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Ciclo seminarios CEA – MIPP


13:00 horas, Sala Asamblea, Ingeniería Industrial, Torre Oriente (Beauchef 851, 4to piso, Santiago)

El Centro de Economía Aplicada (CEA) y el Instituto Milenio para la Investigación en Imperfecciones de Mercado y Políticas Públicas (MIPP) de la Universidad de Chile invitan a su ciclo de seminarios programados para el primer semestre del año.

Invitado: Román Fossati, Departamento de Economía, Universidad Diego Portales

Título de la conference: “Dual Employment Protection Legislation and the Size Distribution of Firms”

We develop a theoretical model of​ firm dynamics with search frictions and asymmetric ​firing costs for temporary and permanent workers (dual employment protection legislation, DEPL). We characterize the equilibrium labor composition that f​i​rms with different productivity choose over their life cycle, and we study the effect of DEPL on the distribution of ​firms’ size and productivity. The results indicate that DEPL play similar role as a tax to big f​i​rms and a subsidy to small firms (size-dependent-policies) by distorting firm selection as well as the allocation of resources across firms, and thus generating a decline in the level of TFP. Consistent with the evidence documented in this paper, in spite of having similar labor productivity by firms’ size-classes, countries with stricter DEPL that incentives or extend the use of temporary contracts have relatively smaller firms (that concentrate a higher fraction of employment), and lower aggregate productivity. In this sense the model provides new insights into the sources of the considerable differences in the fi​rm-size distributions across countries.

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Confirmaciones: Olga Barrera / obarrera@dii.uchile.cl