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La académica Marcela Valenzuela junto con Jon Danielsson (SRC, LSE ) e Ilknur Zer, Federal Reserve Board, organizan el Seminario: Financial crises: predictability, causes and consequences. Esta actividad se realizará el 10 de abril, 2018 en el Conference Suite, 9th floor, Tower 2, London School of Economics.
Leading indicators of systemic risk are increasingly important for both financial policy makers and private sector practitioners. The aim of the conference is to stimulate debate and research on indicators of crises and how they can be used in practice.
Speakers: Matthew Baron (Cornell University), Daisuke Ikeda (Bank of England), Michael Kiley (Federal Reserve Board), Björn Richter (University of Bonn), Miguel Segoviano (International Monetary Fund), Christoph Trebesch (Kiel University)
Link al seminario