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Profesor de Stanford dictará charla

En el marco del los Seminarios Management Science, organizados por Ingeniería Industrial y el Instituto de Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería, el día lunes 13 de Noviembre el Profesor Benavid, dictará la charla “Latest and Greatest in Assessing Value of Health and Medical Technologies”. El Profesor Bendavid  trabaja en temas de salud publica integrando medicina con gestión de operaciones.  Conocer más del expositor

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The standard approach to assessing value of health interventions and technologies is the cost-effectivness analysis. The adoption of a standardized metric – the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio – has allowed institutions and countries (including the UK, Australia, and Canada) to adopt disciplined approaches for including or excluding health interventions from national insurance schemes. However, despite its success, cost-effectiveness approaches are rife with dilemmas and disagreements. In 2016, the US Panel on Cost-Effectiveness in Health and Medicine released a set of standard practice recommendations that address complicated issues in assessing value in health. This talk will address leading edges in cost-effectiveness analysis, including evaluating the
value of non-health effects, externalities, and choosing a perspective, using illustrative cases.