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Ciclo Seminarios Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería (ISCI)


13:30- 14:30 horas, Sala Asamblea, Beauchef Poniente, 4to piso (Beauchef 851, Santiago)

Invitado: Dr. Dennie van Dolder, Assistant Professor in Finance Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Título de la conferencia: “Game Show Economics”

Much of what we know about individual decision making to date derives from laboratory experiments, and less so from real-life settings. Real-world data typically entail a lack of control, which can make it difficult to discriminate between competing hypotheses. Carefully designed experiments do allow for this and have generated a rich literature, but are at the same time vulnerable to criticism about the generalizability of findings to situations beyond the context of the lab. Because it is impossible to study behavior under each and every possible set of conditions, the optimal approach is to study behavior in a limited number of diverging ways. The use of TV game shows is one of these. Game shows allow the study of behavior in a high-scrutiny field setting where the stakes are high, and for a diverse subject pool. Combined with the strict and well-defined rules, game shows can provide unique opportunities to investigate the robustness of existing laboratory findings. In our talk, we will present our game show work on risk taking, bargaining, and cooperation.

Almuerzos previa inscripción desde las 13:15 horas

Consultas a seminarios@isci.cl


Organiza: Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería (ISCI)