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Charla: “Business as a force for good – Reimagining the role of business in society”


Hora: 12.00

Lugar: Sala 316, piso 3 de Ingeniería Industrial, Beauchef 851

Formato: Híbrido

Idioma: Inglés

Inscripciones: https://bit.ly/40JX7HG

Expositora: Debbie Haski-Leventhal is a Professor of Management at Macquarie Business School and the MBA Director. She is an expert on corporate social responsibility (CSR), purpose, and impact.  Professor Haski-Leventhal is a TED speaker and a public speaker on purpose and social responsibility. She has published over 60 academic papers and five books, including Strategic CSR, The Purpose-Driven University  and Make it Meaningful. Her work was often covered by the media, such as The New York Times.

Sobre la charla: The global issues that humanity faces, from pandemics and wars to climate change, require a holistic approach where all sectors of the economy come together to address these issues. As business has contributed to severe problems worldwide, it must also be part of the solution.
Purpose-driven companies help to solve societal issues while engaging employees and all stakeholders and building their reputation as an agent of world benefit. Such companies focus more on impact than profits and speak up on significant matters.
In this masterclass, we will examine what purpose is, how companies can develop and lead by their purpose, and how to become a purpose-enabler so that all stakeholders can create a positive impact with and through the company. We will touch on some cutting-edge notions, such as social intrapreneurship and brand activism, to explore how some companies are shifting from being the best in the world to being the best for the world.

Organiza: MBA UCHILE