bc_tsp.h File Reference

#include "util.h"
#include "edgegen.h"
#include "bigguy.h"
#include "lp.h"
#include "cut.h"
#include "kdtree.h"
#include "combs.h"

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Data Structures

struct  CCtsp_lpnode
struct  CCtsp_lpedge
struct  CCtsp_lpadj
struct  CCtsp_lpgraph
struct  CCtsp_predge
struct  CCtsp_pricegroup
struct  CCtsp_extraedge
struct  CCtsp_sparser
struct  CCtsp_segment
struct  CCtsp_lpclique
struct  CCtsp_lpdomino
struct  CCtsp_skeleton
struct  CCtsp_lpcut
struct  CCtsp_lpcut_in
struct  CCtsp_lp_result
struct  CCtsp_lpcuts
struct  CCtsp_bigdual
struct  CCtsp_tighten_info
struct  CCtsp_branchobj
struct  CCtsp_cutnode
struct  CCtsp_cuttree
struct  CCtsp_genadj
struct  CCtsp_genadjobj
struct  CCtsp_edgegenerator
struct  CCtsp_xnorm_pricer_val
struct  CCtsp_xnorm_pricer
struct  CCtsp_statistics
struct  CCtsp_lp
struct  CCtsp_lprow
struct  CCtsp_cutselect
struct  CCtsp_cutinfo
struct  CCtsp_PROB_FILE
struct  CCtsp_qsparsegroup


#define CCtsp_MIN_VIOL   (0.002)
#define CCtsp_CUTS_DELTA
#define CCtsp_CUTS_NEXT_TOL   (0.01)
#define CCtsp_CUTS_NEXT_ROUND   (0.001)
#define CCtsp_TENTATIVE_CUTS_NEXT_TOL   (0.1)
#define CCtsp_TENTATIVE_CUTS_NEXT_ROUND   (0.01)
#define CCtsp_PRICE_RCTHRESH   (-0.00001)
#define CCtsp_PRICE_MAXPENALTY   (0.10)
#define CCtsp_PHASE1_RCTHRESH   (-0.000000001)
#define CCtsp_PHASE1_MAXPENALTY   (0.00000001)
#define CCtsp_EDGE_LIFE   (1000000) /* 1000000 */ /* 200 */
#define CCtsp_CUT_LIFE   (10)
#define CCtsp_DUAL_DUST   (0.01)
#define CCtsp_EDGE_DUST   (0.000001)
#define CCtsp_CUT_BATCH   (250)
#define CCtsp_STORE_BATCH   (250) /* 50 */
#define CCtsp_INTTOL   (0.0001)
#define CCtsp_BRANCH_MIDDLE   1
#define CCtsp_BRANCH_STRONG   2
#define CCtsp_HOST_PORT   ((unsigned short) 24846)
#define CCtsp_PROB_PORT   ((unsigned short) 24847)
#define CCtsp_CUT_PORT   ((unsigned short) 24868)
#define CCtsp_DOMINO_PORT   ((unsigned short) 24869)
#define CCtsp_LP_MAXDOUBLE   1e30
#define CCtsp_COMBRHS(c)   (3*(c)->cliquecount - 2)
#define CCtsp_DOMINORHS(c)   (3*(c)->dominocount + 1)
#define CC_FOREACH_NODE_IN_CLIQUE(i, c, tmp)
#define CCtsp_NEWCUT_AGE   (-1)
#define CCtsp_CUT_INNODELIST(t)   ((t)&4)
#define CCtsp_CUT_ROOT   0
#define CCtsp_CUT_PNODE   1
#define CCtsp_CUT_QNODE   2
#define CCtsp_CUT_LEAF   4
#define CCtsp_CUT_EXTERN   5
#define CCtsp_BBTASK_BRANCH   'b'
#define CCtsp_BBREQ_BRANCHDONE   'B'
#define CCtsp_BBTASK_CUT   'c'
#define CCtsp_BBREQ_CUTDONE   'C'
#define CCtsp_BBREQ_DEADNODE   'D'
#define CCtsp_BBREQ_HELLO   'H'
#define CCtsp_BBREQ_NOBRANCH   'N'
#define CCtsp_BBREQ_TASK   'T'
#define CCtsp_BBREQ_TOUR   'U'
#define CCtsp_BBTASK_WAIT   'w'
#define CCtsp_BBTASK_EXIT   'x'
#define CCtsp_BBREQ_EXIT   'X'
#define CCtsp_BBTASK_TENTATIVE_CUT   'i'
#define CCtsp_POOL_GETCUTS   'G'
#define CCtsp_POOL_PUTCUTS   'P'
#define CCtsp_POOL_SAVECUTS   'S'
#define CCtsp_POOL_EXIT   'X'
#define CCtsp_GEN_PRICE_EPSILON   0.0001
#define CCtsp_GEN_USE_ADJ   50
#define CCtsp_PROB_FILE_NAME_LEN   128
#define CCtsp_Pdelete   'D'
#define CCtsp_Pread   'R'
#define CCtsp_Pwrite   'W'
#define CCtsp_Pmaster   'M'
#define CCtsp_Pexit   'X'
#define CCtsp_Pcuts   'c'
#define CCtsp_Pdual   'd'
#define CCtsp_Pedges   'e'
#define CCtsp_Pfixed   'f'
#define CCtsp_Pfull   'g'
#define CCtsp_Pheader   'h'
#define CCtsp_Phistory   'i'
#define CCtsp_Ptour   't'
#define CCtsp_Pwarmstart   'w'
#define CCtsp_DOMINO_WORK   'A'
#define CCtsp_DOMINO_GRAPH   'G'
#define CCtsp_DOMINO_NO   'N'
#define CCtsp_DOMINO_RECEIVE   'R'
#define CCtsp_DOMINO_SEND   'S'
#define CCtsp_DOMINO_WAIT   'W'
#define CCtsp_DOMINO_YES   'Y'
#define CCtsp_DOMINO_EXIT   'X'


typedef CCtsp_lpnode CCtsp_lpnode
typedef CCtsp_lpedge CCtsp_lpedge
typedef CCtsp_lpadj CCtsp_lpadj
typedef CCtsp_lpgraph CCtsp_lpgraph
typedef CCtsp_predge CCtsp_predge
typedef CCtsp_pricegroup CCtsp_pricegroup
typedef CCtsp_extraedge CCtsp_extraedge
typedef CCtsp_sparser CCtsp_sparser
typedef CCtsp_segment CCtsp_segment
typedef CCtsp_lpclique CCtsp_lpclique
typedef CCtsp_lpdomino CCtsp_lpdomino
typedef CCtsp_skeleton CCtsp_skeleton
typedef CCtsp_lpcut CCtsp_lpcut
typedef CCtsp_lpcut_in CCtsp_lpcut_in
typedef CCtsp_lp_result CCtsp_lp_result
typedef CCtsp_lpcuts CCtsp_lpcuts
typedef CCtsp_bigdual CCtsp_bigdual
typedef CCtsp_tighten_info CCtsp_tighten_info
typedef CCtsp_branchobj CCtsp_branchobj
typedef CCtsp_cutnode CCtsp_cutnode
typedef CCtsp_cuttree CCtsp_cuttree
typedef CCtsp_genadj CCtsp_genadj
typedef CCtsp_genadjobj CCtsp_genadjobj
typedef CCtsp_edgegenerator CCtsp_edgegenerator
typedef CCtsp_xnorm_pricer_val CCtsp_xnorm_pricer_val
typedef CCtsp_xnorm_pricer CCtsp_xnorm_pricer
typedef CCtsp_statistics CCtsp_statistics
typedef CCtsp_lp CCtsp_lp
typedef CCtsp_lprow CCtsp_lprow
typedef CCtsp_cutselect CCtsp_cutselect
typedef CCtsp_cutinfo CCtsp_cutinfo
typedef CCtsp_qsparsegroup CCtsp_qsparsegroup


int CCtsp_bfs_brancher (char *probloc, int id, double lowerbound, CCtsp_cutselect *sel, CCtsp_cutselect *tsel, double *upbound, int *bbcount, int usecliques, CCdatagroup *mydat, int *ptour, CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, int ncount, int *besttour, unsigned short hostport, double *branchzeit, int save_proof, int tentative_branch_num, int longedge_branching, double *timebound, int *hit_timebound, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_bfs_restart (char *probloc, char *restart_name, CCtsp_cutselect *sel, CCtsp_cutselect *tsel, double *upbound, int *bbcount, int usecliques, CCdatagroup *dat, int *ptour, CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, int ncount, int *besttour, unsigned short hostport, double *branchzeit, int save_proof, int tentative_branch_num, int longedge_branching, double *timebound, int *hit_timebound, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_easy_dfs_brancher (CCtsp_lp *lp, CCtsp_cutselect *sel, int depth, double *upbound, int *bbcount, int usecliques, int *besttour, int longedge_branching, int simple_branching, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_do_interactive_branch (CCtsp_lp *lp, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_block_combs (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, int silent)
int CCtsp_fastblossom (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x)
int CCtsp_ghfastblossom (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x)
int CCtsp_exactblossom (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_find_branch (CCtsp_lp *lp, int nwant, int *ngot, CCtsp_branchobj **bobj, double *val, int **cyc, int usecliques, int longedge_branching, int silent)
int CCtsp_find_fast_branch (CCtsp_lp *lp, int *ngot, CCtsp_branchobj **bobj, double *val, int **cyc, int usecliques, int longedge_branching, int silent)
int CCtsp_find_branch_edge (CCtsp_lp *lp, int *n0, int *n1, double *val, int **cyc, int branchtype, int silent)
int CCtsp_check_integral (CCtsp_lp *lp, double *val, int **cyc, int *yesno, int silent)
int CCtsp_find_branch_cliques (CCtsp_lp *lp, int nwant, int longedge_branching, int *ngot, CCtsp_lpclique **bcliques, double **bval, int silent)
int CCtsp_execute_branch (CCtsp_lp *lp, CCtsp_branchobj *b, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_execute_unbranch (CCtsp_lp *lp, CClp_warmstart *warmstart, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_add_branchhistory_to_lp (CCtsp_lp *lp)
int CCtsp_bb_find_branch (char *probname, int probnum, int ncount, CCdatagroup *dat, int *ptour, double *upperbound, CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, int nwant, int *ngot, CCtsp_branchobj **b, int usecliques, int longedge_branching, int *prune, int *foundtour, int *besttour, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_splitprob (CCtsp_lp *lp, CCtsp_branchobj *b, int child0, int child1, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_bb_splitprob (char *probname, int probnum, int ncount, CCdatagroup *dat, int *ptour, double initial_ub, CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, CCtsp_branchobj *b, int child0, int child1, double *val0, double *val1, int *prune0, int *prune1, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_dumptour (int ncount, CCdatagroup *dat, int *perm, char *probname, int *tour, int silent)
void CCtsp_init_branchobj (CCtsp_branchobj *b)
void CCtsp_free_branchobj (CCtsp_branchobj *b)
void CCtsp_print_branchhistory (CCtsp_lp *lp)
int CCtsp_init_cliquehash (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, int size)
int CCtsp_register_clique (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_lpclique *c)
unsigned int CCtsp_hashclique (CCtsp_lpclique *c)
void CCtsp_free_cliquehash (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts)
void CCtsp_unregister_clique (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, int c)
void CCtsp_clique_eq (CCtsp_lpclique *c, CCtsp_lpclique *d, int *yes_no)
int CCtsp_init_dominohash (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, int size)
int CCtsp_register_domino (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_lpdomino *c)
unsigned int CCtsp_hashdomino (CCtsp_lpdomino *d)
void CCtsp_free_dominohash (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts)
void CCtsp_domino_eq (CCtsp_lpdomino *c, CCtsp_lpdomino *d, int *yes_no)
void CCtsp_unregister_domino (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, int c)
int CCtsp_clique_to_array (CCtsp_lpclique *c, int **ar, int *count)
int CCtsp_clique_delta (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, double *x, CCtsp_lpclique *c, double *delta)
int CCtsp_copy_lpcut_in (CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, CCtsp_lpcut_in *new)
int CCtsp_segment_to_subtour (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cut, int a, int b, int ncount)
int CCtsp_array_to_subtour (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cut, int *ar, int acount, int ncount)
int CCtsp_array_to_lpclique (int *ar, int acount, CCtsp_lpclique *cliq)
int CCtsp_seglist_to_lpclique (int nseg, int *list, CCtsp_lpclique *cliq)
int CCtsp_shrunk_set_to_lpclique (int cnt, int *set, int *wset, CC_SRKexpinfo *expand, CCtsp_lpclique *cliq)
int CCtsp_add_nodes_to_lpclique (CCtsp_lpclique *cin, CCtsp_lpclique *cout, int addcount, int *adda)
int CCtsp_delete_nodes_from_lpclique (CCtsp_lpclique *cin, CCtsp_lpclique *cout, int delcount, int *del)
int CCtsp_lpcut_to_lpcut_in (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_lpcut *c, CCtsp_lpcut_in *new)
int CCtsp_copy_lpclique (CCtsp_lpclique *c, CCtsp_lpclique *new)
int CCtsp_copy_lpdomino (CCtsp_lpdomino *c, CCtsp_lpdomino *new)
int CCtsp_create_lpcliques (CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, int cliquecount)
int CCtsp_max_node (CCtsp_lpcut_in *c)
int CCtsp_build_dp_cut (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cut, int ndomino, int *Acount, int **A, int *Bcount, int **B, int handlecount, int *handle)
void CCtsp_mark_clique (CCtsp_lpclique *c, int *marks, int marker)
void CCtsp_mark_domino (CCtsp_lpdomino *c, int *marks, int marker)
void CCtsp_mark_clique_and_neighbors (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, CCtsp_lpclique *c, int *marks, int marker)
void CCtsp_mark_domino_and_neighbors (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, CCtsp_lpdomino *c, int *marks, int marker)
void CCtsp_mark_clique_and_neighbors_double (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, CCtsp_lpclique *c, double *marks, double marker)
void CCtsp_mark_cut (CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, int *marks, int marker)
void CCtsp_mark_cut_and_neighbors (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, int *marks, int marker)
void CCtsp_is_clique_marked (CCtsp_lpclique *c, int *marks, int marker, int *yes_no)
void CCtsp_clique_count (CCtsp_lpclique *c, int *count)
void CCtsp_clique_marked_count (CCtsp_lpclique *c, int *marks, int marker, int *count)
void CCtsp_init_lpcut_in (CCtsp_lpcut_in *c)
void CCtsp_init_lpcut (CCtsp_lpcut *c)
void CCtsp_init_lpclique (CCtsp_lpclique *c)
void CCtsp_init_lpdomino (CCtsp_lpdomino *c)
void CCtsp_print_lpcut_in (CCtsp_lpcut_in *c)
void CCtsp_print_lpclique (CCtsp_lpclique *c)
void CCtsp_print_lpdomino (CCtsp_lpdomino *d)
void CCtsp_lpclique_compare (CCtsp_lpclique *a, CCtsp_lpclique *b, int *diff)
int CCtsp_cutting_multiple_loop (CCtsp_lp *lp, CCtsp_cutselect *sel, int savelp, int maxlocal, int update_tol, const char *dombossname, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_cutting_loop (CCtsp_lp *lp, CCtsp_cutselect *sel, int savelp, const char *dombossname, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_subtour_loop (CCtsp_lp *lp, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_blossom_loop (CCtsp_lp *lp, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_subtour_and_blossom_loop (CCtsp_lp *lp, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_pricing_loop (CCtsp_lp *lp, double *bnd, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_call_x_heuristic (CCtsp_lp *lp, double *val, int *outcyc, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_bb_cutting (char *probname, int probnum, int prob_newnum, int ncount, CCdatagroup *dat, int *ptour, double *upbound, CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, CCtsp_cutselect *sel, double *val, int *prune, int *foundtour, int *besttour, int level, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_cutselect_set_tols (CCtsp_cutselect *s, CCtsp_lp *lp, int level, int silent)
void CCtsp_init_cutselect (CCtsp_cutselect *s)
void CCtsp_init_tentative_cutselect (CCtsp_cutselect *s)
void CCtsp_init_simple_cutselect (CCtsp_cutselect *s)
void CCtsp_init_fast_cutselect (CCtsp_cutselect *s)
int CCtsp_connect_cuts (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x)
int CCtsp_segment_cuts (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x)
int CCtsp_shrink_subtours (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x)
int CCtsp_exact_subtours (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x)
int CCtsp_tighten_lp (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_tighten_info *stats, CCtsp_lpcut_in **cutsout, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, double testtol, int maxcuts, double *viol, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_double_decker_lp (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_tighten_info *stats, CCtsp_lpcut_in **cutsout, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, double testtol, int maxcuts, double *viol, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_cliquetree_lp (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_tighten_info *stats, CCtsp_lpcut_in **cutsout, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, double testtol, int maxcuts, double *viol, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_star_lp (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_tighten_info *stats, CCtsp_lpcut_in **cutsout, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, double testtol, int maxcuts, double *viol, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_handling_lp (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_tighten_info *stats, CCtsp_lpcut_in **cutsout, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, double testtol, int maxcuts, double *viol, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_teething_lp (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_tighten_info *stats, CCtsp_lpcut_in **cutsout, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, double testtol, int maxcuts, double *viol, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_domino_trial (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_file_cuts (char *cutfile, CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, int ncount, int *tour)
int CCtsp_file_cuts_write (const char *cutfile, CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, int *tour)
int CCtsp_test_pure_comb (int ncount, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, int *yes_no, int *handle)
int CCtsp_test_pseudocomb (int ncount, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, int handle, int *yes_no)
int CCtsp_test_teeth_disjoint (int ncount, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, int handle, int *yes_no)
int CCtsp_find_pure_handle (int ncount, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, int *handle)
int CCtsp_truncate_cutlist (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, int maxcuts, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_buildcut_begin (CCtsp_cutinfo *cuts, int init_cliquecount)
int CCtsp_buildcut_addclique (CCtsp_cutinfo *cuts, int *arr, int size)
int CCtsp_buildcut_finish (CCtsp_cutinfo *cuts, int rhs)
int CCtsp_new_domino (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, const char *bossname)
void CCtsp_buildcut_abort (CCtsp_cutinfo *cuts)
int CCtsp_init_cutpool (int *ncount, char *poolfilename, CCtsp_lpcuts **pool)
int CCtsp_write_cutpool (int ncount, const char *poolfilename, CCtsp_lpcuts *pool)
int CCtsp_search_cutpool (CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, double *maxviol, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, int nthreads, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_search_remotepool (char *remotehost, unsigned short remoteport, CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, double *maxviol, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x)
int CCtsp_read_cuts (CC_SFILE *f, int *ncount, CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, int readmods, int buildhash)
int CCtsp_read_lpcut_in (CC_SFILE *f, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, int ncount)
int CCtsp_read_lpclique (CC_SFILE *f, CCtsp_lpclique *c, int ncount)
int CCtsp_read_lpdomino (CC_SFILE *f, CCtsp_lpdomino *d, int ncount)
int CCtsp_write_cuts (CC_SFILE *f, int ncount, CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, int writemods)
int CCtsp_send_newcuts (int ncount, CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, char *remotehost, unsigned short remoteport)
int CCtsp_write_lpcut_in (CC_SFILE *f, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, int ncount)
int CCtsp_write_lpcut (CC_SFILE *f, CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_lpcut *c, int ncount)
int CCtsp_write_lpclique (CC_SFILE *f, CCtsp_lpclique *c, int ncount)
int CCtsp_write_lpdomino (CC_SFILE *f, CCtsp_lpdomino *c, int ncount)
int CCtsp_copy_cuts (CC_SFILE *f, CC_SFILE *t, int copymods)
int CCtsp_search_cutpool_cliques (CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, CCtsp_lpclique **cliques, int *cliquecount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, double maxdelta, int maxcliques, double **cliquevals, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_branch_cutpool_cliques (CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, CCtsp_lpclique **cliques, int *cliquecount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, int nwant, double **cliquevals, int silent)
int CCtsp_get_clique_prices (CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, int **p_cliquenums, double **p_cliquevals, double mindelta, double maxdelta, int *p_cliquecount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x)
int CCtsp_get_clique (CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, int cliquenum, CCtsp_lpclique **p_clique)
int CCtsp_add_to_cutpool (CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_lpcut *c)
int CCtsp_add_to_cutpool_lpcut_in (CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, CCtsp_lpcut_in *cut)
int CCtsp_display_cutpool (CCtsp_lpcuts *pool)
int CCtsp_price_cuts (CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, double *cutval)
int CCtsp_price_cuts_threaded (CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, double *cutval, int numthreads)
int CCtsp_register_cliques (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, CCtsp_lpcut *new)
int CCtsp_register_dominos (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, CCtsp_lpcut *new)
int CCtsp_add_cut_to_cutlist (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_lpcut *c)
void CCtsp_free_cutpool (CCtsp_lpcuts **pool)
void CCtsp_free_lpcut_in (CCtsp_lpcut_in *c)
void CCtsp_free_lpclique (CCtsp_lpclique *c)
void CCtsp_free_lpdomino (CCtsp_lpdomino *c)
void CCtsp_unregister_cliques (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_lpcut *c)
void CCtsp_unregister_dominos (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, CCtsp_lpcut *c)
void CCtsp_delete_cut_from_cutlist (CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, int ind)
int CCtsp_test_pure_double_decker (CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, int *yes_no, int *handle1, int *handle2)
int CCtsp_comb_to_double_decker (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, CC_GCgraph *h, double *x, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, CCtsp_lpcut_in **d)
int CCtsp_comb_to_star (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, CC_GCgraph *h, double *x, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, CCtsp_lpcut_in **d)
int CCtsp_test_pure_simple_cliquetree (int ncount, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, int *yes_no)
int CCtsp_comb_to_cliquetree (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, CC_GCgraph *h, double *x, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, CCtsp_lpcut_in **d)
int CCtsp_comb_handling (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, CC_GCgraph *h, double *x, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, CCtsp_lpcut_in **d)
int CCtsp_exact_price (CCtsp_lp *lp, CCbigguy *bound, int complete_price, int phase1, int silent)
int CCtsp_edge_elimination (CCtsp_lp *lp, int eliminate_sparse, int silent)
int CCtsp_exact_dual (CCtsp_lp *lp)
int CCtsp_verify_infeasible_lp (CCtsp_lp *lp, int *yesno, int silent)
int CCtsp_verify_lp_prune (CCtsp_lp *lp, int *yesno, int silent)
void CCtsp_free_bigdual (CCtsp_bigdual **d)
void CCtsp_free_edgegenerator (CCtsp_edgegenerator *eg)
int CCtsp_init_edgegenerator (CCtsp_edgegenerator *eg, int ncount, CCdatagroup *dg, CCtsp_genadj *adj, int nneighbors, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_reset_edgegenerator (CCtsp_edgegenerator *eg, double *node_piest, int silent)
int CCtsp_generate_edges (CCtsp_edgegenerator *eg, int nwant, int *pngot, int *elist, int *elen, int *finished, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_edgelist_to_genadj (int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, int *elen, CCtsp_genadj **adj, CCtsp_genadjobj **adjobjspace)
int CCtsp_edge_comb_grower (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, CCtsp_tighten_info *stats)
int CCtsp_pr_cliquetree (CCtsp_lpcut_in **cuts, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, CCtsp_tighten_info *stats)
CCtsp_PROB_FILECCtsp_prob_read (char *f, int n)
CCtsp_PROB_FILE ** CCtsp_prob_read_name (char *f)
CCtsp_PROB_FILE *** CCtsp_prob_write (char *f, int n)
CCtsp_PROB_FILE **** CCtsp_prob_write_name (char *fname)
int CCtsp_prob_file_delete (char *f, int n)
int CCtsp_prob_getname (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, char *name)
int CCtsp_prob_getid (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int *id)
int CCtsp_prob_getparent (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int *parent)
int CCtsp_prob_getub (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, double *ub)
int CCtsp_prob_getlb (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, double *lb)
int CCtsp_prob_getexactlb (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, CCbigguy *lb)
int CCtsp_prob_getnnodes (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int *nnodes)
int CCtsp_prob_getchildren (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int *child0, int *child1)
int CCtsp_prob_getreal (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int *real)
int CCtsp_prob_getprocessed (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int *processed)
int CCtsp_prob_getinfeasible (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int *infeasible)
int CCtsp_prob_gettour (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int ncount, int **tour, int silent)
int CCtsp_prob_getedges (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int ncount, int *nedges, int **elist, int **elen, int silent)
int CCtsp_prob_getcuts (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int *ncount, CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts, int silent)
int CCtsp_prob_getwarmstart (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, CClp_warmstart **w, int silent)
int CCtsp_prob_getfulladj (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int ncount, int *fullcount, CCtsp_genadj **adj, CCtsp_genadjobj **adjspace, int silent)
int CCtsp_prob_getfixed (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int ncount, int *ecount, int **elist, int silent)
int CCtsp_prob_getexactdual (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int ncount, CCtsp_bigdual **d, int silent)
int CCtsp_prob_gethistory (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int *depth, CCtsp_branchobj **history, int silent)
int CCtsp_prob_rclose (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p)
int CCtsp_prob_putname (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, char *name)
int CCtsp_prob_putid (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int id)
int CCtsp_prob_putparent (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int parent)
int CCtsp_prob_putub (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, double ub)
int CCtsp_prob_putlb (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, double lb)
int CCtsp_prob_putexactlb (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, CCbigguy lb)
int CCtsp_prob_putnnodes (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int nnodes)
int CCtsp_prob_putchildren (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int child0, int child1)
int CCtsp_prob_putreal (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int real)
int CCtsp_prob_putprocessed (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int processed)
int CCtsp_prob_putinfeasible (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int infeasible)
int CCtsp_prob_puttour (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int ncount, int *tour)
int CCtsp_prob_putedges (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int ncount, int nedges, int *elist, int *elen)
int CCtsp_prob_putcuts (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int ncount, CCtsp_lpcuts *cuts)
int CCtsp_prob_putwarmstart (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, CClp_warmstart *w)
int CCtsp_prob_putfulladj (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int ncount, int fullcount, CCtsp_genadj *adj)
int CCtsp_prob_putfixed (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist)
int CCtsp_prob_putexactdual (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, CCtsp_bigdual *d, int ncount)
int CCtsp_prob_puthistory (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p, int depth, CCtsp_branchobj *history)
int CCtsp_prob_wclose (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *p)
int CCtsp_prob_copy_section (CCtsp_PROB_FILE *f, CCtsp_PROB_FILE *t, char section, int silent)
char * CCtsp_problabel (const char *probloc)
void CCtsp_free_qsparsify (CCtsp_qsparsegroup **pqs)
int CCtsp_qsparsify (CCtsp_qsparsegroup **pqs, struct CCtsp_lpgraph *g, int *pnzlist, int *scount, struct CCtsp_sparser **slist, int *savedcount)
int CCtsp_copy_skeleton (CCtsp_skeleton *old, CCtsp_skeleton *new)
int CCtsp_construct_skeleton (CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, int nodecount)
int CCtsp_read_skeleton (CC_SFILE *f, CCtsp_skeleton *skel, int ncount)
int CCtsp_write_skeleton (CC_SFILE *f, CCtsp_skeleton *skel, int ncount)
void CCtsp_init_skeleton (CCtsp_skeleton *skel)
void CCtsp_free_skeleton (CCtsp_skeleton *skel)
void CCtsp_compare_skeletons (CCtsp_skeleton *a, CCtsp_skeleton *b, int *diff)
int CCtsp_teething (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, double *x, CCtsp_lpcut_in *cut, CCtsp_lpcut_in **newcut)
int CCtsp_teething_list (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, double *x, CCtsp_lpclique *handle, int nbig, CCtsp_lpclique **bigteeth, CCtsp_lpcut_in **newcut)
int CCtsp_tighten_lpcut_in (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, double *x, CCtsp_lpcut_in *d, CCtsp_tighten_info *stats, double *pimprove)
int CCtsp_tighten_lpcut (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, CCtsp_lpclique *cliques, CCtsp_lpcut *c, double *x, CCtsp_lpcut_in *d, CCtsp_tighten_info *stats, double *pimprove)
void CCtsp_init_tighten_info (CCtsp_tighten_info *stats)
void CCtsp_print_tighten_info (CCtsp_tighten_info *stats)
int CCtsp_bb_init_lp (CCtsp_lp **lp, char *probname, int probnum, int ncount, CCdatagroup *dat, int *ptour, double initial_ub, CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_init_lp (CCtsp_lp **lp, char *probname, int probnum, char *probfilename, int ncount, CCdatagroup *dat, int ecount, int *elist, int *elen, int excount, int *exlist, int *exlen, int exvalid, int *ptour, double initial_ub, CCtsp_lpcuts *pool, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_build_lpgraph (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, int *elen)
int CCtsp_build_lpadj (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, int estart, int eend)
int CCtsp_find_edge (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, int from, int to)
int CCtsp_inspect_full_edges (CCtsp_lp *lp)
int CCtsp_resparsify_lp (CCtsp_lp *lp, int silent)
int CCtsp_lpcut_nzlist (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, CCtsp_lpcut *c, CCtsp_lpclique *cliques, CCtsp_lpdomino *dominos, int do_mods)
int CCtsp_update_result (CCtsp_lp *lp)
int CCtsp_get_lp_result (CCtsp_lp *lp, double *lb, double *ub, int *ecount, int **elist, double **x, double **rc, double **node_pi, double **cut_pi)
int CCtsp_lpcut_in_nzlist (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c)
int CCtsp_process_cuts (CCtsp_lp *lp, int *pnadded, int tighten, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_infeas_recover (CCtsp_lp *lp, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_add_cut (CCtsp_lp *lp, CCtsp_lpcut_in *d, CCtsp_lprow *cr)
int CCtsp_add_nzlist_to_lp (CCtsp_lp *lp, int nzlist, int rhs, char sense, CCtsp_lprow *cr)
int CCtsp_addbad_variables (CCtsp_lp *lp, CCtsp_edgegenerator *eg, double *ppenalty, int *pnadded, double rcthresh, double maxpenalty, int phase1, int *feasible, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_eliminate_variables (CCtsp_lp *lp, int eliminate_sparse, int silent)
int CCtsp_add_vars_to_lp (CCtsp_lp *lp, CCtsp_predge *prlist, int n)
int CCtsp_add_multiple_rows (CCtsp_lp *lp, CCtsp_lprow *cr)
int CCtsp_delete_cut (CCtsp_lp *lp, int i)
int CCtsp_reduced_cost_nearest (CCtsp_lp *lp, int k, int *ecount, int **elist, double **elen, int sparse)
int CCtsp_write_probfile_sav (CCtsp_lp *lp)
int CCtsp_write_probfile_id (CCtsp_lp *lp)
int CCtsp_write_probroot_id (char *probloc, CCtsp_lp *lp)
int CCtsp_write_probleaf_id (CCtsp_lp *lp)
int CCtsp_read_probfile (CCtsp_lp *lp, char *fname, char *probloc, int *ncount, int silent)
int CCtsp_read_probfile_id (CCtsp_lp *lp, char *fname, int id, int *ncount, int silent)
int CCtsp_dump_rc_nearest (CCtsp_lp *lp, int k, char *fname, int sparse)
int CCtsp_dump_x (CCtsp_lp *lp, char *fname)
int CCtsp_depot_valid (CCtsp_lp *lp, int ndepot, int *yesno)
double CCtsp_cutprice (CCtsp_lpgraph *g, CCtsp_lpcut_in *c, double *x)
void CCtsp_init_tsp_lpcuts_struct (CCtsp_lpcuts *c)
void CCtsp_init_tsp_lp_struct (CCtsp_lp *lp)
void CCtsp_free_tsp_lp_struct (CCtsp_lp **lp)
void CCtsp_init_lpgraph_struct (CCtsp_lpgraph *g)
void CCtsp_free_lpgraph (CCtsp_lpgraph *g)
void CCtsp_init_statistics (CCtsp_statistics *stats)
void CCtsp_output_statistics (CCtsp_statistics *stats)
void CCtsp_add_cuts_to_queue (CCtsp_lp *lp, CCtsp_lpcut_in **c)
void CCtsp_init_lprow (CCtsp_lprow *cr)
void CCtsp_free_lprow (CCtsp_lprow *cr)
int CCtsp_solve_sparse (int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, int *elen, int *in_tour, int *out_tour, double *in_val, double *optval, int *success, int *foundtour, char *name, double *timebound, int *hit_timebound, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_solve_dat (int ncount, CCdatagroup *indat, int *in_tour, int *out_tour, double *in_val, double *optval, int *success, int *foundtour, char *name, double *timebound, int *hit_timebound, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)
int CCtsp_x_greedy_tour (CCdatagroup *dat, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, int *cyc, double *val, int silent)
int CCtsp_x_greedy_tour_lk (CCdatagroup *dat, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *x, int *cyc, double *val, int silent, CCrandstate *rstate)

Define Documentation

tmp   ) 


for(tmp=0;tmp<(c).segcount;tmp++) \

Definition at line 181 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BBREQ_BRANCHDONE   'B'

Definition at line 563 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BBREQ_CUTDONE   'C'

Definition at line 565 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BBREQ_DEADNODE   'D'

Definition at line 566 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BBREQ_EXIT   'X'

Definition at line 573 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BBREQ_HELLO   'H'

Definition at line 567 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BBREQ_NOBRANCH   'N'

Definition at line 568 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BBREQ_TASK   'T'

Definition at line 569 of file bc_tsp.h.


Definition at line 578 of file bc_tsp.h.


Definition at line 576 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BBREQ_TOUR   'U'

Definition at line 570 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BBTASK_BRANCH   'b'

Definition at line 562 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BBTASK_CUT   'c'

Definition at line 564 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BBTASK_EXIT   'x'

Definition at line 572 of file bc_tsp.h.


Definition at line 577 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BBTASK_TENTATIVE_CUT   'i'

Definition at line 575 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BBTASK_WAIT   'w'

Definition at line 571 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BRANCH_MIDDLE   1

Definition at line 59 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_BRANCH_STRONG   2

Definition at line 60 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_COMBRHS  )     (3*(c)->cliquecount - 2)

Definition at line 75 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_CUT_BATCH   (250)

Definition at line 53 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_CUT_EXTERN   5

Definition at line 300 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_CUT_INNODELIST  )     ((t)&4)

Definition at line 295 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_CUT_LEAF   4

Definition at line 299 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_CUT_LIFE   (10)

Definition at line 49 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_CUT_PNODE   1

Definition at line 297 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_CUT_PORT   ((unsigned short) 24868)

Definition at line 68 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_CUT_QNODE   2

Definition at line 298 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_CUT_ROOT   0

Definition at line 296 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_CUTS_DELTA

Definition at line 39 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_CUTS_NEXT_ROUND   (0.001)

Definition at line 41 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_CUTS_NEXT_TOL   (0.01)

Definition at line 40 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_DOMINO_EXIT   'X'

Definition at line 1998 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_DOMINO_GRAPH   'G'

Definition at line 1992 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_DOMINO_NO   'N'

Definition at line 1993 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_DOMINO_PORT   ((unsigned short) 24869)

Definition at line 69 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_DOMINO_RECEIVE   'R'

Definition at line 1994 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_DOMINO_SEND   'S'

Definition at line 1995 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_DOMINO_WAIT   'W'

Definition at line 1996 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_DOMINO_WORK   'A'

Definition at line 1991 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_DOMINO_YES   'Y'

Definition at line 1997 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_DOMINORHS  )     (3*(c)->dominocount + 1)

Definition at line 76 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_DUAL_DUST   (0.01)

Definition at line 50 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_EDGE_DUST   (0.000001)

Definition at line 51 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_EDGE_LIFE   (1000000) /* 1000000 */ /* 200 */

Definition at line 48 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_GEN_PRICE_EPSILON   0.0001

Definition at line 1402 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_GEN_USE_ADJ   50

Definition at line 1403 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_HOST_PORT   ((unsigned short) 24846)

Definition at line 66 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_INTTOL   (0.0001)

Definition at line 55 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_LP_MAXDOUBLE   1e30

Definition at line 73 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_MIN_VIOL   (0.002)

Definition at line 38 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_NEWCUT_AGE   (-1)

Definition at line 192 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_Pcuts   'c'

Definition at line 1482 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_Pdelete   'D'

Definition at line 1477 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_Pdual   'd'

Definition at line 1483 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_Pedges   'e'

Definition at line 1484 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_Pexit   'X'

Definition at line 1481 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_Pfixed   'f'

Definition at line 1485 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_Pfull   'g'

Definition at line 1486 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_PHASE1_MAXPENALTY   (0.00000001)

Definition at line 47 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_PHASE1_RCTHRESH   (-0.000000001)

Definition at line 46 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_Pheader   'h'

Definition at line 1487 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_Phistory   'i'

Definition at line 1488 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_Pmaster   'M'

Definition at line 1480 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_POOL_EXIT   'X'

Definition at line 1191 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_POOL_GETCUTS   'G'

Definition at line 1188 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_POOL_PUTCUTS   'P'

Definition at line 1189 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_POOL_SAVECUTS   'S'

Definition at line 1190 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_Pread   'R'

Definition at line 1478 of file bc_tsp.h.


Definition at line 1401 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_PRICE_MAXPENALTY   (0.10)

Definition at line 45 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_PRICE_RCTHRESH   (-0.00001)

Definition at line 44 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_PROB_FILE_NAME_LEN   128

Definition at line 1475 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_PROB_PORT   ((unsigned short) 24847)

Definition at line 67 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_Ptour   't'

Definition at line 1489 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_Pwarmstart   'w'

Definition at line 1490 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_Pwrite   'W'

Definition at line 1479 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_STORE_BATCH   (250) /* 50 */

Definition at line 54 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_TENTATIVE_CUTS_NEXT_ROUND   (0.01)

Definition at line 43 of file bc_tsp.h.

#define CCtsp_TENTATIVE_CUTS_NEXT_TOL   (0.1)

Definition at line 42 of file bc_tsp.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct CCtsp_bigdual CCtsp_bigdual

typedef struct CCtsp_branchobj CCtsp_branchobj

typedef struct CCtsp_cutinfo CCtsp_cutinfo

typedef struct CCtsp_cutnode CCtsp_cutnode

typedef struct CCtsp_cutselect CCtsp_cutselect

typedef struct CCtsp_cuttree CCtsp_cuttree

typedef struct CCtsp_edgegenerator CCtsp_edgegenerator

typedef struct CCtsp_extraedge CCtsp_extraedge

typedef struct CCtsp_genadj CCtsp_genadj

typedef struct CCtsp_genadjobj CCtsp_genadjobj

typedef struct CCtsp_lp CCtsp_lp

typedef struct CCtsp_lp_result CCtsp_lp_result

typedef struct CCtsp_lpadj CCtsp_lpadj

typedef struct CCtsp_lpclique CCtsp_lpclique

typedef struct CCtsp_lpcut CCtsp_lpcut

typedef struct CCtsp_lpcut_in CCtsp_lpcut_in

typedef struct CCtsp_lpcuts CCtsp_lpcuts

typedef struct CCtsp_lpdomino CCtsp_lpdomino

typedef struct CCtsp_lpedge CCtsp_lpedge

typedef struct CCtsp_lpgraph CCtsp_lpgraph

typedef struct CCtsp_lpnode CCtsp_lpnode

typedef struct CCtsp_lprow CCtsp_lprow

typedef struct CCtsp_predge CCtsp_predge

typedef struct CCtsp_pricegroup CCtsp_pricegroup

typedef struct CCtsp_PROB_FILE CCtsp_PROB_FILE

typedef struct CCtsp_qsparsegroup CCtsp_qsparsegroup

typedef struct CCtsp_segment CCtsp_segment

typedef struct CCtsp_skeleton CCtsp_skeleton

typedef struct CCtsp_sparser CCtsp_sparser

typedef struct CCtsp_statistics CCtsp_statistics

typedef struct CCtsp_tighten_info CCtsp_tighten_info

typedef struct CCtsp_xnorm_pricer CCtsp_xnorm_pricer

typedef struct CCtsp_xnorm_pricer_val CCtsp_xnorm_pricer_val

Function Documentation

int CCtsp_add_branchhistory_to_lp CCtsp_lp lp  ) 

int CCtsp_add_cut CCtsp_lp lp,
CCtsp_lpcut_in d,
CCtsp_lprow cr

int CCtsp_add_cut_to_cutlist CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_lpcut c

void CCtsp_add_cuts_to_queue CCtsp_lp lp,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  c

int CCtsp_add_multiple_rows CCtsp_lp lp,
CCtsp_lprow cr

int CCtsp_add_nodes_to_lpclique CCtsp_lpclique cin,
CCtsp_lpclique cout,
int  addcount,
int *  adda

int CCtsp_add_nzlist_to_lp CCtsp_lp lp,
int  nzlist,
int  rhs,
char  sense,
CCtsp_lprow cr

int CCtsp_add_to_cutpool CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_lpcut c

int CCtsp_add_to_cutpool_lpcut_in CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
CCtsp_lpcut_in cut

int CCtsp_add_vars_to_lp CCtsp_lp lp,
CCtsp_predge prlist,
int  n

int CCtsp_addbad_variables CCtsp_lp lp,
CCtsp_edgegenerator eg,
double *  ppenalty,
int *  pnadded,
double  rcthresh,
double  maxpenalty,
int  phase1,
int *  feasible,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_array_to_lpclique int *  ar,
int  acount,
CCtsp_lpclique cliq

int CCtsp_array_to_subtour CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cut,
int *  ar,
int  acount,
int  ncount

int CCtsp_bb_cutting char *  probname,
int  probnum,
int  prob_newnum,
int  ncount,
CCdatagroup dat,
int *  ptour,
double *  upbound,
CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
CCtsp_cutselect sel,
double *  val,
int *  prune,
int *  foundtour,
int *  besttour,
int  level,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_bb_find_branch char *  probname,
int  probnum,
int  ncount,
CCdatagroup dat,
int *  ptour,
double *  upperbound,
CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
int  nwant,
int *  ngot,
CCtsp_branchobj **  b,
int  usecliques,
int  longedge_branching,
int *  prune,
int *  foundtour,
int *  besttour,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_bb_init_lp CCtsp_lp **  lp,
char *  probname,
int  probnum,
int  ncount,
CCdatagroup dat,
int *  ptour,
double  initial_ub,
CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_bb_splitprob char *  probname,
int  probnum,
int  ncount,
CCdatagroup dat,
int *  ptour,
double  initial_ub,
CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
CCtsp_branchobj b,
int  child0,
int  child1,
double *  val0,
double *  val1,
int *  prune0,
int *  prune1,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_bfs_brancher char *  probloc,
int  id,
double  lowerbound,
CCtsp_cutselect sel,
CCtsp_cutselect tsel,
double *  upbound,
int *  bbcount,
int  usecliques,
CCdatagroup mydat,
int *  ptour,
CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
int  ncount,
int *  besttour,
unsigned short  hostport,
double *  branchzeit,
int  save_proof,
int  tentative_branch_num,
int  longedge_branching,
double *  timebound,
int *  hit_timebound,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_bfs_restart char *  probloc,
char *  restart_name,
CCtsp_cutselect sel,
CCtsp_cutselect tsel,
double *  upbound,
int *  bbcount,
int  usecliques,
CCdatagroup dat,
int *  ptour,
CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
int  ncount,
int *  besttour,
unsigned short  hostport,
double *  branchzeit,
int  save_proof,
int  tentative_branch_num,
int  longedge_branching,
double *  timebound,
int *  hit_timebound,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_block_combs CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
int  silent

int CCtsp_blossom_loop CCtsp_lp lp,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_branch_cutpool_cliques CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
CCtsp_lpclique **  cliques,
int *  cliquecount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
int  nwant,
double **  cliquevals,
int  silent

int CCtsp_build_dp_cut CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cut,
int  ndomino,
int *  Acount,
int **  A,
int *  Bcount,
int **  B,
int  handlecount,
int *  handle

int CCtsp_build_lpadj CCtsp_lpgraph g,
int  estart,
int  eend

int CCtsp_build_lpgraph CCtsp_lpgraph g,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
int *  elen

void CCtsp_buildcut_abort CCtsp_cutinfo cuts  ) 

int CCtsp_buildcut_addclique CCtsp_cutinfo cuts,
int *  arr,
int  size

int CCtsp_buildcut_begin CCtsp_cutinfo cuts,
int  init_cliquecount

int CCtsp_buildcut_finish CCtsp_cutinfo cuts,
int  rhs

int CCtsp_call_x_heuristic CCtsp_lp lp,
double *  val,
int *  outcyc,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_check_integral CCtsp_lp lp,
double *  val,
int **  cyc,
int *  yesno,
int  silent

void CCtsp_clique_count CCtsp_lpclique c,
int *  count

int CCtsp_clique_delta CCtsp_lpgraph g,
double *  x,
CCtsp_lpclique c,
double *  delta

void CCtsp_clique_eq CCtsp_lpclique c,
CCtsp_lpclique d,
int *  yes_no

void CCtsp_clique_marked_count CCtsp_lpclique c,
int *  marks,
int  marker,
int *  count

int CCtsp_clique_to_array CCtsp_lpclique c,
int **  ar,
int *  count

int CCtsp_cliquetree_lp CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_tighten_info stats,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cutsout,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
double  testtol,
int  maxcuts,
double *  viol,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_comb_handling CCtsp_lpgraph g,
CC_GCgraph *  h,
double *  x,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  d

int CCtsp_comb_to_cliquetree CCtsp_lpgraph g,
CC_GCgraph *  h,
double *  x,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  d

int CCtsp_comb_to_double_decker CCtsp_lpgraph g,
CC_GCgraph *  h,
double *  x,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  d

int CCtsp_comb_to_star CCtsp_lpgraph g,
CC_GCgraph *  h,
double *  x,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  d

void CCtsp_compare_skeletons CCtsp_skeleton a,
CCtsp_skeleton b,
int *  diff

int CCtsp_connect_cuts CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x

int CCtsp_construct_skeleton CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
int  nodecount

int CCtsp_copy_cuts CC_SFILE f,
int  copymods

int CCtsp_copy_lpclique CCtsp_lpclique c,
CCtsp_lpclique new

int CCtsp_copy_lpcut_in CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
CCtsp_lpcut_in new

int CCtsp_copy_lpdomino CCtsp_lpdomino c,
CCtsp_lpdomino new

int CCtsp_copy_skeleton CCtsp_skeleton old,
CCtsp_skeleton new

int CCtsp_create_lpcliques CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
int  cliquecount

double CCtsp_cutprice CCtsp_lpgraph g,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
double *  x

int CCtsp_cutselect_set_tols CCtsp_cutselect s,
CCtsp_lp lp,
int  level,
int  silent

int CCtsp_cutting_loop CCtsp_lp lp,
CCtsp_cutselect sel,
int  savelp,
const char *  dombossname,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_cutting_multiple_loop CCtsp_lp lp,
CCtsp_cutselect sel,
int  savelp,
int  maxlocal,
int  update_tol,
const char *  dombossname,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_delete_cut CCtsp_lp lp,
int  i

void CCtsp_delete_cut_from_cutlist CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
int  ind

int CCtsp_delete_nodes_from_lpclique CCtsp_lpclique cin,
CCtsp_lpclique cout,
int  delcount,
int *  del

int CCtsp_depot_valid CCtsp_lp lp,
int  ndepot,
int *  yesno

int CCtsp_display_cutpool CCtsp_lpcuts pool  ) 

int CCtsp_do_interactive_branch CCtsp_lp lp,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

void CCtsp_domino_eq CCtsp_lpdomino c,
CCtsp_lpdomino d,
int *  yes_no

int CCtsp_domino_trial CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_double_decker_lp CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_tighten_info stats,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cutsout,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
double  testtol,
int  maxcuts,
double *  viol,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_dump_rc_nearest CCtsp_lp lp,
int  k,
char *  fname,
int  sparse

int CCtsp_dump_x CCtsp_lp lp,
char *  fname

int CCtsp_dumptour int  ncount,
CCdatagroup dat,
int *  perm,
char *  probname,
int *  tour,
int  silent

int CCtsp_easy_dfs_brancher CCtsp_lp lp,
CCtsp_cutselect sel,
int  depth,
double *  upbound,
int *  bbcount,
int  usecliques,
int *  besttour,
int  longedge_branching,
int  simple_branching,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_edge_comb_grower CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
CCtsp_tighten_info stats

int CCtsp_edge_elimination CCtsp_lp lp,
int  eliminate_sparse,
int  silent

int CCtsp_edgelist_to_genadj int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
int *  elen,
CCtsp_genadj **  adj,
CCtsp_genadjobj **  adjobjspace

int CCtsp_eliminate_variables CCtsp_lp lp,
int  eliminate_sparse,
int  silent

int CCtsp_exact_dual CCtsp_lp lp  ) 

int CCtsp_exact_price CCtsp_lp lp,
CCbigguy *  bound,
int  complete_price,
int  phase1,
int  silent

int CCtsp_exact_subtours CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x

int CCtsp_exactblossom CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_execute_branch CCtsp_lp lp,
CCtsp_branchobj b,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_execute_unbranch CCtsp_lp lp,
CClp_warmstart *  warmstart,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_fastblossom CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x

int CCtsp_file_cuts char *  cutfile,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int *  tour

int CCtsp_file_cuts_write const char *  cutfile,
CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
int *  tour

int CCtsp_find_branch CCtsp_lp lp,
int  nwant,
int *  ngot,
CCtsp_branchobj **  bobj,
double *  val,
int **  cyc,
int  usecliques,
int  longedge_branching,
int  silent

int CCtsp_find_branch_cliques CCtsp_lp lp,
int  nwant,
int  longedge_branching,
int *  ngot,
CCtsp_lpclique **  bcliques,
double **  bval,
int  silent

int CCtsp_find_branch_edge CCtsp_lp lp,
int *  n0,
int *  n1,
double *  val,
int **  cyc,
int  branchtype,
int  silent

int CCtsp_find_edge CCtsp_lpgraph g,
int  from,
int  to

int CCtsp_find_fast_branch CCtsp_lp lp,
int *  ngot,
CCtsp_branchobj **  bobj,
double *  val,
int **  cyc,
int  usecliques,
int  longedge_branching,
int  silent

int CCtsp_find_pure_handle int  ncount,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
int *  handle

void CCtsp_free_bigdual CCtsp_bigdual **  d  ) 

void CCtsp_free_branchobj CCtsp_branchobj b  ) 

void CCtsp_free_cliquehash CCtsp_lpcuts cuts  ) 

void CCtsp_free_cutpool CCtsp_lpcuts **  pool  ) 

void CCtsp_free_dominohash CCtsp_lpcuts cuts  ) 

void CCtsp_free_edgegenerator CCtsp_edgegenerator eg  ) 

void CCtsp_free_lpclique CCtsp_lpclique c  ) 

void CCtsp_free_lpcut_in CCtsp_lpcut_in c  ) 

void CCtsp_free_lpdomino CCtsp_lpdomino c  ) 

void CCtsp_free_lpgraph CCtsp_lpgraph g  ) 

void CCtsp_free_lprow CCtsp_lprow cr  ) 

void CCtsp_free_qsparsify CCtsp_qsparsegroup **  pqs  ) 

void CCtsp_free_skeleton CCtsp_skeleton skel  ) 

void CCtsp_free_tsp_lp_struct CCtsp_lp **  lp  ) 

int CCtsp_generate_edges CCtsp_edgegenerator eg,
int  nwant,
int *  pngot,
int *  elist,
int *  elen,
int *  finished,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_get_clique CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
int  cliquenum,
CCtsp_lpclique **  p_clique

int CCtsp_get_clique_prices CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
int **  p_cliquenums,
double **  p_cliquevals,
double  mindelta,
double  maxdelta,
int *  p_cliquecount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x

int CCtsp_get_lp_result CCtsp_lp lp,
double *  lb,
double *  ub,
int *  ecount,
int **  elist,
double **  x,
double **  rc,
double **  node_pi,
double **  cut_pi

int CCtsp_ghfastblossom CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x

int CCtsp_handling_lp CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_tighten_info stats,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cutsout,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
double  testtol,
int  maxcuts,
double *  viol,
CCrandstate rstate

unsigned int CCtsp_hashclique CCtsp_lpclique c  ) 

unsigned int CCtsp_hashdomino CCtsp_lpdomino d  ) 

int CCtsp_infeas_recover CCtsp_lp lp,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

void CCtsp_init_branchobj CCtsp_branchobj b  ) 

int CCtsp_init_cliquehash CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
int  size

int CCtsp_init_cutpool int *  ncount,
char *  poolfilename,
CCtsp_lpcuts **  pool

void CCtsp_init_cutselect CCtsp_cutselect s  ) 

int CCtsp_init_dominohash CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
int  size

int CCtsp_init_edgegenerator CCtsp_edgegenerator eg,
int  ncount,
CCdatagroup dg,
CCtsp_genadj adj,
int  nneighbors,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

void CCtsp_init_fast_cutselect CCtsp_cutselect s  ) 

int CCtsp_init_lp CCtsp_lp **  lp,
char *  probname,
int  probnum,
char *  probfilename,
int  ncount,
CCdatagroup dat,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
int *  elen,
int  excount,
int *  exlist,
int *  exlen,
int  exvalid,
int *  ptour,
double  initial_ub,
CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

void CCtsp_init_lpclique CCtsp_lpclique c  ) 

void CCtsp_init_lpcut CCtsp_lpcut c  ) 

void CCtsp_init_lpcut_in CCtsp_lpcut_in c  ) 

void CCtsp_init_lpdomino CCtsp_lpdomino c  ) 

void CCtsp_init_lpgraph_struct CCtsp_lpgraph g  ) 

void CCtsp_init_lprow CCtsp_lprow cr  ) 

void CCtsp_init_simple_cutselect CCtsp_cutselect s  ) 

void CCtsp_init_skeleton CCtsp_skeleton skel  ) 

void CCtsp_init_statistics CCtsp_statistics stats  ) 

void CCtsp_init_tentative_cutselect CCtsp_cutselect s  ) 

void CCtsp_init_tighten_info CCtsp_tighten_info stats  ) 

void CCtsp_init_tsp_lp_struct CCtsp_lp lp  ) 

void CCtsp_init_tsp_lpcuts_struct CCtsp_lpcuts c  ) 

int CCtsp_inspect_full_edges CCtsp_lp lp  ) 

void CCtsp_is_clique_marked CCtsp_lpclique c,
int *  marks,
int  marker,
int *  yes_no

void CCtsp_lpclique_compare CCtsp_lpclique a,
CCtsp_lpclique b,
int *  diff

int CCtsp_lpcut_in_nzlist CCtsp_lpgraph g,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c

int CCtsp_lpcut_nzlist CCtsp_lpgraph g,
CCtsp_lpcut c,
CCtsp_lpclique cliques,
CCtsp_lpdomino dominos,
int  do_mods

int CCtsp_lpcut_to_lpcut_in CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_lpcut c,
CCtsp_lpcut_in new

void CCtsp_mark_clique CCtsp_lpclique c,
int *  marks,
int  marker

void CCtsp_mark_clique_and_neighbors CCtsp_lpgraph g,
CCtsp_lpclique c,
int *  marks,
int  marker

void CCtsp_mark_clique_and_neighbors_double CCtsp_lpgraph g,
CCtsp_lpclique c,
double *  marks,
double  marker

void CCtsp_mark_cut CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
int *  marks,
int  marker

void CCtsp_mark_cut_and_neighbors CCtsp_lpgraph g,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
int *  marks,
int  marker

void CCtsp_mark_domino CCtsp_lpdomino c,
int *  marks,
int  marker

void CCtsp_mark_domino_and_neighbors CCtsp_lpgraph g,
CCtsp_lpdomino c,
int *  marks,
int  marker

int CCtsp_max_node CCtsp_lpcut_in c  ) 

int CCtsp_new_domino CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
const char *  bossname

void CCtsp_output_statistics CCtsp_statistics stats  ) 

int CCtsp_pr_cliquetree CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
CCtsp_tighten_info stats

int CCtsp_price_cuts CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
double *  cutval

int CCtsp_price_cuts_threaded CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
double *  cutval,
int  numthreads

int CCtsp_pricing_loop CCtsp_lp lp,
double *  bnd,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

void CCtsp_print_branchhistory CCtsp_lp lp  ) 

void CCtsp_print_lpclique CCtsp_lpclique c  ) 

void CCtsp_print_lpcut_in CCtsp_lpcut_in c  ) 

void CCtsp_print_lpdomino CCtsp_lpdomino d  ) 

void CCtsp_print_tighten_info CCtsp_tighten_info stats  ) 

int CCtsp_prob_copy_section CCtsp_PROB_FILE f,
char  section,
int  silent

int CCtsp_prob_file_delete char *  f,
int  n

int CCtsp_prob_getchildren CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int *  child0,
int *  child1

int CCtsp_prob_getcuts CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int *  ncount,
CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
int  silent

int CCtsp_prob_getedges CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  ncount,
int *  nedges,
int **  elist,
int **  elen,
int  silent

int CCtsp_prob_getexactdual CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  ncount,
CCtsp_bigdual **  d,
int  silent

int CCtsp_prob_getexactlb CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
CCbigguy *  lb

int CCtsp_prob_getfixed CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  ncount,
int *  ecount,
int **  elist,
int  silent

int CCtsp_prob_getfulladj CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  ncount,
int *  fullcount,
CCtsp_genadj **  adj,
CCtsp_genadjobj **  adjspace,
int  silent

int CCtsp_prob_gethistory CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int *  depth,
CCtsp_branchobj **  history,
int  silent

int CCtsp_prob_getid CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int *  id

int CCtsp_prob_getinfeasible CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int *  infeasible

int CCtsp_prob_getlb CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
double *  lb

int CCtsp_prob_getname CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
char *  name

int CCtsp_prob_getnnodes CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int *  nnodes

int CCtsp_prob_getparent CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int *  parent

int CCtsp_prob_getprocessed CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int *  processed

int CCtsp_prob_getreal CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int *  real

int CCtsp_prob_gettour CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  ncount,
int **  tour,
int  silent

int CCtsp_prob_getub CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
double *  ub

int CCtsp_prob_getwarmstart CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
CClp_warmstart **  w,
int  silent

int CCtsp_prob_putchildren CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  child0,
int  child1

int CCtsp_prob_putcuts CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  ncount,
CCtsp_lpcuts cuts

int CCtsp_prob_putedges CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  ncount,
int  nedges,
int *  elist,
int *  elen

int CCtsp_prob_putexactdual CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
CCtsp_bigdual d,
int  ncount

int CCtsp_prob_putexactlb CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
CCbigguy  lb

int CCtsp_prob_putfixed CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist

int CCtsp_prob_putfulladj CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  ncount,
int  fullcount,
CCtsp_genadj adj

int CCtsp_prob_puthistory CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  depth,
CCtsp_branchobj history

int CCtsp_prob_putid CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  id

int CCtsp_prob_putinfeasible CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  infeasible

int CCtsp_prob_putlb CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
double  lb

int CCtsp_prob_putname CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
char *  name

int CCtsp_prob_putnnodes CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  nnodes

int CCtsp_prob_putparent CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  parent

int CCtsp_prob_putprocessed CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  processed

int CCtsp_prob_putreal CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  real

int CCtsp_prob_puttour CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
int  ncount,
int *  tour

int CCtsp_prob_putub CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
double  ub

int CCtsp_prob_putwarmstart CCtsp_PROB_FILE p,
CClp_warmstart *  w

int CCtsp_prob_rclose CCtsp_PROB_FILE p  ) 

CCtsp_PROB_FILE* CCtsp_prob_read char *  f,
int  n

CCtsp_PROB_FILE* * CCtsp_prob_read_name char *  f  ) 

int CCtsp_prob_wclose CCtsp_PROB_FILE p  ) 

CCtsp_PROB_FILE* * * CCtsp_prob_write char *  f,
int  n

CCtsp_PROB_FILE* * * * CCtsp_prob_write_name char *  fname  ) 

char* CCtsp_problabel const char *  probloc  ) 

int CCtsp_process_cuts CCtsp_lp lp,
int *  pnadded,
int  tighten,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_qsparsify CCtsp_qsparsegroup **  pqs,
struct CCtsp_lpgraph g,
int *  pnzlist,
int *  scount,
struct CCtsp_sparser **  slist,
int *  savedcount

int CCtsp_read_cuts CC_SFILE f,
int *  ncount,
CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
int  readmods,
int  buildhash

int CCtsp_read_lpclique CC_SFILE f,
CCtsp_lpclique c,
int  ncount

int CCtsp_read_lpcut_in CC_SFILE f,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
int  ncount

int CCtsp_read_lpdomino CC_SFILE f,
CCtsp_lpdomino d,
int  ncount

int CCtsp_read_probfile CCtsp_lp lp,
char *  fname,
char *  probloc,
int *  ncount,
int  silent

int CCtsp_read_probfile_id CCtsp_lp lp,
char *  fname,
int  id,
int *  ncount,
int  silent

int CCtsp_read_skeleton CC_SFILE f,
CCtsp_skeleton skel,
int  ncount

int CCtsp_reduced_cost_nearest CCtsp_lp lp,
int  k,
int *  ecount,
int **  elist,
double **  elen,
int  sparse

int CCtsp_register_clique CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_lpclique c

int CCtsp_register_cliques CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
CCtsp_lpcut new

int CCtsp_register_domino CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_lpdomino c

int CCtsp_register_dominos CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
CCtsp_lpcut new

int CCtsp_reset_edgegenerator CCtsp_edgegenerator eg,
double *  node_piest,
int  silent

int CCtsp_resparsify_lp CCtsp_lp lp,
int  silent

int CCtsp_search_cutpool CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
double *  maxviol,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
int  nthreads,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_search_cutpool_cliques CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
CCtsp_lpclique **  cliques,
int *  cliquecount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
double  maxdelta,
int  maxcliques,
double **  cliquevals,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_search_remotepool char *  remotehost,
unsigned short  remoteport,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
double *  maxviol,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x

int CCtsp_seglist_to_lpclique int  nseg,
int *  list,
CCtsp_lpclique cliq

int CCtsp_segment_cuts CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x

int CCtsp_segment_to_subtour CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cut,
int  a,
int  b,
int  ncount

int CCtsp_send_newcuts int  ncount,
CCtsp_lpcuts pool,
char *  remotehost,
unsigned short  remoteport

int CCtsp_shrink_subtours CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x

int CCtsp_shrunk_set_to_lpclique int  cnt,
int *  set,
int *  wset,
CC_SRKexpinfo *  expand,
CCtsp_lpclique cliq

int CCtsp_solve_dat int  ncount,
CCdatagroup indat,
int *  in_tour,
int *  out_tour,
double *  in_val,
double *  optval,
int *  success,
int *  foundtour,
char *  name,
double *  timebound,
int *  hit_timebound,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_solve_sparse int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
int *  elen,
int *  in_tour,
int *  out_tour,
double *  in_val,
double *  optval,
int *  success,
int *  foundtour,
char *  name,
double *  timebound,
int *  hit_timebound,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_splitprob CCtsp_lp lp,
CCtsp_branchobj b,
int  child0,
int  child1,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_star_lp CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_tighten_info stats,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cutsout,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
double  testtol,
int  maxcuts,
double *  viol,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_subtour_and_blossom_loop CCtsp_lp lp,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_subtour_loop CCtsp_lp lp,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_teething CCtsp_lpgraph g,
double *  x,
CCtsp_lpcut_in cut,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  newcut

int CCtsp_teething_list CCtsp_lpgraph g,
double *  x,
CCtsp_lpclique handle,
int  nbig,
CCtsp_lpclique **  bigteeth,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  newcut

int CCtsp_teething_lp CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_tighten_info stats,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cutsout,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
double  testtol,
int  maxcuts,
double *  viol,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_test_pseudocomb int  ncount,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
int  handle,
int *  yes_no

int CCtsp_test_pure_comb int  ncount,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
int *  yes_no,
int *  handle

int CCtsp_test_pure_double_decker CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
int *  yes_no,
int *  handle1,
int *  handle2

int CCtsp_test_pure_simple_cliquetree int  ncount,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
int *  yes_no

int CCtsp_test_teeth_disjoint int  ncount,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
int  handle,
int *  yes_no

int CCtsp_tighten_lp CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_tighten_info stats,
CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cutsout,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
double  testtol,
int  maxcuts,
double *  viol,
CCrandstate rstate

int CCtsp_tighten_lpcut CCtsp_lpgraph g,
CCtsp_lpclique cliques,
CCtsp_lpcut c,
double *  x,
CCtsp_lpcut_in d,
CCtsp_tighten_info stats,
double *  pimprove

int CCtsp_tighten_lpcut_in CCtsp_lpgraph g,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
double *  x,
CCtsp_lpcut_in d,
CCtsp_tighten_info stats,
double *  pimprove

int CCtsp_truncate_cutlist CCtsp_lpcut_in **  cuts,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
int  maxcuts,
CCrandstate rstate

void CCtsp_unregister_clique CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
int  c

void CCtsp_unregister_cliques CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_lpcut c

void CCtsp_unregister_domino CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
int  c

void CCtsp_unregister_dominos CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_lpcut c

int CCtsp_update_result CCtsp_lp lp  ) 

int CCtsp_verify_infeasible_lp CCtsp_lp lp,
int *  yesno,
int  silent

int CCtsp_verify_lp_prune CCtsp_lp lp,
int *  yesno,
int  silent

int CCtsp_write_cutpool int  ncount,
const char *  poolfilename,
CCtsp_lpcuts pool

int CCtsp_write_cuts CC_SFILE f,
int  ncount,
CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
int  writemods

int CCtsp_write_lpclique CC_SFILE f,
CCtsp_lpclique c,
int  ncount

int CCtsp_write_lpcut CC_SFILE f,
CCtsp_lpcuts cuts,
CCtsp_lpcut c,
int  ncount

int CCtsp_write_lpcut_in CC_SFILE f,
CCtsp_lpcut_in c,
int  ncount

int CCtsp_write_lpdomino CC_SFILE f,
CCtsp_lpdomino c,
int  ncount

int CCtsp_write_probfile_id CCtsp_lp lp  ) 

int CCtsp_write_probfile_sav CCtsp_lp lp  ) 

int CCtsp_write_probleaf_id CCtsp_lp lp  ) 

int CCtsp_write_probroot_id char *  probloc,
CCtsp_lp lp

int CCtsp_write_skeleton CC_SFILE f,
CCtsp_skeleton skel,
int  ncount

int CCtsp_x_greedy_tour CCdatagroup dat,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
int *  cyc,
double *  val,
int  silent

int CCtsp_x_greedy_tour_lk CCdatagroup dat,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  x,
int *  cyc,
double *  val,
int  silent,
CCrandstate rstate

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