Políticas Públicas

INNOVACIÓN SOCIAL y PÚBLICA: Experiencias y aproximaciones a la complejidad contemporánea

A 50 años del golpe. Estelas de la memoria, el libro póstumo de Hugo Behm Rosas

Negotiating Education Reform: Teacher Evaluations and Incentives in Chile (1990-2010)

The Effectiveness of Private Voucher Education: Evidence from Structural School Switches. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis vol. 33(2): 119-137, 2011, Alejandra Mizala with B. Lara and A. Repetto.

Negotiating Education Reform: Teacher Evaluations and Incentives in Chile (1990-2010). Governance vol 27(1), 2014: 87-109, Alejandra Mizala with B. Schneider

Pre-service Elementary School Teachers .Expectations about Student Performance: How their Beliefs are affected by their Mathematics Anxiety and Student’s Gender”. Teaching and Teacher Education 50, 2015: 70-78, Alejandra Mizala, S. Martinez y F. Martinez

Measuring the Relative Pay of School Teachers in Latin America 1997-2007 . International Journal of Educational Development 47, 2016: 20-32, Alejandra Mizala with H. Ñopo.

Means Tested School Vouchers and Educational Achievement: Evidence from Chile’s Universal Voucher System. ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 674:163-183, 2017, Alejandra Mizala with F. Torche

Primer Congreso Internacional de Evaluación de Proyectos

Voluntariado juvenil: Factores de permanencia en experiencias de intervención en infancia, Carlos Andrade G., Sara Arancibia C., María Cristina Cárdenas y Eduardo Contreras

The heterogeneous level of life quality across Chilean regions

Revista Estudios de Políticas Públicas