaime Miranda, Denis Sauré, Sebastián Souyris, Andres Weintraub, Rodrigo Wolf, (publicado en: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS))bajarlink |
20070903$ Sep 2007 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
¿Socioeconomic status or noise? .Tradeoffs in the generation of school quality information. Pilar Romaguera,Miguel Urquiola, Alejandra Mizala$ ¿Socioeconomic status or noise? .Tradeoffs in the generation of school quality information. Pilar Romaguera,Miguel Urquiola, Alejandra Mizala (publicado en: Journal of Development Economics 84: 61-75 , 2007)link |
20070901$ Sep 2007 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Assessing the impact of stand-level harvests on the flammability of forest landscapes. Cristian D. Palma, Wenbin Cui, David L. Martell, Dario Robak, Andres Weintraub$ Assessing the impact of stand-level harvests on the flammability of forest landscapes. Cristian D. Palma, Wenbin Cui, David L. Martell, Dario Robak, Andres Weintraub (publicado en: International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2007, 16, 584–592)bajarlink |
20070129$ Ene 2007 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Segmentacion de los contribuyentes que declaran IVA aplicando herramientas de clustering. S. Lückeheide; J. D. Velasquez y L. Cerca.$ Segmentación de los contribuyentes que declaran IVA aplicando herramientas de clustering. S. Lückeheide; J. D. Velásquez y L. Cerca. (publicado en: Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemas ,vol. 21 ,num. 1 ,pp. 87-110 ,2007) |
20070000$ Dic 2007 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Una metodologia para mejorar el contenido de un sitio web a partir de la identificacion de sus web site keywords. J. I. Fernandez y J. D. Velasquez.$ Una metodología para mejorar el contenido de un sitio web a partir de la identificación de sus web site keywords. J. I. Fernández y J. D. Velásquez. (publicado en: Revista de Ingenieria de Sistemas ,vol. 21 ,num. 1 ,pp. 5-29 ,2007) |
20070000$ Dic 2007 |
Artículo Nacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
The current impact factor and the long-term impact of scientific journals by discipline: A logistic diffusion model estimation$ The current impact factor and the long-term impact of scientific journals by discipline: A logistic diffusion model estimation (publicado en: Scientometrics vol. 69, (3):689–696)link |
20061230$ Dic 2006 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Claudia Contreras Gonzalo Edwards Mizala Alejandra |
Building a Knowledge Base for Implementing a Web-Based Computerized Recommendation System.$ Building a Knowledge Base for Implementing a Web-Based Computerized Recommendation System. (publicado en: International Journal of Artificial Intelligence Tools ,vol. 16 ,num. 5 ,pp. 793-828 ,2007.)bajarlink |
20061213$ Dic 2006 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Integer programming in forestry. Andres Weintraub P.$ Integer programming in forestry. Andres Weintraub P. (publicado en: Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2007)bajar |
20061202$ Dic 2006 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
No mas VAN: El value at risk (VaR) del van, una nueva metodologia de analisis de riesgo. Eduardo Contreras$ No más VAN: El value at risk (VaR) del van, una nueva metodología de análisis de riesgo. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20061106$ Nov 2006 |
Artículo Nacional | FinanzasGestión | Contreras Eduardo Cruz José Miguel |
Towards the Identification of Keywords in the Web Site Text Content: A Methodological Approach. Juan D. Velasquez, Sebastian A. Rios, Alejandro Bassi, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki:$ Towards the Identification of Keywords in the Web Site Text Content: A Methodological Approach. Juan D. Velásquez, Sebastián A. Ríos, Alejandro Bassi, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: (publicado en: Proceeding WI '06 Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence Pages 361-365)link |
20061101$ Nov 2006 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
The current impact factor and the long-term impact of scientific journals by discipline: a logistic diffusion model estimation. with C. Contreras and G. Edwards$ The current impact factor and the long-term impact of scientific journals by discipline: a logistic diffusion model estimation. with C. Contreras and G. Edwards (publicado en: Scientometrics vol. 69, Nº 3, 2006)link |
20061101$ Nov 2006 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Improving Web Site Content Using a Concept-Based Knowledge Discovery Process. Sebastian A. Rios, Juan D. Velasquez, Eduardo S. Vera, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki:$ Improving Web Site Content Using a Concept-Based Knowledge Discovery Process. Sebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Eduardo S. Vera, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: (publicado en: Proceeding WI '06 Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence Pages 361-365)link |
20061002$ Oct 2006 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
Conceptual Classification to Improve a Web Site Content. Sebastian A. Rios, Juan D. Velasquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki$ Conceptual Classification to Improve a Web Site Content. Sebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki (publicado en: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume: 4224 Pages: 869-877)link |
20061002$ Oct 2006 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
A Dynamic Objective Subjective Structure for Forest Management.M. I. HENIG, A.WEINTRAUB$ A Dynamic Objective Subjective Structure for Forest Management.M. I. HENIG, A.WEINTRAUB (publicado en: JOURNAL OF MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION ANALYSIS)bajarlink |
20060807$ Ago 2006 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Operations research models and the management of agricultural and forestry resources. A review and comparison.Andres Weintraub, Carlos Romero,$ Operations research models and the management of agricultural and forestry resources. A review and comparison.Andrés Weintraub, Carlos Romero, (publicado en: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS))bajarlink |
20060703$ Jul 2006 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Testing for wage leadership processes in the Chilean economy. P. Romaguera, A.Mizala$ Testing for wage leadership processes in the Chilean economy. P. Romaguera, A.Mizala (publicado en: Applied Economics , Volume 27, Issue 3, 1995)link |
20060701$ Jul 2006 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
A Knowledge Base for the maintenance of knowledge extracted from web data$ A Knowledge Base for the maintenance of knowledge extracted from web data (publicado en: Journal of Knowledge-Based Systems ,vol. 20, num. 3, pp. 238-248 ,2007)bajar |
20060603$ Jun 2006 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Marco institucional y trabas al financiamiento a la exploracion y mediana mineria en Chile. Eduardo Contreras y Christian Moscoso$ Marco institucional y trabas al financiamiento a la exploración y mediana minería en Chile. Eduardo Contreras y Christian Moscosobajarlink |
20060401$ Abr 2006 |
Artículo Nacional | Finanzas | Contreras Eduardo |
Web site off-line structure reconfiguration: A web user browsing analysis. Rios, Sebastian, Rios; Velasquez, Juan ; H. Yasuda y T. Aoki .$ Web site off-line structure reconfiguration: A web user browsing analysis. Ríos, Sebastian, Ríos; Velásquez, Juan ; H. Yasuda y T. Aoki . (publicado en: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 4252, num. 1, pp. 371-378 ,2006.)bajarlink |
20060101$ Ene 2006 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
Testing online navigation recommendations in a web site. Juan, Velasquez and and V. Palade$ Testing online navigation recommendations in a web site. Juan, Velásquez and and V. Palade (publicado en: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 4253, num. 1, pp. 487-496 ,2006)bajarlink |
20060101$ Ene 2006 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Review of combinatorial problems induced by spatial forest harvesting planning. Andres Weintraub, Alan T. Murray$ Review of combinatorial problems induced by spatial forest harvesting planning. Andres Weintraub, Alan T. Murray (publicado en: Discrete Applied Mathematics 154 (2006) 867 – 879)bajarlink |
20051121$ Nov 2005 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Improving computational capabilities for addressing volume constraints in forest harvest scheduling problems. Juan Pablo Vielma , Alan T. Murray, David M. Ryan, Andres Weintraub$ Improving computational capabilities for addressing volume constraints in forest harvest scheduling problems. Juan Pablo Vielma , Alan T. Murray, David M. Ryan, Andres Weintraub (publicado en: European Journal of Operational Research 176 (2007) 1246–1264)bajarlink |
20051118$ Nov 2005 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Costos economicos de delito en Chile. Eduardo Contreras$ Costos económicos de delito en Chile. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20051101$ Nov 2005 |
Manuales | Economía | Contreras Eduardo |
La tasa social de descuento en Chile. Eduardo Contreras$ La tasa social de descuento en Chile. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20051010$ Oct 2005 |
Working Paper | EconomíaFinanzas | Contreras Eduardo Cruz José Miguel |
Using SOFM to Improve Web Site Text Content. Sebastian A. Rios, Juan D. Velasquez, Eduardo S. Vera, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki$ Using SOFM to Improve Web Site Text Content. Sebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Eduardo S. Vera, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki (publicado en: CNC (2) 2005: 622-626)link |
20051003$ Oct 2005 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
Web Site Improvements Based on Representative Pages Identification. Sebastian A. Rios, Juan D. Velasquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki:$ Web Site Improvements Based on Representative Pages Identification. Sebastián A. Ríos, Juan D. Velásquez, Hiroshi Yasuda, Terumasa Aoki: (publicado en: Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005)link |
20051003$ Oct 2005 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
A combinatorial heuristic approach for solving real-size machinery location and road design problems in forestry planning. Rafael Epstein, Andres Weintraub, Pedro Sapunar, Enrique Nieto, Julian B. Sessions, John Sessions, Fernando Bustamante, Hugo Musante$ A combinatorial heuristic approach for solving real-size machinery location and road design problems in forestry planning. Rafael Epstein, Andrés Weintraub, Pedro Sapunar, Enrique Nieto, Julian B. Sessions, John Sessions, Fernando Bustamante, Hugo Musante (publicado en: OPERATIONS RESEARCH Vol. 54, No. 6, November–December 2006, pp. 1017–1027)bajar |
20050601$ Jun 2005 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
A tabu search approach for solving a difficult forest harvesting machine location problem. Andres Diaz Legues, Jacques A. Ferland , Celso C. Ribeiro, Jorge R. Vera, Andres Weintraub$ A tabu search approach for solving a difficult forest harvesting machine location problem. Andres Diaz Leguës, Jacques A. Ferland , Celso C. Ribeiro, Jorge R. Vera, Andres Weintraub (publicado en: European Journal of Operational Research 179 (2007) 788–805)bajarlink |
20050523$ May 2005 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Wage differentials and occupational wage premia: firm level evidence for Brazil and Chile. P. Romaguera, A. Mizala$ Wage differentials and occupational wage premia: firm level evidence for Brazil and Chile. P. Romaguera, A. Mizala (publicado en: Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 44 , Nº2, 1998)link |
20050301$ Mar 2005 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Towards the identification of keywords in the web site text content: A methodological approach. Juan D. Velasquez, Sebastian A. Rios, Alejandro Bassi, Hiroshi Yasuda,Terumasa Aoki.$ Towards the identification of keywords in the web site text content: A methodological approach. Juan D. Velásquez, Sebastían A. Ríos, Alejandro Bassi, Hiroshi Yasuda,Terumasa Aoki. (publicado en: International Journal of Web Information Systems)bajarlink |
20050301$ Mar 2005 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |
Evaluacion social de inversiones publicas: enfoques alternativos y su aplicabilidad para Latinoamerica. Eduardo Contreras$ Evaluación social de inversiones públicas: enfoques alternativos y su aplicabilidad para Latinoamérica. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20041201$ Dic 2004 |
Manuales | Gestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Schools and teacher performance incentives: The Latin American experience$ Schools and teacher performance incentives: The Latin American experience (publicado en: International Journal of Educational Development vol 24 (6): 739-754)link |
20041130$ Nov 2004 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Mizala Alejandra Pilar Romaguera |
Schools and teacher performance incentives: the Latin American experience. P. Romaguera, A. Mizala$ Schools and teacher performance incentives: the Latin American experience. P. Romaguera, A. Mizala (publicado en: International Journal of Educational Development vol 24 N° 6, 2004.)link |
20041101$ Nov 2004 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Una nueva metodologia para la evaluacion de proyectos de inversion: las opciones reales. Eduardo Contreras$ Una nueva metodología para la evaluación de proyectos de inversión: las opciones reales. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20040504$ May 2004 |
Artículo Nacional | FinanzasGestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Harvest Sheduling Subject to Maximum Area Restrictions_ Exploring Exact Approaches. Marcos Goycoolea, Alan T. Murray, Francisco Barahona, Rafael Epstein, Andres Weintraub$ Harvest Sheduling Subject to Maximum Area Restrictions_ Exploring Exact Approaches. Marcos Goycoolea, Alan T. Murray, Francisco Barahona, Rafael Epstein, Andrés Weintraub (publicado en: OPERATIONS RESEARCH Vol. 53, No. 3, May–June 2005, pp. 490–500)bajar |
20040202$ Feb 2004 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Risk managment in the chilean financial market : the VaR revolution. Jose Miguel Cruz$ Risk managment in the chilean financial market : the VaR revolution. José Miguel Cruzlink |
20040201$ Feb 2004 |
Artículo Nacional | Finanzas | Cruz José Miguel |
A new similarity measure to understand visitor behavior in a web site. Juan, Velasquez ; H. Yasuda ; T. Aoki y R. Weber$ A new similarity measure to understand visitor behavior in a web site. Juan, Velásquez ; H. Yasuda ; T. Aoki y R. Weber (publicado en: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Special Issues in Information Processing Technology for web utilization, vol. E87-D, num. 2, pp. 389-396 ,2004)bajarlink |
20040101$ Ene 2004 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan Weber Richard |
Intelligent web site: understanding the visitor behavior. Juan, Velasquez; P.A. Estevez; H. Yasuda; T. Aoki y E. Vera$ Intelligent web site: understanding the visitor behavior. Juan, Velásquez; P.A. Estévez; H. Yasuda; T. Aoki y E. Vera (publicado en: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3213, num. 1, pp. 140-147, 2004.)bajarlink |
20040101$ Ene 2004 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Incertidumbre y mecanismo regulatorio optimo en los servicios basicos chilenos. Eduardo Contreras$ Incertidumbre y mecanismo regulatorio optimo en los servicios básicos chilenos. Eduardo Contrerasbajarlink |
20030903$ Sep 2003 |
Working Paper | EconomíaFinanzas | Contreras Eduardo |
Una nueva metodologia para la evaluacion de proyectos de inversion: las opciones reales (RIS). Eduardo Contreras$ Una nueva metodología para la evaluación de proyectos de inversión: las opciones reales (RIS). Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20030707$ Jul 2003 |
Artículo Nacional | FinanzasGestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Wine pricing: The influence of country of origin, variety and wine magazine ratings$ Wine pricing: The influence of country of origin, variety and wine magazine ratings (publicado en: International Journal of Wine Marketing, Arias-Bolzmann, Leopoldo, Leonard M. Lodish, Orkun Sak, Andrés Musalem, Rodrigo Baez and Luis Jose de Souza)link |
20030501$ May 2003 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Musalem Andrés |
Evaluacion multicriterio: aplicacion para la formulacion de proyectos de infraestructura deportiva. Eduardo Contreras$ Evaluación multicriterio: aplicación para la formulación de proyectos de infraestructura deportiva. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
20030304$ Mar 2003 |
Working Paper | EconomíaFinanzas | Contreras Eduardo |
Using self organizing feature maps to acquire knowledge about visitor behavior in a web site. Velasquez, Juan; H. Yasuda ; T. Aoki; Weber, Richard y Vera , Eduardo.$ Using self organizing feature maps to acquire knowledge about visitor behavior in a web site. Velásquez, Juan; H. Yasuda ; T. Aoki; Weber, Richard y Vera , Eduardo. (publicado en: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol 2773, num. 1, pp. 951-958, 2003)bajarlink |
20030101$ Ene 2003 |
Artículo Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan Weber Richard |
Beyond Heckscher-Ohlin trade and labour market interactions: a case study of Chile$ Beyond Heckscher-Ohlin trade and labour market interactions: a case study of Chile (publicado en: Journal of Policy Modeling 24: 639-666)link |
20021130$ Nov 2002 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Maurizio Bussolo Mizala Alejandra Pilar Romaguera |
Beyond Heckscher-Ohlin trade and labour market interactions: a case study of Chile. M. Bussolo, P. Romaguera, A. Mizala$ Beyond Heckscher-Ohlin trade and labour market interactions: a case study of Chile. M. Bussolo, P. Romaguera, A. Mizala (publicado en: Journal of Policy Modeling 24, 2002)link |
20021101$ Nov 2002 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
The technical efficiency of schools in Chile$ The technical efficiency of schools in Chile (publicado en: Applied Economics 34)link |
20020101$ Ene 2002 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Dario Farren Mizala Alejandra Pilar Romaguera |
Factores explicativos de los resultados escolares en la educacion secundaria en Chile$ Factores explicativos de los resultados escolares en la educación secundaria en Chile (publicado en: El Trimestre económico LXVIII (4)(272):515-549)link |
20011030$ Oct 2001 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Mizala Alejandra Pilar Romaguera |
Analisis de Interrelaciones en las canastas de compras de un supermercado$ Análisis de Interrelaciones en las canastas de compras de un supermercado (publicado en: Revista de Ingeniería de Sistemas, Bosch, Máximo and Andrés Musalem) |
20010701$ Jul 2001 |
Artículo Nacional | Marketing | Bosch Máximo Musalem Andrés |
School performance and choice: the Chilean experience. P. Romaguera y A. Mizala$ School performance and choice: the Chilean experience. P. Romaguera y A. Mizala (publicado en: Journal of Human Resources vol 35 N°2, Spring 2000)link |
20000501$ May 2000 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
School performance and choice: The Chilean experience$ School performance and choice: The Chilean experience (publicado en: Journal of Human Resources, vol 35 (2): 392-417)link |
20000430$ Abr 2000 |
Artículo Internacional | EconomíaEducación | Mizala Alejandra Pilar Romaguera |
Experiencias de Administracion por Categorias en Chile$ Experiencias de Administración por Categorías en Chile (publicado en: Documeto de Trabajo DII, Bosch, Máximo, Cristián Espinoza, Andrés Musalem, Cristián Paz and Martín Vega) |
20000101$ Ene 2000 |
Working Paper | Marketing | Bosch Máximo Musalem Andrés |
Costo social del capital en Chile. Hector Aviles y Eduardo Contreras$ Costo social del capital en Chile. Hector Avilés y Eduardo Contrerasbajarlink |
19990812$ Ago 1999 |
Working Paper | EconomíaFinanzas | Contreras Eduardo |
Telecentros comunitarios: una propuesta de desarrollo para zonas rurales. Eduardo Contreras$ Telecentros comunitarios: una propuesta de desarrollo para zonas rurales. Eduardo Contrerasbajar |
19990811$ Ago 1999 |
Working Paper | EconomíaGestión | Contreras Eduardo |
Wage differentials and occupational wage premia: Firm level evidence for Brazil and Chile$ Wage differentials and occupational wage premia: Firm level evidence for Brazil and Chile (publicado en: Review of Income and Wealth, vol. 44 (2): 239-256)link |
19980630$ Jun 1998 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra Pilar Romaguera |
Inter-industry wage differentials in Brazil$ Inter-industry wage differentials in Brazil (publicado en: Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol.43(2): 315-331 )link |
19950130$ Ene 1995 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Jaime Gatica Mizala Alejandra Pilar Romaguera |
Testing for wage leadership processes in the Chilean economy$ Testing for wage leadership processes in the Chilean economy (publicado en: Applied Economics 27: 303-310 )link |
19950130$ Ene 1995 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra Pilar Romaguera |
Inter-industry wage differentials in Brazil. P. Romaguera, J. Gatica, A. Mizala$ Inter-industry wage differentials in Brazil. P. Romaguera, J. Gatica, A. Mizala (publicado en: Economic Development and Cultural Change vol.43 Nº2, 1995)link |
19950101$ Ene 1995 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
Estructura salarial y diferencias de salario en la industria brasilena$ Estructura salarial y diferencias de salario en la industria brasileña (publicado en: El Trimestre Económico LVIII (4)(232):769-792)link |
19910130$ Ene 1991 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Jaime Gatica Mizala Alejandra Pilar Romaguera |
US Multinationals and Latin American Manufacturing Employment Absorption$ US Multinationals and Latin American Manufacturing Employment Absorption (publicado en: World Development Vol. 10 (2): 115-126)link |
19820201$ Feb 1982 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Meller Patricio Mizala Alejandra |
US multinationals and Latin American manufacturing employment absorption. P. Meller, A. Mizala$ US multinationals and Latin American manufacturing employment absorption. P. Meller, A. Mizala (publicado en: World Development Vol. 10 N° 2, 1982)link |
19820201$ Feb 1982 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Mizala Alejandra |
The Shortest and the K-Shortest Routes as Assignment Problems$ The Shortest and the K-Shortest Routes as Assignment Problemsbajar |
19730903$ Sep 1973 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Weintraub, Andrés |
Encouraging pro-environmental behaviour through green identity labelling$ Encouraging pro-environmental behaviour through green identity labelling (publicado en: NATURE SUSTAINABILITY)link |
200525$ May 20 |
Artículo Internacional | Marketing | Schwartz Daniel |
Cognitive science for web usage analysis. Roman, Pablo E y Velasquez, Juan D.$ Cognitive science for web usage analysis. Román, Pablo E y Velásquez, Juan D. (publicado en: Advanced Techniques in Web Intelligence-2 ,pp. 35-73 ,2013) |
130000$ Dic 13 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Velásquez Juan |
Inequality, crime and private protection$ Inequality, crime and private protection (publicado en: ECONOMICS LETTERS)link |
00000$ Dic 0 |
Artículo Internacional | Economía | Corvalán Alejandro |
Recent Developments in Prophet Inequalities$ Recent Developments in Prophet Inequalities (publicado en: SI GECOM EXCHANGES)link |
00000$ Dic 0 |
Artículo Internacional | Gestión de Operaciones | Correa José |
Inclusion financiera y microfinanzas en America Latina (con Alejandro Micco)$ Inclusión financiera y microfinanzas en América Latina (con Alejandro Micco) (publicado en: Edward Elgar Publishing) |
00000$ Dic 0 |
Documentos de trabajo | Finanzas | Valenzuela, Patricio |
Negotiating Education Reform: Teacher Evaluations and Incentives in Chile (1990-2010). Governance vol 27(1), 2014: 87-109, Alejandra Mizala with B. Schneider$ Negotiating Education Reform: Teacher Evaluations and Incentives in Chile (1990-2010). Governance vol 27(1), 2014: 87-109, Alejandra Mizala with B. Schneider (publicado en: Governance vol 27(1), 2014: 87-109)link |
00000$ Dic 0 |
Artículo Internacional | EducaciónPolíticas Públicas | Mizala Alejandra |
Revista Estudios de Politicas Publicas$ Revista Estudios de Políticas Públicas (publicado en: Universidad de Chile)link |
00000$ Dic 0 |
Artículo Nacional | Políticas Públicas | |
Enhancing Social Network Analysis with a Concept-Based Text Mining Approach to Discover Key Members on a Virtual Community of Practice. Hector Alvarez, Sebastian A. Rios, Felipe Aguilera, Eduardo Merlo, Luis A. Guerrero$ Enhancing Social Network Analysis with a Concept-Based Text Mining Approach to Discover Key Members on a Virtual Community of Practice. Héctor Álvarez, Sebastián A. Ríos, Felipe Aguilera, Eduardo Merlo, Luis A. Guerrero (publicado en: Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 591-600)link |
00000$ Dic 0 |
Conferencia Internacional | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián |
Fortaleciendo el Gobierno Corporativo: responsabilidad penal de la empresa.Teodoro Wigodski y Ximena Santibanez.$ Fortaleciendo el Gobierno Corporativo: responsabilidad penal de la empresa.Teodoro Wigodski y Ximena Santibañ |
00000$ Dic 0 |
Documentos de trabajo | Gestión | Wigodski Teodoro |
A new language model and a zipf-like scoring function for web document similarity retrieval. Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; L’Huillier, Gaston ; Rios, Sebastian y Velasquez, Juan D.$ A new language model and a zipf-like scoring function for web document similarity retrieval. Bravo-Marquez, Felipe; L’Huillier, Gastón ; Ríos, Sebastián y Velásquez, Juan D. |
00000$ Dic 0 |
Capítulos de Libros | Analítica de Datos | Ríos Sebastián Velásquez Juan |