- J. Correa, A. Cristi, L Feuilloley, T. Oosterwijk, A. Tsigonias-Dimitriadis.
The Secretary Problem with Independent Sampling.
[Online Appendix].
- Management Science, to appear.
- J. Correa, A. Cristi, A. Fielbaum, T. Pollner, S.M. Weinberg. Optimal item pricing in online combinatorial auctions.
- Mathematical Programming, 206:429-460, 2024.
- J. Brustle, J. Correa, P. Duetting, V. Verdugo.
The Competition Complexity of Dynamic Pricing.
- Mathematics of Operations Research, 49(3):1303-2047, 2024
- J. Correa, D. Pizarro, G. Vulcano. The Value of observing the buyers' arrival time in dynamic pricing. [online Appendix] .
- Management Science, 70(4):2107-2121, 2024.
- J. Correa, A. Cristi, B. Epstein, J. Soto. Sample-driven optimal stopping: From the secretary problem to the i.i.d. prophet inequality.
- Mathematics of Operations Research, 49(1):441-475, 2024.
- J. Escobar, R. Epstein, J. Correa, P. Gidi, J Markovits, N. Epstein, Y. Montenegro, A. Turkieltaub. The 5G Spectrum Auction in Chile.
- Telecommunications Policy, 47(7), article 102580, 2023.
- J. Cembrano, J. Correa, V. Verdugo. Multidimensional political apportionment.
- Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, 119 (15) e2109305119, 2022.
- J. Correa, A. Cristi, B. Epstein, J. Soto. The Two-Sided Game of Googol.
- Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23(113):1-37, 2022.
- J. Correa, N. Epstein, R. Epstein, J. Escobar, I. Rios, N. Aramayo, B. Bahamondes, C. Bonet, M. Castillo, A. Cristi, B. Epstein, F. Subiabre. School Choice in Chile.
- Operations Research, 70(2):1066-1087, 2022.
- Finalist for the 2019 EURO excellence in practice award. Runner-up 2020 IFORS for development prize.
- J. Correa, P. Dutting, F. Fischer, K. Schewior.
Prophet Inequalities for IID Random Variables from an Unknown Distribution.
- Mathematics of Operations Research, 47(2):1287-1309, 2022.
- J. Correa, A. Cristi, T. Oosterwijk.
On the Price of Anarchy for Flows Over Time.
- Mathematics of Operations Research, 47(2):1394-1411, 2022.
- J. Correa, F. Munoz. Performance guarantees of local search for minsum scheduling problems.
- Mathematical Programming, 191:847-869, 2022.
- R. Cominetti, J. Correa, N. Olver. Long term behavior of dynamic equilibria in fluid queuing networks.
- Operations Research, 70(1):516-526, 2022.
- J. Correa, C. Guzman, T. Lianeas, E. Nikolova, M. Schroeder. Network pricing: How to induce optimal flows under strategic link operators.
- Operations Research, 70(1):472-489, 2022.
- J. Correa, M. Romero. On the asymptotic behavior of the expectation ofthe maximum of i.i.d. random variables.
- Operations Research Letters, 49:785-786, 2021.
- J. Correa, R. Saona, B. Ziliotto. Prophet secretary through blind strategies.
- Mathematical Programming, 190:483-521, 2021.
- J. Correa, P. Foncea, R. Hoeksma, T. Oosterwijk, T. Vredeveld.
Posted price mechanisms and optimal threshold strategies for random arrivals.
- Mathematics of Operations Research, 46(4):1452--1478, 2021.
- J. Correa, J. de Jong, B. de Keijzer, M. Uetz. The inefficiency of Nash and Subgame Perfect Equilibria for network routing.
- Mathematics of Operations Research, 44(4):1286-1303, 2019.
- J. Correa, R. Hoeksma, M. Schroeder. Network congestion games are robust to variable demand.
- Transportation Research B, 119:69--78, 2019.
- J. Correa, P. Foncea, D. Pizarro, V. Verdugo. From prophets to pricing, and back!.
- Operations Research Letters, 47(1):25--29, 2019.
- J. Correa, P. Foncea, R. Hoeksma, T. Oosterwijk, T. Vredeveld. Recent Developments in Prophet Inequalities
- ACM SIGecom Exchanges, 17(1):61--70, 2018.
- L. Briceno, J. Correa, A. Perlroth. Optimal continuous pricing with strategic consumers.
- Management Science, 63(8):2741--2755, 2017.
- J. Correa, T. Harks, V. Kreuzen, J. Matuschke. Fare evasion in transit networks.
- Operations Research, 65(1):165--183, 2017.
- J. Correa, V. Verdugo, J. Verschae. Splitting versus setup trade-offs for scheduling to minimize weighted completion time.
- Operations Research Letters, 44(4):469--473, 2016.
- F. Balmaceda, S. Balseiro, J. Correa, N. Stier-Moses. Bounds on the welfare loss from moral hazard with limited liability.
- Games and Economic Behavior, 95:137--155, 2016.
- J. Correa, R. Montoya, C. Thraves.
Contingent preannounced pricing policies with strategic consumers.
- Operations Research, 64(1):251--272, 2016.
- J. Correa, A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, J. Matuschke, O. Svensson, L. Stougie, V. Verdugo, J. Verschae.
Strong LP formulations for scheduling splittable jobs on unrelated machines.
- Mathematical Programming B, 154(1-2):305--328, 2015.
- R. Cole, J.R. Correa, V. Gkatzelis, V. Mirrokni, N. Olver.
Decentralized Utilitarian Mechanisms for Scheduling Games.
- Games and Economic Behavior, 92:306--326, 2015.
- R. Cominetti, J. Correa, O. Larre.
Dynamic Equilibria in Fluid Queuing Networks.
- Operations Research, 63(1):21--34, 2015.
- J. Correa, O. Larre, J.A. Soto.
TSP Tours in Cubic Graphs: Beyond 4/3.
- SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 29(2):915--939, 2015.
- J. Correa, L. Feuilloley, P. Perez-Lantero, J.A. Soto.
Independent and Hitting Sets of Rectangles Intersecting a Diagonal Line: Algorithms and Complexity.
- Discrete & Computational Geometry, 53:344--365, 2015.
- J.R. Correa, N. Megow.
Clique partitioning with value-monotone submodular cost.
- Discrete Optimization, 15:26--36, 2015.
- J.R. Correa, R. Lederman, N.E. Stier Moses.
Sensitivity analysis of markup equilibria in complementary markets.
- Operations Research Letters 42:173--179, 2014.
- J.R. Correa, N. Figueroa, R. Lederman, N.E. Stier Moses.
Pricing with markups in industries with increasing marginal costs.
- Mathematical Programming 146:143--184, 2014.
- J.R. Correa, M. Queyranne.
Efficiency of Equilibria in Restricted Uniform Machine Scheduling with Total Weighted Completion Time as Social Cost.
- Naval Research Logistics 59:384--395, 2012.
- J.R. Correa, M. Skutella, J. Verschae.
The power of preemption in unrelated machines and applications to scheduling orders.
- Mathematics of Operations Research, 37, No 2 (2012), pp. 379--398.
- M. Baiou, F. Barahona, J.R. Correa.
On the p-median polytope and the intersection property: Polyhedra and algorithms.
- SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 25, No 1 (2011), pp.
- R. Cominetti, J.R. Correa, T. Rothvoss, J. San Martin.
Optimal selection of customers for a last-minute offer.
- Operations Research, 58, No 4 (2010), pp. 878--888.
- J.R. Correa, C.G. Fernandes, Y. Wakabayashi.
Approximating a Class of Combinatorial Problems with Rational Objective Function.
- Mathematical Programming B, 124, No 1-2 (2010), pp. 255--269.
- R. Cominetti, J.R. Correa, N.E. Stier Moses.
The Impact of Oligopolistic Competition in Networks.
- Operations Research, 57, No 6 (2009), pp. 1421--1437.
- J.R. Correa, A. Levin.
Monotone covering problems with an additional covering constraint.
- Mathematics of Operations Research, 34, No 1 (2009), pp. 238--248.
- J.R. Correa, M. Wagner.
LP-Based Online Scheduling: From Single to Parallel Machines.
- Mathematical Programming, 119, No 1 (2009), pp. 109--136.
- J.R. Correa, A.S. Schulz, N.E. Stier Moses.
A geometric approach to the price of anarchy in nonatomic congestion games.
- Games and Economic Behavior, 64, No 2 (2008), pp. 457--469.
- J.R. Correa, L. Epstein.
Bin packing with controllable item sizes.
- Information and Computation, 206, No 8 (2008), pp. 1003--1016.
- J.R. Correa, M. Matamala.
Some Remarks About Factors of Graphs.
- Journal of Graph Theory, 57, No 4 (2008), pp. 265--274.
- W. Bein, J.R. Correa, X. Han.
A Fast Asymptotic Approximation Scheme for Bin Packing with Rejection.
- Theoretical Computer Science, 393, No 1-3 (2008), pp. 14--22.
- J.R. Correa, M.X. Goemans.
Improved Bounds on Nonblocking 3-Satge Clos Networks.
- SIAM Journal on Computing, 37, No 3 (2007), pp. 870--894.
- J.R. Correa, A.S. Schulz, N.E. Stier Moses.
Fast, Fair and Efficient Flows in Networks
- Operations Research, 55, No 2 (2007), pp. 215--225.
- J.R. Correa, S. Fiorini, N. Stier Moses.
A Note on the Precedence-Constrained Class Sequencing Problem.
- Discrete Applied Mathematics, 155, No 3 (2007), pp. 257--259.
- N. Bansal, J.R. Correa, C. Kenyon, M. Sviridenko.
Bin Packing in Multiple Dimensions: Inapproximability Results and Approximation Schemes.
- Mathematics of Operations Research 31, No 1 (2006), pp. 31--49.
- J.R. Correa.
Resource Augmentation in Two-Dimensional Packing with Orthogonal Rotations.
- Operations Research Letters 34, No 1 (2006), pp. 85--93.
- M. Baiou, J.R. Correa.
The node-edge weighted 2-edge connected subgraph problem: linear relaxation, facets and separation.
- Discrete Optimization 3, No 2 (2006), pp. 123-135.
- J.R. Correa, A.S. Schulz.
Single Machine Scheduling with Precedence Constraints.
- Mathematics of Operations Research 30, No 4 (2005), pp. 1005--1021.
- J.R. Correa, A.S. Schulz, N.E. Stier Moses.
Selfish Routing in Capacitated Networks.
- Mathematics of Operations Research 29, No 4 (2004), pp.
- Honorable mention in the 2006 TSL Best
Paper Award competition (INFORMS).
- R. Cominetti, J. Correa.
Common-lines and passenger assignment in congested transit networks.
Transportation Science 35, No 3 (2001), pp. 250-267.
- 2002 TSL Best Paper Award (INFORMS).
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: Several of these papers are preliminary versions of the journal articles above or manuscripts below.
- J. Cembrano, J. Correa, U. Schmidt-Kraepelin, A. Tsigonias-Dimitriadis, V. Verdugo.
New Combinatorial Insights for Monotone Apportionment. SODA 2025.
- J. Correa, P. Gölz, U. Schmidt-Kraepelin, J. Tucker-Foltz, V. Verdugo. Monotone Randomized Apportionment. EC 2024.
- J. Brustle, J. Correa, P. Dütting, T. Ezra, M. Feldman, V. Verdugo. The Competition Complexity of Prophet Inequalities. EC 2024.
- J. Correa, T. Harks, A. Schedel, J. Verschae. Equilibrium Dynamics in Market Games with Exchangeable and Divisible Resources. SODA 2024.
- J. Correa A. Cristi, P. Du ̈tting, M. Hajiaghayi, J. Olkowski, K. Schewior. Trading Prophets.
EC 2023.
- J. Correa, A. Cristi. A constant factor Prophet Inequality for online combinatorial auctions. STOC 2023.
- J. Brustle, J. Correa, P. Duetting, V. Verdugo. The Competition Complexity of Dynamic Pricing. EC 2022.
- J. Correa, A. Cristi, A. Fielbaum, T. Pollner, S.M. Weinberg. Optimal item pricing in online combinatorial auctions. IPCO 2022.
- J. Cembrano, J. Correa, G. Diaz, V. Verdugo. Proportional Apportionment: A Case Study From the Chilean Constitutional Convention. EAAMO 2021.
- J. Correa, D. Pizarro and V. Verdugo. Optimal Revenue Guarantees for Pricing in Large Markets. SAGT 2021.
- J. Cembrano, J. Correa, V. Verdugo. Multidimensional apportionment through discrepancy theory. EC 2021.
- A. Cristi, J. Correa, P. Duetting, A. Norouzi-Fard. Fairness and bias in online selection. ICML 2021.
- J. Correa, P. Duetting, F. Fischer, K. Schewior, B. Ziliotto. Unknown I.I.D. Prophets: Better Bounds, Streaming Algorithms, and a New Impossibility. ITCS 2021.
- J. Correa, A. Cristi, L. Feuilloley, T. Oosterwijk, A. Tsigonias-Dimitriadis.
The Secretary Problem with independent sampling. SODA 2021.
- J. Correa, D. Pizarro, G. Vulcano. The Value of observability in dynamic pricing. EC 2020.
- J. Correa, A. Cristi, B. Epstein, J. Soto. The Two-Sided Game of Googol and Sample-Based Prophet Inequalities. SODA 2020.
- J Correa, M Mari, A Xia. Dynamic pricing with Bayesian updates from online reviews. NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Economic Policy, 2020.
- J. Correa, P. Dutting, F. Fischer, K. Schewior.
Prophet Inequalities for IID Random Variables from an Unknown Distribution. EC 2019. Best Full Paper Award.
- J. Correa, A. Cristi, T. Oosterwijk.
On the Price of Anarchy for Flows Over Time. EC 2019.
- J. Correa, R. Epstein, J. Escobar, I. Rios, B. Bahamondes, C. Bonet, N. Epstein, N. Aramayo, M. Castillo, A. Cristi, B. Epstein. School Choice in Chile. EC 2019.
- J. Correa, R. Saona, B. Ziliotto. Prophet Secretary Through Blind Strategies. SODA 2019.
- J. Correa, C. Guzman, T. Lianeas, E. Nikolova, M. Schroeder. Network Pricing: How to Induce Optimal Flows Under Strategic Link Operators. EC 2018.
- J. Correa, R. Hoeksma, M. Schroeder. Network Congestion Games are Robust to Variable Demand. WINE 2017.
- B. Bahamondes, J. Correa, J. Matuschke, G. Oriolo. Adaptivity in Network Interdiction. GameSec 2017.
- J. Correa, P. Foncea, R. Hoeksma, T. Oosterwijk, T. Vredeveld. Posted price mechanisms for a random stream of customers. EC 2017.
- R. Cominetti, J. Correa, N. Olver. Long term behavior of dynamic equilibria in fluid queuing networks. IPCO 2017.
- J. Correa, J. de Jong, B. de Keijzer, M. Uetz. The curse of sequentiality in routing games. WINE 2015.
- J. Correa, M. Kiwi, N. Olver A. Vera. Adaptive rumor spreading. WINE 2015.
- F. Abed, P. Chalermsook, J. Correa, A. Karrenbauer, P. Perez-Lantero, J. Soto, A. Wiese. On guillotine cutting sequences. APPROX 2015.
- F. Abed, J.R. Correa, C.-C. Huang. Optimal Coordination Mechanisms for Multi-Job Scheduling Games. ESA 2014.
- J.R. Correa, A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, J. Matuschke, O. Svensson, L. Stougie, V. Verdugo, J. Verschae. Strong LP formulations for scheduling splittable jobs on unrelated machines. IPCO 2014.
- J.R. Correa, L. Feuilloley, J.A. Soto. Independent and Hitting Sets of Rectangles Intersecting a Diagonal Line. LATIN 2014.
- J.R. Correa, A.S. Schulz, N. Stier-Moses. The Price of Anarchy of the Proportional Allocation Mechanism Revisited. WINE 2013.
- J.R. Correa, O. Larre, J.A. Soto. TSP Tours in Cubic Graphs: Beyond 4/3. ESA 2012.
- R. Cole, J.R. Correa, V. Gkatzelis, V. Mirrokni, N. Olver.
Inner Product Spaces for MinSum Coordination Mechanisms. STOC 2011.
- R. Cominetti, J.R. Correa, O. Larre. Existence and uniqueness of equilibria for flows over time. ICALP 2011.
- F. Balmaceda, S. Balseiro, J.R. Correa, N. Stier-Moses.
The Cost of Moral Hazard and Limited Liability in the Principal-Agent Problem.
WINE 2010.
- M. Baiou, F. Barahona, J.R. Correa. On the p-median polytope of fork-free graphs. ISCO 2010.
- J.R. Correa, R. Lederman, N. Stier-Moses. Pricing with Markups under Horizontal and Vertical Competition. BQGT 2010.
- J.R. Correa, N. Figueroa. On the planner's loss due to
lack of information in bayesian mechanism design. SAGT 2009.
- J.R. Correa, M. Skutella, J. Verschae. The power of preemption in unrelated machines
and applications to scheduling orders. APPROX-RANDOM 2009.
- J.R. Correa, C.G. Fernandes, M. Matamala, Y. Wakabayashi.
A 5/3-Approximation for Finding Spanning Trees with Many Leaves in Cubic Graphs. WAOA 2007.
- W. Bein, J.R. Correa, X. Han. A fast asymptotic approximation scheme for bin packing
with rejection. ESCAPE 2007.
- R. Cominetti, J.R. Correa, N. Stier-Moses. Network games with atomic players. ICALP
- J.R. Correa, C. Fernandes, Y. Wakabayashi. Approximating rational objectives is as
easy as approximating linear ones. SWAT 2006.
- J.R. Correa, M.R. Wagner. LP-based online scheduling: from single to parallel machines.
IPCO 2005.
- J.R. Correa, A.S. Schulz, N. Stier-Moses. On the inefficiency of equilibria in congestion
games. IPCO 2005.
- M. Baiou, J.R. Correa. The node-edge weighted 2-edge connected subgraph problem:
linear relaxation, facets and separation. GRACO 2005.
- J.R. Correa, C. Kenyon.
Approximation schemes for multidimensional packing . SODA 2004.
- J.R. Correa. Near-optimal solutions to two-dimensional bin packing with 90 degree
rotations. LACGA 2004.
- J.R. Correa, M.X. Goemans. An approximate Konig's theorem for edge-coloring weighted
bipartite graphs. STOC 2004.
- J.R. Correa, A.S. Schulz. Single machine scheduling with
precedence constraints. IPCO
- J.R. Correa, A.S. Schulz, N. Stier Moses. Computational complexity, fairness, and the
price of anarchy of the maximum latency problem. IPCO 2004.
- M. Baiou, J. Correa, R. Laraki.
Mathematical Optimization for Fair Social Decisions: A Tribute to Michel Balinski. Methematical Programming B 203:1-7, 2024.
- M.X. Goemans, J.R. Correa (Eds.): Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization - 16th International Conference, IPCO 2013, Valparaiso, Chile, March 18-20, 2013. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7801, Springer 2013.
- J.R. Correa, N.E. Stier-Moses. Wardrop Equilibria.
Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 2011.
- J.R. Correa, M.A. Kiwi. Special issue for LATIN 2006.
Algorithmica 50, No 4 (2008), pp. 415-417.
- J.R. Correa, A. Hevia, M. Kiwi (Eds.).
LATIN 2006 Theoretical Informatics. 7th Latin American Symposium,
Valdivia, Chile, March 20-24, 2006, Proceedings
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3887
- Approximation Algorithms for Packing and
Scheduling Problems. PhD Thesis, MIT, 2004.
(Tucker Prize
- Asignación de flujos de pasajeros en redes de
transporte público congestionadas. Engineering Thesis, Universidad de Chile, 1999.