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Ciclo seminarios CEA-MIPP / Paola Bordón, UAH


12:00 horas, Sala de Consejo, Beauchef 851 (4to piso).

Invitada: Paola Bordón, Universidad Alberto Hurtado.

“The Long-Run and Dynamic Consequences of High School Ranking”.

Organizan: Centro de Economía Aplicada (CEA) e Instituto Milenio MIPP.


Ranking of performance plays an important role in educational attainment. We consider data from a cohort of High-School students in Chile and track them from age-14 all the way through to making choices about higher education and indeed sitting national college entry exams (PSU). To deal with endogeneity of non-random assignment to classes we propose a novel instrument. We estimate the impact of high-school ranking, conditional on ability, on short-term and long-term educational outcomes and decisions. We look at subject specialization in High-School and College, Performance in College Entry Exams, and Enrolling in College. Additionally, we look at the dynamic effects of rank (within-person changes in rank). We find positive effects of raking of later outcomes, although peer effects are also important. Within/between class effects suggests peer effects may be larger than rank effects.

Más información aquí

Contacto y confirmación asistencia: Olga Barrera / obarrera@dii.uchile.cl