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Seminario CEA – MIPP


Hora: 12.30

Lugar: Sala Consejo 401, Beauchef 851, piso 4 | Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial

Tema: “Expectations, cores, and strategy-proofness for allocation problems with externalities”, trabajo coautoreado por Matteo Triosi.

Expone: María Haydeé Fonseca (Universidad Católica del Maule)

Abstract: we study the connection between cores and strategy-proofness in environments with externalities. With this objective in mind, we present a new concept of the core that relies on agents’ expectations about their peers’ reactions to group deviations. It encompasses several core consistent solutions previously proposed in the literature for environments with externalities. It allows us to prove that essentially single-valued cores are necessary and sufficient for the existence of strategy-proof, efficient, and individually rational mechanisms.

Más información en: https://mipp.cl/es/events_category/seminario/

Confirmar asistencia en: obarrera@dii.uchile.cl