Seminario ISCI OM&A: “Selection and use of heuristics in voting decision tasks from Chilean citizens”
Presenta: Carlos Ascencio, académico Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez
Fecha: 22 de agosto 2024
Horario: 13:30 – 14:30 horas
Lugar: Beauchef 851, Sala de Consejo. Piso 4
Inscripciones en: Seminario ISCI OM&A
Organiza: Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería (ISCI)
Abstract: The aim of this research was to determine the heuristic keys used, according to Lau and Redlawsk’s model, and the order given to them by Chilean citizens to decide how to vote in presidential and municipal elections. An online program was designed for this purpose, which collected responses from 454 volunteers, of whom 436 completed the first task and 399 the second. The main results indicate an exploratory use of the heuristics indicated by the literature, with an order associated with the need to know the candidates, followed by a willingness to use a short number of cues linked to political party and ideological beliefs. Differences in decision depth and choice styles are found in people with different levels of political sophistication, and differences in style are found in age segments between 25 and 35. We also report different ways of using heuristic cues between the two decision tasks (presidential and municipal). We conclude on the importance of comparing different heuristics simultaneously and the possibility of extending the design and analysis model to different Latin American elections.