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Nos visita Pablo D’Erasmo, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

El Señor D´Erasmo es Economic Advisor and Economist del Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia y viene invitado por el  Centro de Economía Aplicada  y  el Instituto Milenio para la Investigación en Imperfecciones de Mercado y Políticas Publicas  de Ingeniería Industrial.
En esta oportunidad dictará la conferencia:  “Capital Requirements in a Quantitative Model of Banking Industry Dynamics”. Esta actividad se llevará a cabo el 9 de julio a las 13:30 horas en Beauchef 851, Piso 4  ( confirmar asistencia a obarrera@dii.uchile.cl)


We develop a model of banking industry dynamics to study the quantitative impact of capital requirements on bank risk taking, commercial bank failure, and market structure. We propose a market structure where big banks with market power interact with small, competitive fringe banks. Banks face idiosyncratic funding shocks as well as aggregate shocks to the fraction of performing loans in their portfolio. A nontrivial size distribution of banks arises out of endogenous entry and exit, as well as banks’ bu.er stock of net worth. We test the model using business cycle properties and the bank lending channel across banks of di.erent sizes. We then conduct a series of counterfactuals (including countercyclical requirements and size contingent (e.g. SIFI) requirements). We .nd that regulatory policies can have an important impact on market structure itself.
