
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /****************************************************************************/
00002 /*                                                                          */
00003 /*  This file is part of CONCORDE                                           */
00004 /*                                                                          */
00005 /*  (c) Copyright 1995--1999 by David Applegate, Robert Bixby,              */
00006 /*  Vasek Chvatal, and William Cook                                         */
00007 /*                                                                          */
00008 /*  Permission is granted for academic research use.  For other uses,       */
00009 /*  contact the authors for licensing options.                              */
00010 /*                                                                          */
00011 /*  Use at your own risk.  We make no guarantees about the                  */
00012 /*  correctness or usefulness of this code.                                 */
00013 /*                                                                          */
00014 /****************************************************************************/
00016 /****************************************************************************/
00017 /****************************************************************************/
00018 /*                                                                          */
00019 /*                      PROTOTYPES FOR FILES IN TSP                         */
00020 /*                                                                          */
00021 /****************************************************************************/
00022 /****************************************************************************/
00025 #ifndef __TSP_H
00026 #define __TSP_H
00028 #include "util.h"
00029 #include "edgegen.h"
00030 #include "bigguy.h"
00031 #include "lp.h"
00032 #include "cut.h"
00033 #include "kdtree.h"
00034 #include "combs.h"
00036 /*************** Tolerances for the LP and Cutting routines *****************/
00038 #define CCtsp_MIN_VIOL (0.002)  /* min violation for cut to be added to lp */
00039 #define CCtsp_CUTS_DELTA        /* define to set tolerances on ub-lb */
00040 #define CCtsp_CUTS_NEXT_TOL (0.01)  /* to try next level  */
00041 #define CCtsp_CUTS_NEXT_ROUND (0.001) /* if improve is less, stop round */
00042 #define CCtsp_TENTATIVE_CUTS_NEXT_TOL (0.1)
00043 #define CCtsp_TENTATIVE_CUTS_NEXT_ROUND (0.01)
00044 #define CCtsp_PRICE_RCTHRESH  (-0.00001)  /* to add a bad edge */
00045 #define CCtsp_PRICE_MAXPENALTY (0.10) /* penalty permitted in addbad */
00046 #define CCtsp_PHASE1_RCTHRESH (-0.000000001)
00047 #define CCtsp_PHASE1_MAXPENALTY (0.00000001)
00048 #define CCtsp_EDGE_LIFE (1000000) /* 1000000 */      /* 200 */  /* Large for subtour runs */
00049 #define CCtsp_CUT_LIFE  (10)    /* 10 */
00050 #define CCtsp_DUAL_DUST (0.01)  /* 0.001  */
00051 #define CCtsp_EDGE_DUST (0.000001)  /* 0.0001 */
00053 #define CCtsp_CUT_BATCH (250)   /* number of new cuts before lp optimize */
00054 #define CCtsp_STORE_BATCH (250) /* 50 */  /* number of new cuts before lp addrows  */
00055 #define CCtsp_INTTOL (0.0001)   /* used to check if lp soln is integral  */
00057 /************************** Branching Strategies  ***************************/
00059 #define CCtsp_BRANCH_MIDDLE 1
00060 #define CCtsp_BRANCH_STRONG 2
00062 /****************************************************************************/
00064 /************************** Default Communication Ports *********************/
00066 #define CCtsp_HOST_PORT   ((unsigned short) 24846)
00067 #define CCtsp_PROB_PORT   ((unsigned short) 24847)
00068 #define CCtsp_CUT_PORT    ((unsigned short) 24868)
00069 #define CCtsp_DOMINO_PORT ((unsigned short) 24869)
00071 /****************************************************************************/
00073 #define CCtsp_LP_MAXDOUBLE  1e30
00075 #define CCtsp_COMBRHS(c) (3*(c)->cliquecount - 2)
00076 #define CCtsp_DOMINORHS(c) (3*(c)->dominocount + 1)
00078 typedef struct CCtsp_lpnode
00079 {
00080   int deg;
00081   int mark;
00082   struct CCtsp_lpadj *adj;
00083 }
00084 CCtsp_lpnode;
00086 typedef struct CCtsp_lpedge
00087 {
00088   int ends[2];                  /* ends[0] should always be < ends[1] */
00089   int fixed;
00090   int branch;                   /* < 0 means set to 0 and > 0 means set to 1 */
00091   int len;
00092   int age;
00093   int coef;                     /* should be maintained at zero */
00094   int coefnext;                 /* should be maintained at -2 */
00095 }
00096 CCtsp_lpedge;
00098 typedef struct CCtsp_lpadj
00099 {
00100   int to;
00101   int edge;
00102 }
00103 CCtsp_lpadj;
00105 typedef struct CCtsp_lpgraph
00106 {
00107   int ncount;
00108   int espace;
00109   int ecount;
00110   int nodemarker;
00111   CCtsp_lpnode *nodes;
00112   CCtsp_lpedge *edges;
00113   CCtsp_lpadj *adjspace;
00114   int adjstart;
00115   int adjend;
00116 }
00117 CCtsp_lpgraph;
00119 typedef struct CCtsp_predge
00120 {
00121   int ends[2];
00122   int len;
00123   double rc;
00124 }
00125 CCtsp_predge;
00127 typedef struct CCtsp_pricegroup
00128 {
00129   int ncount;
00130   int espace;
00131   int ecount;
00132   CCtsp_lpnode *nodes;
00133   CCtsp_predge *edges;
00134   int cliquecount;
00135   struct CCtsp_lpclique *cliques; /* just a copy of the pointer */
00136   CCtsp_lpgraph *graph;         /* pointer to the copy in a CCtsp_lp */
00137   CCtsp_lpadj *adjspace;
00138   double *node_pi;
00139   double *clique_pi;
00140   double penalty;
00141 }
00142 CCtsp_pricegroup;
00144 typedef struct CCtsp_extraedge
00145 {
00146   int ends[2];
00147 }
00148 CCtsp_extraedge;
00150 typedef struct CCtsp_sparser
00151 {
00152   unsigned int node:24;
00153   unsigned int mult:8;
00154 }
00155 CCtsp_sparser;
00157 typedef struct CCtsp_segment
00158 {
00159   int lo;
00160   int hi;
00161 }
00162 CCtsp_segment;
00164 typedef struct CCtsp_lpclique
00165 {
00166   int segcount;
00167   struct CCtsp_segment *nodes;
00168   int hashnext;
00169   int refcount;
00170 }
00171 CCtsp_lpclique;
00173 typedef struct CCtsp_lpdomino
00174 {
00175   CCtsp_lpclique sets[2];
00176   int hashnext;
00177   int refcount;
00178 }
00179 CCtsp_lpdomino;
00181 #define CC_FOREACH_NODE_IN_CLIQUE(i,c,tmp) \
00182     for(tmp=0;tmp<(c).segcount;tmp++) \
00183         for(i=(c).nodes[tmp].lo;i<=(c).nodes[tmp].hi;i++)
00185 typedef struct CCtsp_skeleton
00186 {
00187   int atomcount;
00188   int *atoms;
00189 }
00190 CCtsp_skeleton;
00192 #define CCtsp_NEWCUT_AGE (-1)
00194 typedef struct CCtsp_lpcut
00195 {
00196   int cliquecount;
00197   int dominocount;
00198   int modcount;
00199   int age;
00200   int rhs;
00201   char sense;
00202   char branch;
00203   int *cliques;
00204   int *dominos;
00205   struct CCtsp_sparser *mods;
00206   CCtsp_skeleton skel;
00207 }
00208 CCtsp_lpcut;
00210 typedef struct CCtsp_lpcut_in
00211 {
00212   int cliquecount;
00213   int dominocount;
00214   int rhs;
00215   char sense;
00216   char branch;
00217   CCtsp_lpclique *cliques;
00218   CCtsp_lpdomino *dominos;
00219   CCtsp_skeleton skel;
00220   struct CCtsp_lpcut_in *next;
00221   struct CCtsp_lpcut_in *prev;
00222 }
00223 CCtsp_lpcut_in;
00225 typedef struct CCtsp_lp_result
00226 {
00227   double ub;
00228   double lb;
00229   int ecount;
00230   int *elist;
00231   double *x;
00232   double *rc;
00233 }
00234 CCtsp_lp_result;
00236 typedef struct CCtsp_lpcuts
00237 {
00238   int cutcount;
00239   int savecount;
00240   int cliqueend;
00241   int cutspace;
00242   int cliquespace;
00243   int cliquehashsize;
00244   int cliquefree;
00245   int *cliquehash;
00246   CCtsp_lpcut *cuts;
00247   CCtsp_lpclique *cliques;
00248   CCgenhash *cuthash;
00249   char *tempcuthash;
00250   int tempcuthashsize;
00251   int dominoend;
00252   int dominospace;
00253   int dominohashsize;
00254   int dominofree;
00255   int *dominohash;
00256   CCtsp_lpdomino *dominos;
00257   double *workloads;
00258 }
00259 CCtsp_lpcuts;
00261 typedef struct CCtsp_bigdual
00262 {
00263   int cutcount;
00264   CCbigguy *node_pi;
00265   CCbigguy *cut_pi;
00266 }
00267 CCtsp_bigdual;
00269 typedef struct CCtsp_tighten_info
00270 {
00271   int ncall;
00272   int nfail;
00273   int nadd;
00274   int nadd_tied;
00275   int ndel;
00276   int ndel_tied;
00277   double add_delta;
00278   double del_delta;
00279   double time;
00280 }
00281 CCtsp_tighten_info;
00283 typedef struct CCtsp_branchobj
00284 {
00285   int depth;
00286   int rhs;
00287   int ends[2];
00288   char sense;
00289   CCtsp_lpclique *clique;
00290 }
00291 CCtsp_branchobj;
00293 typedef struct CCtsp_cutnode
00294 {
00295 #define CCtsp_CUT_INNODELIST(t) ((t)&4)
00296 #define CCtsp_CUT_ROOT 0
00297 #define CCtsp_CUT_PNODE 1
00298 #define CCtsp_CUT_QNODE 2
00299 #define CCtsp_CUT_LEAF 4
00300 #define CCtsp_CUT_EXTERN 5
00301   int type;
00302   struct CCtsp_cutnode *child;
00303   struct CCtsp_cutnode *sibling;
00304   struct CCtsp_cutnode *next;
00305 }
00306 CCtsp_cutnode;
00308 typedef struct CCtsp_cuttree
00309 {
00310   int nodecount;
00311   int extern_node;
00312   CCtsp_cutnode *nodelist;
00313   CCtsp_cutnode *root;
00314   CCptrworld cutnode_world;
00315 }
00316 CCtsp_cuttree;
00318 /* nodes are reordered to match compression tour */
00320 typedef struct CCtsp_genadj
00321 {
00322   int deg;
00323   struct CCtsp_genadjobj *list;
00324 }
00325 CCtsp_genadj;
00327 typedef struct CCtsp_genadjobj
00328 {
00329   int end;
00330   int len;
00331 }
00332 CCtsp_genadjobj;
00334 typedef struct CCtsp_edgegenerator
00335 {
00336   double *node_piest;
00337   struct CCdatagroup *dg;
00338   int *supply;
00339   CCkdtree *kdtree;
00340   CCxnear *xnear;
00341   struct CCtsp_xnorm_pricer *xprice;
00342   CCtsp_genadjobj *adjobjspace;
00343   CCtsp_genadj *adj;
00344   int ncount;
00345   int nneighbors;
00346   int start;
00347   int current;
00348   int supplyhead;
00349   int supplycount;
00350 }
00351 CCtsp_edgegenerator;
00353 typedef struct CCtsp_xnorm_pricer_val
00354 {
00355   double val;
00356   struct CCtsp_xnorm_pricer_val *next;
00357   struct CCtsp_xnorm_pricer_val *prev;
00358   int index;
00359 }
00360 CCtsp_xnorm_pricer_val;
00362 typedef struct CCtsp_xnorm_pricer
00363 {
00364   CCdatagroup *dat;
00365   double *pi;
00366   int *order;
00367   CCtsp_xnorm_pricer_val *xminuspi_space;
00368   CCtsp_xnorm_pricer_val *xminuspi;
00369   int *invxminuspi;
00370   int ncount;
00371 }
00372 CCtsp_xnorm_pricer;
00374 typedef struct CCtsp_statistics
00375 {
00376   CCutil_timer cutting_loop;
00377   CCutil_timer cutting_inner_loop;
00378   CCutil_timer cuts_filecut;
00379   CCutil_timer cuts_filecut_opt;
00380   CCutil_timer cuts_cutpool;
00381   CCutil_timer cuts_cutpool_opt;
00382   CCutil_timer cuts_connect;
00383   CCutil_timer cuts_connect_opt;
00384   CCutil_timer cuts_segment;
00385   CCutil_timer cuts_segment_opt;
00386   CCutil_timer cuts_remotepool;
00387   CCutil_timer cuts_remotepool_opt;
00388   CCutil_timer cuts_blockcomb;
00389   CCutil_timer cuts_blockcomb_opt;
00390   CCutil_timer cuts_growcomb;
00391   CCutil_timer cuts_growcomb_opt;
00392   CCutil_timer cuts_exactsubtour;
00393   CCutil_timer cuts_exactsubtour_opt;
00394   CCutil_timer cuts_tighten_lp;
00395   CCutil_timer cuts_tighten_lp_opt;
00396   CCutil_timer cuts_tighten_lp_close;
00397   CCutil_timer cuts_tighten_lp_close_opt;
00398   CCutil_timer cuts_decker_lp;
00399   CCutil_timer cuts_decker_lp_opt;
00400   CCutil_timer cuts_decker_lp_close;
00401   CCutil_timer cuts_decker_lp_close_opt;
00402   CCutil_timer cuts_star_lp;
00403   CCutil_timer cuts_star_lp_opt;
00404   CCutil_timer cuts_handling_lp;
00405   CCutil_timer cuts_handling_lp_opt;
00406   CCutil_timer cuts_cliquetree_lp;
00407   CCutil_timer cuts_cliquetree_lp_opt;
00408   CCutil_timer cuts_teething_lp;
00409   CCutil_timer cuts_teething_lp_opt;
00410   CCutil_timer cuts_fastblossom;
00411   CCutil_timer cuts_fastblossom_opt;
00412   CCutil_timer cuts_ghfastblossom;
00413   CCutil_timer cuts_ghfastblossom_opt;
00414   CCutil_timer cuts_exactblossom;
00415   CCutil_timer cuts_exactblossom_opt;
00416   CCutil_timer cuts_tighten_pool;
00417   CCutil_timer cuts_tighten_pool_opt;
00418   CCutil_timer cuts_decker_pool;
00419   CCutil_timer cuts_decker_pool_opt;
00420   CCutil_timer cuts_star_pool;
00421   CCutil_timer cuts_star_pool_opt;
00422   CCutil_timer cuts_handling_pool;
00423   CCutil_timer cuts_handling_pool_opt;
00424   CCutil_timer cuts_teething_pool;
00425   CCutil_timer cuts_teething_pool_opt;
00426   CCutil_timer cuts_consecutiveones;
00427   CCutil_timer cuts_consecutiveones_opt;
00428   CCutil_timer cuts_necklace;
00429   CCutil_timer cuts_necklace_opt;
00430   CCutil_timer cuts_localcut;
00431   CCutil_timer cuts_localcut_opt;
00433   CCutil_timer cuts_extraconnect;
00434   CCutil_timer cuts_extraconnect_opt;
00436   CCutil_timer sparse_edge_check;
00437   CCutil_timer full_edge_check;
00439   CCutil_timer addcuts;
00440   CCutil_timer addcuts_opt;
00441   CCutil_timer agecuts;
00442   CCutil_timer agecuts_opt;
00443   CCutil_timer ageedges;
00444   CCutil_timer ageedges_opt;
00445   CCutil_timer addbad;
00446   CCutil_timer addbad_opt;
00447   CCutil_timer strongbranch;
00448   CCutil_timer strongbranch_opt;
00449   CCutil_timer linkern;
00451   CCutil_timer misc;
00452   CCutil_timer misc_opt;
00453   CCutil_timer total;
00454   int problem_cnt;
00456   CCtsp_tighten_info tighten_stats;
00457   CCtsp_tighten_info extra_tighten_stats;
00458 }
00459 CCtsp_statistics;
00461 typedef struct CCtsp_lp
00462 {
00463   CCtsp_lpgraph graph;
00464   CCtsp_lpcuts cuts;
00465   CCtsp_lpcuts *pool;
00466   CCtsp_lpcuts *remotepool;
00467   CClp *lp;
00468   int *perm;
00469   CCdatagroup *dat;
00470   int fullcount;
00471   CCtsp_genadj *fulladj;
00472   CCtsp_genadjobj *fulladjspace;
00473   int nfixededges;
00474   int *fixededges;
00475   struct CCtsp_qsparsegroup *sparsifier;
00476   int edge_life;
00477   int cut_life;
00478   char *problabel;
00479   char *probloc;
00480   int id;
00481   int parent_id;
00482   int root;
00483   double upperbound;
00484   double lowerbound;
00485   CCbigguy exact_lowerbound;
00486   CCtsp_bigdual *exact_dual;
00487   int infeasible;
00488   int full_edges_valid;
00489   CClp_warmstart *warmstart;
00490   CCtsp_lpcut_in cutqueue;      /* dummy entry for doubly-linked
00491                                  * list */
00492   CCtsp_lp_result result;
00493   int branchdepth;
00494   CCtsp_branchobj *branchhistory;
00495   CCtsp_cuttree tightcuts;
00496   CCtsp_statistics stats;
00497 }
00498 CCtsp_lp;
00500 typedef struct CCtsp_lprow
00501 {
00502   int rowcnt;
00503   int nzcnt;
00504   char *sense;
00505   double *rhs;
00506   int *begin;                   /* offset into the array for start of row */
00507   int indexspace;
00508   int *indices;                 /* the column indices of the row entries  */
00509   int entryspace;
00510   double *entries;              /* the matrix entries                     */
00511 }
00512 CCtsp_lprow;
00514 typedef struct CCtsp_cutselect
00515 {
00516   int cutpool;
00517   int remotepool;
00518   char *remotehost;
00519   unsigned short remoteport;
00520   int connect;
00521   int segments;
00522   int exactsubtour;
00523   int blockcombs;
00524   int growcombs;
00525   int prclique;
00526   int tighten_lp;
00527   int teething_lp;
00528   int cliquetree_lp;
00529   int tighten_pool;
00530   int decker_lp;
00531   int decker_pool;
00532   int star_lp;
00533   int star_pool;
00534   int handling_lp;
00535   int handling_pool;
00536   int maxchunksize;
00537   int filecuts;
00538   char *filecutname;
00539   int teething_pool;
00540   int fastblossom;
00541   int ghfastblossom;
00542   int exactblossom;
00543   int consecutiveones;
00544   int dominos;
00545   int necklace;
00546   int usetighten;               /* set to 1 to tighten before cuts are added */
00547   int extra_connect;            /* set to 1 to force a connected solution */
00548   double nexttol;
00549   double roundtol;
00550   int fastcuts;                 /* set to 0 to stop the update of tols */
00551 }
00552 CCtsp_cutselect;
00556 /****************************************************************************/
00557 /*                                                                          */
00558 /*                            bcontrol.c                                    */
00559 /*                                                                          */
00560 /****************************************************************************/
00562 #define CCtsp_BBTASK_BRANCH    'b'
00563 #define CCtsp_BBREQ_BRANCHDONE 'B'
00564 #define CCtsp_BBTASK_CUT       'c'
00565 #define CCtsp_BBREQ_CUTDONE    'C'
00566 #define CCtsp_BBREQ_DEADNODE   'D'
00567 #define CCtsp_BBREQ_HELLO      'H'
00568 #define CCtsp_BBREQ_NOBRANCH   'N'
00569 #define CCtsp_BBREQ_TASK       'T'
00570 #define CCtsp_BBREQ_TOUR       'U'
00571 #define CCtsp_BBTASK_WAIT      'w'
00572 #define CCtsp_BBTASK_EXIT      'x'
00573 #define CCtsp_BBREQ_EXIT       'X'
00575 #define CCtsp_BBTASK_TENTATIVE_CUT       'i'
00576 #define CCtsp_BBREQ_TENTATIVE_CUTDONE    'I'
00577 #define CCtsp_BBTASK_TENTATIVE_BRANCH    'j'
00581 int CCtsp_bfs_brancher (char *probloc,
00582                         int id,
00583                         double lowerbound,
00584                         CCtsp_cutselect * sel,
00585                         CCtsp_cutselect * tsel,
00586                         double *upbound,
00587                         int *bbcount,
00588                         int usecliques,
00589                         CCdatagroup * mydat,
00590                         int *ptour,
00591                         CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
00592                         int ncount,
00593                         int *besttour,
00594                         unsigned short hostport,
00595                         double *branchzeit,
00596                         int save_proof,
00597                         int tentative_branch_num,
00598                         int longedge_branching,
00599                         double *timebound,
00600                         int *hit_timebound,
00601                         int silent,
00602                         CCrandstate * rstate),
00603   CCtsp_bfs_restart (char *probloc,
00604                      char *restart_name,
00605                      CCtsp_cutselect * sel,
00606                      CCtsp_cutselect * tsel,
00607                      double *upbound,
00608                      int *bbcount,
00609                      int usecliques,
00610                      CCdatagroup * dat,
00611                      int *ptour,
00612                      CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
00613                      int ncount,
00614                      int *besttour,
00615                      unsigned short hostport,
00616                      double *branchzeit,
00617                      int save_proof,
00618                      int tentative_branch_num,
00619                      int longedge_branching,
00620                      double *timebound,
00621                      int *hit_timebound,
00622                      int silent,
00623                      CCrandstate * rstate),
00624 #ifdef CC_NETREADY
00626   CCtsp_grunt (char *hostname,
00627                unsigned short hostport,
00628                char *poolfname,
00629                char *cutbossname,
00630                char *probloc,
00631                int silent,
00632                CCrandstate * rstate),
00633 #endif                          /* CC_NETREADY */
00635   CCtsp_easy_dfs_brancher (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00636                            CCtsp_cutselect * sel,
00637                            int depth,
00638                            double *upbound,
00639                            int *bbcount,
00640                            int usecliques,
00641                            int *besttour,
00642                            int longedge_branching,
00643                            int simple_branching,
00644                            int silent,
00645                            CCrandstate * rstate),
00646   CCtsp_do_interactive_branch (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00647                                int silent,
00648                                CCrandstate * rstate);
00652 /****************************************************************************/
00653 /*                                                                          */
00654 /*                            blkcomb.c                                     */
00655 /*                                                                          */
00656 /****************************************************************************/
00659 int CCtsp_block_combs (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
00660                        int *cutcount,
00661                        int ncount,
00662                        int ecount,
00663                        int *elist,
00664                        double *x,
00665                        int silent);
00669 /****************************************************************************/
00670 /*                                                                          */
00671 /*                            blossom.c                                     */
00672 /*                                                                          */
00673 /****************************************************************************/
00676 int CCtsp_fastblossom (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
00677                        int *cutcount,
00678                        int ncount,
00679                        int ecount,
00680                        int *elist,
00681                        double *x),
00682   CCtsp_ghfastblossom (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
00683                        int *cutcount,
00684                        int ncount,
00685                        int ecount,
00686                        int *elist,
00687                        double *x),
00688   CCtsp_exactblossom (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
00689                       int *cutcount,
00690                       int ncount,
00691                       int ecount,
00692                       int *elist,
00693                       double *x,
00694                       CCrandstate * rstate);
00698 /****************************************************************************/
00699 /*                                                                          */
00700 /*                            branch.c                                      */
00701 /*                                                                          */
00702 /****************************************************************************/
00705 int CCtsp_find_branch (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00706                        int nwant,
00707                        int *ngot,
00708                        CCtsp_branchobj ** bobj,
00709                        double *val,
00710                        int **cyc,
00711                        int usecliques,
00712                        int longedge_branching,
00713                        int silent),
00714   CCtsp_find_fast_branch (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00715                           int *ngot,
00716                           CCtsp_branchobj ** bobj,
00717                           double *val,
00718                           int **cyc,
00719                           int usecliques,
00720                           int longedge_branching,
00721                           int silent),
00722   CCtsp_find_branch_edge (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00723                           int *n0,
00724                           int *n1,
00725                           double *val,
00726                           int **cyc,
00727                           int branchtype,
00728                           int silent),
00729   CCtsp_check_integral (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00730                         double *val,
00731                         int **cyc,
00732                         int *yesno,
00733                         int silent),
00734   CCtsp_find_branch_cliques (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00735                              int nwant,
00736                              int longedge_branching,
00737                              int *ngot,
00738                              CCtsp_lpclique ** bcliques,
00739                              double **bval,
00740                              int silent),
00741   CCtsp_execute_branch (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00742                         CCtsp_branchobj * b,
00743                         int silent,
00744                         CCrandstate * rstate),
00745   CCtsp_execute_unbranch (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00746                           CClp_warmstart * warmstart,
00747                           int silent,
00748                           CCrandstate * rstate),
00749   CCtsp_add_branchhistory_to_lp (CCtsp_lp * lp),
00750   CCtsp_bb_find_branch (char *probname,
00751                         int probnum,
00752                         int ncount,
00753                         CCdatagroup * dat,
00754                         int *ptour,
00755                         double *upperbound,
00756                         CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
00757                         int nwant,
00758                         int *ngot,
00759                         CCtsp_branchobj ** b,
00760                         int usecliques,
00761                         int longedge_branching,
00762                         int *prune,
00763                         int *foundtour,
00764                         int *besttour,
00765                         int silent,
00766                         CCrandstate * rstate),
00767   CCtsp_splitprob (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00768                    CCtsp_branchobj * b,
00769                    int child0,
00770                    int child1,
00771                    int silent,
00772                    CCrandstate * rstate),
00773   CCtsp_bb_splitprob (char *probname,
00774                       int probnum,
00775                       int ncount,
00776                       CCdatagroup * dat,
00777                       int *ptour,
00778                       double initial_ub,
00779                       CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
00780                       CCtsp_branchobj * b,
00781                       int child0,
00782                       int child1,
00783                       double *val0,
00784                       double *val1,
00785                       int *prune0,
00786                       int *prune1,
00787                       int silent,
00788                       CCrandstate * rstate),
00789   CCtsp_dumptour (int ncount,
00790                   CCdatagroup * dat,
00791                   int *perm,
00792                   char *probname,
00793                   int *tour,
00794                   int silent);
00796 void CCtsp_init_branchobj (CCtsp_branchobj * b),
00797   CCtsp_free_branchobj (CCtsp_branchobj * b),
00798   CCtsp_print_branchhistory (CCtsp_lp * lp);
00801 /****************************************************************************/
00802 /*                                                                          */
00803 /*                             cliqhash.c                                   */
00804 /*                                                                          */
00805 /****************************************************************************/
00808 int CCtsp_init_cliquehash (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
00809                            int size),
00810   CCtsp_register_clique (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
00811                          CCtsp_lpclique * c);
00813 unsigned int CCtsp_hashclique (CCtsp_lpclique * c);
00815 void CCtsp_free_cliquehash (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts),
00816   CCtsp_unregister_clique (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
00817                            int c),
00818   CCtsp_clique_eq (CCtsp_lpclique * c,
00819                    CCtsp_lpclique * d,
00820                    int *yes_no);
00822 int CCtsp_init_dominohash (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
00823                            int size),
00824   CCtsp_register_domino (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
00825                          CCtsp_lpdomino * c);
00827 unsigned int CCtsp_hashdomino (CCtsp_lpdomino * d);
00829 void CCtsp_free_dominohash (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts),
00830   CCtsp_domino_eq (CCtsp_lpdomino * c,
00831                    CCtsp_lpdomino * d,
00832                    int *yes_no),
00833   CCtsp_unregister_domino (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
00834                            int c);
00838 /****************************************************************************/
00839 /*                                                                          */
00840 /*                           cliqwork.c                                     */
00841 /*                                                                          */
00842 /****************************************************************************/
00844 typedef struct CCtsp_cutinfo
00845 {
00846   CC_SRKexpinfo expand;
00847   CCtsp_lpcut_in **clist;
00848   CCtsp_lpcut_in *current;
00849   int *cutcount;
00850 }
00851 CCtsp_cutinfo;
00854 int CCtsp_clique_to_array (CCtsp_lpclique * c,
00855                            int **ar,
00856                            int *count),
00857   CCtsp_clique_delta (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
00858                       double *x,
00859                       CCtsp_lpclique * c,
00860                       double *delta),
00861   CCtsp_copy_lpcut_in (CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
00862                        CCtsp_lpcut_in * new),
00863   CCtsp_segment_to_subtour (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cut,
00864                             int a,
00865                             int b,
00866                             int ncount),
00867   CCtsp_array_to_subtour (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cut,
00868                           int *ar,
00869                           int acount,
00870                           int ncount),
00871   CCtsp_array_to_lpclique (int *ar,
00872                            int acount,
00873                            CCtsp_lpclique * cliq),
00874   CCtsp_seglist_to_lpclique (int nseg,
00875                              int *list,
00876                              CCtsp_lpclique * cliq),
00877   CCtsp_shrunk_set_to_lpclique (int cnt,
00878                                 int *set,
00879                                 int *wset,
00880                                 CC_SRKexpinfo * expand,
00881                                 CCtsp_lpclique * cliq),
00882   CCtsp_add_nodes_to_lpclique (CCtsp_lpclique * cin,
00883                                CCtsp_lpclique * cout,
00884                                int addcount,
00885                                int *adda),
00886   CCtsp_delete_nodes_from_lpclique (CCtsp_lpclique * cin,
00887                                     CCtsp_lpclique * cout,
00888                                     int delcount,
00889                                     int *del),
00890   CCtsp_lpcut_to_lpcut_in (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
00891                            CCtsp_lpcut * c,
00892                            CCtsp_lpcut_in * new),
00893   CCtsp_copy_lpclique (CCtsp_lpclique * c,
00894                        CCtsp_lpclique * new),
00895   CCtsp_copy_lpdomino (CCtsp_lpdomino * c,
00896                        CCtsp_lpdomino * new),
00897   CCtsp_create_lpcliques (CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
00898                           int cliquecount),
00899   CCtsp_max_node (CCtsp_lpcut_in * c),
00900   CCtsp_build_dp_cut (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cut,
00901                       int ndomino,
00902                       int *Acount,
00903                       int **A,
00904                       int *Bcount,
00905                       int **B,
00906                       int handlecount,
00907                       int *handle);
00909 void CCtsp_mark_clique (CCtsp_lpclique * c,
00910                         int *marks,
00911                         int marker),
00912   CCtsp_mark_domino (CCtsp_lpdomino * c,
00913                      int *marks,
00914                      int marker),
00915   CCtsp_mark_clique_and_neighbors (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
00916                                    CCtsp_lpclique * c,
00917                                    int *marks,
00918                                    int marker),
00919   CCtsp_mark_domino_and_neighbors (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
00920                                    CCtsp_lpdomino * c,
00921                                    int *marks,
00922                                    int marker),
00923   CCtsp_mark_clique_and_neighbors_double (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
00924                                           CCtsp_lpclique * c,
00925                                           double *marks,
00926                                           double marker),
00927   CCtsp_mark_cut (CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
00928                   int *marks,
00929                   int marker),
00930   CCtsp_mark_cut_and_neighbors (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
00931                                 CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
00932                                 int *marks,
00933                                 int marker),
00934   CCtsp_is_clique_marked (CCtsp_lpclique * c,
00935                           int *marks,
00936                           int marker,
00937                           int *yes_no),
00938   CCtsp_clique_count (CCtsp_lpclique * c,
00939                       int *count),
00940   CCtsp_clique_marked_count (CCtsp_lpclique * c,
00941                              int *marks,
00942                              int marker,
00943                              int *count),
00944   CCtsp_init_lpcut_in (CCtsp_lpcut_in * c),
00945   CCtsp_init_lpcut (CCtsp_lpcut * c),
00946   CCtsp_init_lpclique (CCtsp_lpclique * c),
00947   CCtsp_init_lpdomino (CCtsp_lpdomino * c),
00948   CCtsp_print_lpcut_in (CCtsp_lpcut_in * c),
00949   CCtsp_print_lpclique (CCtsp_lpclique * c),
00950   CCtsp_print_lpdomino (CCtsp_lpdomino * d),
00951   CCtsp_lpclique_compare (CCtsp_lpclique * a,
00952                           CCtsp_lpclique * b,
00953                           int *diff);
00957 /****************************************************************************/
00958 /*                                                                          */
00959 /*                            control.c                                     */
00960 /*                                                                          */
00961 /****************************************************************************/
00964 int CCtsp_cutting_multiple_loop (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00965                                  CCtsp_cutselect * sel,
00966                                  int savelp,
00967                                  int maxlocal,
00968                                  int update_tol,
00969                                  const char *dombossname,
00970                                  int silent,
00971                                  CCrandstate * rstate),
00972   CCtsp_cutting_loop (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00973                       CCtsp_cutselect * sel,
00974                       int savelp,
00975                       const char *dombossname,
00976                       int silent,
00977                       CCrandstate * rstate),
00978   CCtsp_subtour_loop (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00979                       int silent,
00980                       CCrandstate * rstate),
00981   CCtsp_blossom_loop (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00982                       int silent,
00983                       CCrandstate * rstate),
00984   CCtsp_subtour_and_blossom_loop (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00985                                   int silent,
00986                                   CCrandstate * rstate),
00987   CCtsp_pricing_loop (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00988                       double *bnd,
00989                       int silent,
00990                       CCrandstate * rstate),
00991   CCtsp_call_x_heuristic (CCtsp_lp * lp,
00992                           double *val,
00993                           int *outcyc,
00994                           int silent,
00995                           CCrandstate * rstate),
00996   CCtsp_bb_cutting (char *probname,
00997                     int probnum,
00998                     int prob_newnum,
00999                     int ncount,
01000                     CCdatagroup * dat,
01001                     int *ptour,
01002                     double *upbound,
01003                     CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
01004                     CCtsp_cutselect * sel,
01005                     double *val,
01006                     int *prune,
01007                     int *foundtour,
01008                     int *besttour,
01009                     int level,
01010                     int silent,
01011                     CCrandstate * rstate),
01012   CCtsp_cutselect_set_tols (CCtsp_cutselect * s,
01013                             CCtsp_lp * lp,
01014                             int level,
01015                             int silent);
01017 void CCtsp_init_cutselect (CCtsp_cutselect * s),
01018   CCtsp_init_tentative_cutselect (CCtsp_cutselect * s),
01019   CCtsp_init_simple_cutselect (CCtsp_cutselect * s),
01020   CCtsp_init_fast_cutselect (CCtsp_cutselect * s);
01023 /****************************************************************************/
01024 /*                                                                          */
01025 /*                             cutcall.c                                    */
01026 /*                                                                          */
01027 /****************************************************************************/
01030 int CCtsp_connect_cuts (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
01031                         int *cutcount,
01032                         int ncount,
01033                         int ecount,
01034                         int *elist,
01035                         double *x),
01036   CCtsp_segment_cuts (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
01037                       int *cutcount,
01038                       int ncount,
01039                       int ecount,
01040                       int *elist,
01041                       double *x),
01042   CCtsp_shrink_subtours (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
01043                          int *cutcount,
01044                          int ncount,
01045                          int ecount,
01046                          int *elist,
01047                          double *x),
01048   CCtsp_exact_subtours (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
01049                         int *cutcount,
01050                         int ncount,
01051                         int ecount,
01052                         int *elist,
01053                         double *x),
01054   CCtsp_tighten_lp (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01055                     CCtsp_tighten_info * stats,
01056                     CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cutsout,
01057                     int *cutcount,
01058                     int ncount,
01059                     int ecount,
01060                     int *elist,
01061                     double *x,
01062                     double testtol,
01063                     int maxcuts,
01064                     double *viol,
01065                     CCrandstate * rstate),
01066   CCtsp_double_decker_lp (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01067                           CCtsp_tighten_info * stats,
01068                           CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cutsout,
01069                           int *cutcount,
01070                           int ncount,
01071                           int ecount,
01072                           int *elist,
01073                           double *x,
01074                           double testtol,
01075                           int maxcuts,
01076                           double *viol,
01077                           CCrandstate * rstate),
01078   CCtsp_cliquetree_lp (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01079                        CCtsp_tighten_info * stats,
01080                        CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cutsout,
01081                        int *cutcount,
01082                        int ncount,
01083                        int ecount,
01084                        int *elist,
01085                        double *x,
01086                        double testtol,
01087                        int maxcuts,
01088                        double *viol,
01089                        CCrandstate * rstate),
01090   CCtsp_star_lp (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01091                  CCtsp_tighten_info * stats,
01092                  CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cutsout,
01093                  int *cutcount,
01094                  int ncount,
01095                  int ecount,
01096                  int *elist,
01097                  double *x,
01098                  double testtol,
01099                  int maxcuts,
01100                  double *viol,
01101                  CCrandstate * rstate),
01102   CCtsp_handling_lp (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01103                      CCtsp_tighten_info * stats,
01104                      CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cutsout,
01105                      int *cutcount,
01106                      int ncount,
01107                      int ecount,
01108                      int *elist,
01109                      double *x,
01110                      double testtol,
01111                      int maxcuts,
01112                      double *viol,
01113                      CCrandstate * rstate),
01114   CCtsp_teething_lp (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01115                      CCtsp_tighten_info * stats,
01116                      CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cutsout,
01117                      int *cutcount,
01118                      int ncount,
01119                      int ecount,
01120                      int *elist,
01121                      double *x,
01122                      double testtol,
01123                      int maxcuts,
01124                      double *viol,
01125                      CCrandstate * rstate),
01126   CCtsp_domino_trial (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
01127                       int *cutcount,
01128                       int ncount,
01129                       int ecount,
01130                       int *elist,
01131                       double *x,
01132                       CCrandstate * rstate),
01133   CCtsp_file_cuts (char *cutfile,
01134                    CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
01135                    int *cutcount,
01136                    int ncount,
01137                    int *tour),
01138   CCtsp_file_cuts_write (const char *cutfile,
01139                          CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01140                          int *tour),
01141   CCtsp_test_pure_comb (int ncount,
01142                         CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01143                         int *yes_no,
01144                         int *handle),
01145   CCtsp_test_pseudocomb (int ncount,
01146                          CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01147                          int handle,
01148                          int *yes_no),
01149   CCtsp_test_teeth_disjoint (int ncount,
01150                              CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01151                              int handle,
01152                              int *yes_no),
01153   CCtsp_find_pure_handle (int ncount,
01154                           CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01155                           int *handle),
01156   CCtsp_truncate_cutlist (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
01157                           int ncount,
01158                           int ecount,
01159                           int *elist,
01160                           double *x,
01161                           int maxcuts,
01162                           CCrandstate * rstate),
01163   CCtsp_buildcut_begin (CCtsp_cutinfo * cuts,
01164                         int init_cliquecount),
01165   CCtsp_buildcut_addclique (CCtsp_cutinfo * cuts,
01166                             int *arr,
01167                             int size),
01168   CCtsp_buildcut_finish (CCtsp_cutinfo * cuts,
01169                          int rhs),
01170   CCtsp_new_domino (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
01171                     int *cutcount,
01172                     int ncount,
01173                     int ecount,
01174                     int *elist,
01175                     double *x,
01176                     const char *bossname);
01178 void CCtsp_buildcut_abort (CCtsp_cutinfo * cuts);
01182 /****************************************************************************/
01183 /*                                                                          */
01184 /*                            cutpool.c                                     */
01185 /*                                                                          */
01186 /****************************************************************************/
01188 #define CCtsp_POOL_GETCUTS     'G'
01189 #define CCtsp_POOL_PUTCUTS     'P'
01190 #define CCtsp_POOL_SAVECUTS    'S'
01191 #define CCtsp_POOL_EXIT        'X'
01194 int CCtsp_init_cutpool (int *ncount,
01195                         char *poolfilename,
01196                         CCtsp_lpcuts ** pool),
01197   CCtsp_write_cutpool (int ncount,
01198                        const char *poolfilename,
01199                        CCtsp_lpcuts * pool),
01200   CCtsp_search_cutpool (CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
01201                         CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
01202                         int *cutcount,
01203                         double *maxviol,
01204                         int ncount,
01205                         int ecount,
01206                         int *elist,
01207                         double *x,
01208                         int nthreads,
01209                         CCrandstate * rstate),
01210   CCtsp_search_remotepool (char *remotehost,
01211                            unsigned short remoteport,
01212                            CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
01213                            int *cutcount,
01214                            double *maxviol,
01215                            int ncount,
01216                            int ecount,
01217                            int *elist,
01218                            double *x),
01219   CCtsp_read_cuts (CC_SFILE * f,
01220                    int *ncount,
01221                    CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01222                    int readmods,
01223                    int buildhash),
01224   CCtsp_read_lpcut_in (CC_SFILE * f,
01225                        CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01226                        int ncount),
01227   CCtsp_read_lpclique (CC_SFILE * f,
01228                        CCtsp_lpclique * c,
01229                        int ncount),
01230   CCtsp_read_lpdomino (CC_SFILE * f,
01231                        CCtsp_lpdomino * d,
01232                        int ncount),
01233   CCtsp_write_cuts (CC_SFILE * f,
01234                     int ncount,
01235                     CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01236                     int writemods),
01237   CCtsp_send_newcuts (int ncount,
01238                       CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
01239                       char *remotehost,
01240                       unsigned short remoteport),
01241   CCtsp_write_lpcut_in (CC_SFILE * f,
01242                         CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01243                         int ncount),
01244   CCtsp_write_lpcut (CC_SFILE * f,
01245                      CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01246                      CCtsp_lpcut * c,
01247                      int ncount),
01248   CCtsp_write_lpclique (CC_SFILE * f,
01249                         CCtsp_lpclique * c,
01250                         int ncount),
01251   CCtsp_write_lpdomino (CC_SFILE * f,
01252                         CCtsp_lpdomino * c,
01253                         int ncount),
01254   CCtsp_copy_cuts (CC_SFILE * f,
01255                    CC_SFILE * t,
01256                    int copymods),
01257   CCtsp_search_cutpool_cliques (CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
01258                                 CCtsp_lpclique ** cliques,
01259                                 int *cliquecount,
01260                                 int ncount,
01261                                 int ecount,
01262                                 int *elist,
01263                                 double *x,
01264                                 double maxdelta,
01265                                 int maxcliques,
01266                                 double **cliquevals,
01267                                 CCrandstate * rstate),
01268   CCtsp_branch_cutpool_cliques (CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
01269                                 CCtsp_lpclique ** cliques,
01270                                 int *cliquecount,
01271                                 int ncount,
01272                                 int ecount,
01273                                 int *elist,
01274                                 double *x,
01275                                 int nwant,
01276                                 double **cliquevals,
01277                                 int silent),
01278   CCtsp_get_clique_prices (CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
01279                            int **p_cliquenums,
01280                            double **p_cliquevals,
01281                            double mindelta,
01282                            double maxdelta,
01283                            int *p_cliquecount,
01284                            int ncount,
01285                            int ecount,
01286                            int *elist,
01287                            double *x),
01288   CCtsp_get_clique (CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
01289                     int cliquenum,
01290                     CCtsp_lpclique ** p_clique),
01291   CCtsp_add_to_cutpool (CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
01292                         CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01293                         CCtsp_lpcut * c),
01294   CCtsp_add_to_cutpool_lpcut_in (CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
01295                                  CCtsp_lpcut_in * cut),
01296   CCtsp_display_cutpool (CCtsp_lpcuts * pool),
01297   CCtsp_price_cuts (CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
01298                     int ncount,
01299                     int ecount,
01300                     int *elist,
01301                     double *x,
01302                     double *cutval),
01303   CCtsp_price_cuts_threaded (CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
01304                              int ncount,
01305                              int ecount,
01306                              int *elist,
01307                              double *x,
01308                              double *cutval,
01309                              int numthreads),
01310   CCtsp_register_cliques (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01311                           CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01312                           CCtsp_lpcut * new),
01313   CCtsp_register_dominos (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01314                           CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01315                           CCtsp_lpcut * new),
01316   CCtsp_add_cut_to_cutlist (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01317                             CCtsp_lpcut * c);
01319 void CCtsp_free_cutpool (CCtsp_lpcuts ** pool),
01320   CCtsp_free_lpcut_in (CCtsp_lpcut_in * c),
01321   CCtsp_free_lpclique (CCtsp_lpclique * c),
01322   CCtsp_free_lpdomino (CCtsp_lpdomino * c),
01323   CCtsp_unregister_cliques (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01324                             CCtsp_lpcut * c),
01325   CCtsp_unregister_dominos (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01326                             CCtsp_lpcut * c),
01327   CCtsp_delete_cut_from_cutlist (CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01328                                  int ind);
01331 /****************************************************************************/
01332 /*                                                                          */
01333 /*                            ddecker.c                                     */
01334 /*                                                                          */
01335 /****************************************************************************/
01338 int CCtsp_test_pure_double_decker (CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01339                                    int *yes_no,
01340                                    int *handle1,
01341                                    int *handle2),
01342   CCtsp_comb_to_double_decker (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
01343                                CC_GCgraph * h,
01344                                double *x,
01345                                CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01346                                CCtsp_lpcut_in ** d),
01347   CCtsp_comb_to_star (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
01348                       CC_GCgraph * h,
01349                       double *x,
01350                       CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01351                       CCtsp_lpcut_in ** d),
01352   CCtsp_test_pure_simple_cliquetree (int ncount,
01353                                      CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01354                                      int *yes_no),
01355   CCtsp_comb_to_cliquetree (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
01356                             CC_GCgraph * h,
01357                             double *x,
01358                             CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01359                             CCtsp_lpcut_in ** d),
01360   CCtsp_comb_handling (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
01361                        CC_GCgraph * h,
01362                        double *x,
01363                        CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01364                        CCtsp_lpcut_in ** d);
01368 /****************************************************************************/
01369 /*                                                                          */
01370 /*                            ex_price.c                                    */
01371 /*                                                                          */
01372 /****************************************************************************/
01375 int CCtsp_exact_price (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01376                        CCbigguy * bound,
01377                        int complete_price,
01378                        int phase1,
01379                        int silent),
01380   CCtsp_edge_elimination (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01381                           int eliminate_sparse,
01382                           int silent),
01383   CCtsp_exact_dual (CCtsp_lp * lp),
01384   CCtsp_verify_infeasible_lp (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01385                               int *yesno,
01386                               int silent),
01387   CCtsp_verify_lp_prune (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01388                          int *yesno,
01389                          int silent);
01391 void CCtsp_free_bigdual (CCtsp_bigdual ** d);
01394 /****************************************************************************/
01395 /*                                                                          */
01396 /*                             generate.c                                   */
01397 /*                                                                          */
01398 /****************************************************************************/
01401 #define CCtsp_PRICE_COMPLETE_GRAPH -1
01402 #define CCtsp_GEN_PRICE_EPSILON 0.0001  /* 0.0000001 */
01403 #define CCtsp_GEN_USE_ADJ 50    /* Cutoff for using explicit adj list */
01406 void CCtsp_free_edgegenerator (CCtsp_edgegenerator * eg);
01408 int CCtsp_init_edgegenerator (CCtsp_edgegenerator * eg,
01409                               int ncount,
01410                               CCdatagroup * dg,
01411                               CCtsp_genadj * adj,
01412                               int nneighbors,
01413                               int silent,
01414                               CCrandstate * rstate),
01415   CCtsp_reset_edgegenerator (CCtsp_edgegenerator * eg,
01416                              double *node_piest,
01417                              int silent),
01418   CCtsp_generate_edges (CCtsp_edgegenerator * eg,
01419                         int nwant,
01420                         int *pngot,
01421                         int *elist,
01422                         int *elen,
01423                         int *finished,
01424                         int silent,
01425                         CCrandstate * rstate),
01426   CCtsp_edgelist_to_genadj (int ncount,
01427                             int ecount,
01428                             int *elist,
01429                             int *elen,
01430                             CCtsp_genadj ** adj,
01431                             CCtsp_genadjobj ** adjobjspace);
01435 /****************************************************************************/
01436 /*                                                                          */
01437 /*                            growcomb.c                                    */
01438 /*                                                                          */
01439 /****************************************************************************/
01442 int CCtsp_edge_comb_grower (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
01443                             int *cutcount,
01444                             int ncount,
01445                             int ecount,
01446                             int *elist,
01447                             double *x,
01448                             CCtsp_tighten_info * stats);
01452 /****************************************************************************/
01453 /*                                                                          */
01454 /*                            prclique.c                                    */
01455 /*                                                                          */
01456 /****************************************************************************/
01459 int CCtsp_pr_cliquetree (CCtsp_lpcut_in ** cuts,
01460                          int *cutcount,
01461                          int ncount,
01462                          int ecount,
01463                          int *elist,
01464                          double *x,
01465                          CCtsp_tighten_info * stats);
01469 /****************************************************************************/
01470 /*                                                                          */
01471 /*                             prob_io.c                                    */
01472 /*                                                                          */
01473 /****************************************************************************/
01475 #define CCtsp_PROB_FILE_NAME_LEN 128
01477 #define CCtsp_Pdelete    'D'
01478 #define CCtsp_Pread      'R'
01479 #define CCtsp_Pwrite     'W'
01480 #define CCtsp_Pmaster    'M'
01481 #define CCtsp_Pexit      'X'
01482 #define CCtsp_Pcuts      'c'
01483 #define CCtsp_Pdual      'd'
01484 #define CCtsp_Pedges     'e'
01485 #define CCtsp_Pfixed     'f'
01486 #define CCtsp_Pfull      'g'
01487 #define CCtsp_Pheader    'h'
01488 #define CCtsp_Phistory   'i'
01489 #define CCtsp_Ptour      't'
01490 #define CCtsp_Pwarmstart 'w'
01492 typedef struct CCtsp_PROB_FILE
01493 {
01494   CC_SFILE *f;
01495   int type;
01496   char name[CCtsp_PROB_FILE_NAME_LEN];
01497   int id;
01498   int parent;
01499   double ub;
01500   double lb;
01501   CCbigguy exactlb;
01502   int nnodes;
01503   int child0;
01504   int child1;
01505   int real;                     /* Set to 1 when we know this is a real child */
01506   int processed;
01507   int infeasible;
01508   struct
01509   {
01510     int dat;
01511     int edge;
01512     int fulladj;
01513     int cut;
01514     int tour;
01515     int basis;                  /* obsolete - replaced by warmstart */
01516     int norms;                  /* obsolete - replaced by warmstart */
01517     int fix;
01518     int exactdual;
01519     int history;
01520     int warmstart;
01521   }
01522   offsets;
01523 }
01524 CCtsp_PROB_FILE;
01527 CCtsp_PROB_FILE *CCtsp_prob_read (char *f,
01528                                   int n),
01529  *CCtsp_prob_read_name (char *f),
01530  *CCtsp_prob_write (char *f,
01531                     int n),
01532  *CCtsp_prob_write_name (char *fname);
01534 int CCtsp_prob_file_delete (char *f,
01535                             int n),
01536   CCtsp_prob_getname (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01537                       char *name),
01538   CCtsp_prob_getid (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01539                     int *id),
01540   CCtsp_prob_getparent (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01541                         int *parent),
01542   CCtsp_prob_getub (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01543                     double *ub),
01544   CCtsp_prob_getlb (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01545                     double *lb),
01546   CCtsp_prob_getexactlb (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01547                          CCbigguy * lb),
01548   CCtsp_prob_getnnodes (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01549                         int *nnodes),
01550   CCtsp_prob_getchildren (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01551                           int *child0,
01552                           int *child1),
01553   CCtsp_prob_getreal (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01554                       int *real),
01555   CCtsp_prob_getprocessed (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01556                            int *processed),
01557   CCtsp_prob_getinfeasible (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01558                             int *infeasible),
01559   CCtsp_prob_gettour (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01560                       int ncount,
01561                       int **tour,
01562                       int silent),
01563   CCtsp_prob_getedges (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01564                        int ncount,
01565                        int *nedges,
01566                        int **elist,
01567                        int **elen,
01568                        int silent),
01569   CCtsp_prob_getcuts (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01570                       int *ncount,
01571                       CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts,
01572                       int silent),
01573   CCtsp_prob_getwarmstart (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01574                            CClp_warmstart ** w,
01575                            int silent),
01576   CCtsp_prob_getfulladj (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01577                          int ncount,
01578                          int *fullcount,
01579                          CCtsp_genadj ** adj,
01580                          CCtsp_genadjobj ** adjspace,
01581                          int silent),
01582   CCtsp_prob_getfixed (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01583                        int ncount,
01584                        int *ecount,
01585                        int **elist,
01586                        int silent),
01587   CCtsp_prob_getexactdual (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01588                            int ncount,
01589                            CCtsp_bigdual ** d,
01590                            int silent),
01591   CCtsp_prob_gethistory (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01592                          int *depth,
01593                          CCtsp_branchobj ** history,
01594                          int silent),
01595   CCtsp_prob_rclose (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p),
01596   CCtsp_prob_putname (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01597                       char *name),
01598   CCtsp_prob_putid (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01599                     int id),
01600   CCtsp_prob_putparent (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01601                         int parent),
01602   CCtsp_prob_putub (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01603                     double ub),
01604   CCtsp_prob_putlb (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01605                     double lb),
01606   CCtsp_prob_putexactlb (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01607                          CCbigguy lb),
01608   CCtsp_prob_putnnodes (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01609                         int nnodes),
01610   CCtsp_prob_putchildren (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01611                           int child0,
01612                           int child1),
01613   CCtsp_prob_putreal (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01614                       int real),
01615   CCtsp_prob_putprocessed (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01616                            int processed),
01617   CCtsp_prob_putinfeasible (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01618                             int infeasible),
01619   CCtsp_prob_puttour (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01620                       int ncount,
01621                       int *tour),
01622   CCtsp_prob_putedges (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01623                        int ncount,
01624                        int nedges,
01625                        int *elist,
01626                        int *elen),
01627   CCtsp_prob_putcuts (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01628                       int ncount,
01629                       CCtsp_lpcuts * cuts),
01630   CCtsp_prob_putwarmstart (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01631                            CClp_warmstart * w),
01632   CCtsp_prob_putfulladj (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01633                          int ncount,
01634                          int fullcount,
01635                          CCtsp_genadj * adj),
01636   CCtsp_prob_putfixed (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01637                        int ncount,
01638                        int ecount,
01639                        int *elist),
01640   CCtsp_prob_putexactdual (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01641                            CCtsp_bigdual * d,
01642                            int ncount),
01643   CCtsp_prob_puthistory (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p,
01644                          int depth,
01645                          CCtsp_branchobj * history),
01646   CCtsp_prob_wclose (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * p),
01647   CCtsp_prob_copy_section (CCtsp_PROB_FILE * f,
01648                            CCtsp_PROB_FILE * t,
01649                            char section,
01650                            int silent);
01652 char *CCtsp_problabel (const char *probloc);
01654 #ifdef CC_NETREADY
01655 CCtsp_PROB_FILE *CCtsp_prob_read_remote (char *hname,
01656                                          char *pname,
01657                                          int n),
01658  *CCtsp_prob_write_remote (char *hname,
01659                            char *pname,
01660                            int n),
01661  *CCtsp_prob_server (CC_SFILE * s);
01663 int CCtsp_prob_delete_remote (char *hname,
01664                               char *pname,
01665                               int n);
01666 #endif /* CC_NETREADY */
01671 /****************************************************************************/
01672 /*                                                                          */
01673 /*                             qsparse.c                                    */
01674 /*                                                                          */
01675 /****************************************************************************/
01677 typedef struct CCtsp_qsparsegroup
01678 {
01679   CCdheap *add_queue;           /* An empty heap will be maintained */
01680   CCdheap *sub_queue;           /* An empty heap will be maintained */
01681   int *count_m1;                /* The array will be maintained at 0 */
01682   int *count_non0;              /* The array will be maintained at 0 */
01683   int *count_1;                 /* The array will be maintained at 0 */
01684   int *on_add_queue;            /* The array will be maintained at 0 */
01685   int *on_sub_queue;            /* The array will be maintained at 0 */
01686   int *mults;                   /* The array will be maintained at 0 */
01687 }
01688 CCtsp_qsparsegroup;
01691 void CCtsp_free_qsparsify (CCtsp_qsparsegroup ** pqs);
01693 int CCtsp_qsparsify (CCtsp_qsparsegroup ** pqs,
01694                      struct CCtsp_lpgraph *g,
01695                      int *pnzlist,
01696                      int *scount,
01697                      struct CCtsp_sparser **slist,
01698                      int *savedcount);
01701 /****************************************************************************/
01702 /*                                                                          */
01703 /*                           skeleton.c                                     */
01704 /*                                                                          */
01705 /****************************************************************************/
01708 int CCtsp_copy_skeleton (CCtsp_skeleton * old,
01709                          CCtsp_skeleton * new),
01710   CCtsp_construct_skeleton (CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01711                             int nodecount),
01712   CCtsp_read_skeleton (CC_SFILE * f,
01713                        CCtsp_skeleton * skel,
01714                        int ncount),
01715   CCtsp_write_skeleton (CC_SFILE * f,
01716                         CCtsp_skeleton * skel,
01717                         int ncount);
01719 void CCtsp_init_skeleton (CCtsp_skeleton * skel),
01720   CCtsp_free_skeleton (CCtsp_skeleton * skel),
01721   CCtsp_compare_skeletons (CCtsp_skeleton * a,
01722                            CCtsp_skeleton * b,
01723                            int *diff);
01727 /****************************************************************************/
01728 /*                                                                          */
01729 /*                           teething.c                                     */
01730 /*                                                                          */
01731 /****************************************************************************/
01734 int CCtsp_teething (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
01735                     double *x,
01736                     CCtsp_lpcut_in * cut,
01737                     CCtsp_lpcut_in ** newcut),
01738   CCtsp_teething_list (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
01739                        double *x,
01740                        CCtsp_lpclique * handle,
01741                        int nbig,
01742                        CCtsp_lpclique ** bigteeth,
01743                        CCtsp_lpcut_in ** newcut);
01747 /****************************************************************************/
01748 /*                                                                          */
01749 /*                           tighten.c                                      */
01750 /*                                                                          */
01751 /****************************************************************************/
01754 int CCtsp_tighten_lpcut_in (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
01755                             CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01756                             double *x,
01757                             CCtsp_lpcut_in * d,
01758                             CCtsp_tighten_info * stats,
01759                             double *pimprove),
01760   CCtsp_tighten_lpcut (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
01761                        CCtsp_lpclique * cliques,
01762                        CCtsp_lpcut * c,
01763                        double *x,
01764                        CCtsp_lpcut_in * d,
01765                        CCtsp_tighten_info * stats,
01766                        double *pimprove);
01768 void CCtsp_init_tighten_info (CCtsp_tighten_info * stats),
01769   CCtsp_print_tighten_info (CCtsp_tighten_info * stats);
01772 /****************************************************************************/
01773 /*                                                                          */
01774 /*                            tsp_lp.c                                      */
01775 /*                                                                          */
01776 /****************************************************************************/
01779 int CCtsp_bb_init_lp (CCtsp_lp ** lp,
01780                       char *probname,
01781                       int probnum,
01782                       int ncount,
01783                       CCdatagroup * dat,
01784                       int *ptour,
01785                       double initial_ub,
01786                       CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
01787                       int silent,
01788                       CCrandstate * rstate),
01789   CCtsp_init_lp (CCtsp_lp ** lp,
01790                  char *probname,
01791                  int probnum,
01792                  char *probfilename,
01793                  int ncount,
01794                  CCdatagroup * dat,
01795                  int ecount,
01796                  int *elist,
01797                  int *elen,
01798                  int excount,
01799                  int *exlist,
01800                  int *exlen,
01801                  int exvalid,
01802                  int *ptour,
01803                  double initial_ub,
01804                  CCtsp_lpcuts * pool,
01805                  int silent,
01806                  CCrandstate * rstate),
01807   CCtsp_build_lpgraph (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
01808                        int ncount,
01809                        int ecount,
01810                        int *elist,
01811                        int *elen),
01812   CCtsp_build_lpadj (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
01813                      int estart,
01814                      int eend),
01815   CCtsp_find_edge (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
01816                    int from,
01817                    int to),
01818   CCtsp_inspect_full_edges (CCtsp_lp * lp),
01819   CCtsp_resparsify_lp (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01820                        int silent),
01821   CCtsp_lpcut_nzlist (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
01822                       CCtsp_lpcut * c,
01823                       CCtsp_lpclique * cliques,
01824                       CCtsp_lpdomino * dominos,
01825                       int do_mods),
01826   CCtsp_update_result (CCtsp_lp * lp),
01827   CCtsp_get_lp_result (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01828                        double *lb,
01829                        double *ub,
01830                        int *ecount,
01831                        int **elist,
01832                        double **x,
01833                        double **rc,
01834                        double **node_pi,
01835                        double **cut_pi),
01836   CCtsp_lpcut_in_nzlist (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
01837                          CCtsp_lpcut_in * c),
01838   CCtsp_process_cuts (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01839                       int *pnadded,
01840                       int tighten,
01841                       int silent,
01842                       CCrandstate * rstate),
01843   CCtsp_infeas_recover (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01844                         int silent,
01845                         CCrandstate * rstate),
01846   CCtsp_add_cut (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01847                  CCtsp_lpcut_in * d,
01848                  CCtsp_lprow * cr),
01849   CCtsp_add_nzlist_to_lp (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01850                           int nzlist,
01851                           int rhs,
01852                           char sense,
01853                           CCtsp_lprow * cr),
01854   CCtsp_addbad_variables (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01855                           CCtsp_edgegenerator * eg,
01856                           double *ppenalty,
01857                           int *pnadded,
01858                           double rcthresh,
01859                           double maxpenalty,
01860                           int phase1,
01861                           int *feasible,
01862                           int silent,
01863                           CCrandstate * rstate),
01864   CCtsp_eliminate_variables (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01865                              int eliminate_sparse,
01866                              int silent),
01867   CCtsp_add_vars_to_lp (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01868                         CCtsp_predge * prlist,
01869                         int n),
01870   CCtsp_add_multiple_rows (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01871                            CCtsp_lprow * cr),
01872   CCtsp_delete_cut (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01873                     int i),
01874   CCtsp_reduced_cost_nearest (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01875                               int k,
01876                               int *ecount,
01877                               int **elist,
01878                               double **elen,
01879                               int sparse),
01880   CCtsp_write_probfile_sav (CCtsp_lp * lp),
01881   CCtsp_write_probfile_id (CCtsp_lp * lp),
01882   CCtsp_write_probroot_id (char *probloc,
01883                            CCtsp_lp * lp),
01884   CCtsp_write_probleaf_id (CCtsp_lp * lp),
01885   CCtsp_read_probfile (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01886                        char *fname,
01887                        char *probloc,
01888                        int *ncount,
01889                        int silent),
01890   CCtsp_read_probfile_id (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01891                           char *fname,
01892                           int id,
01893                           int *ncount,
01894                           int silent),
01895   CCtsp_dump_rc_nearest (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01896                          int k,
01897                          char *fname,
01898                          int sparse),
01899   CCtsp_dump_x (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01900                 char *fname),
01901   CCtsp_depot_valid (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01902                      int ndepot,
01903                      int *yesno);
01905 double CCtsp_cutprice (CCtsp_lpgraph * g,
01906                        CCtsp_lpcut_in * c,
01907                        double *x);
01909 void CCtsp_init_tsp_lpcuts_struct (CCtsp_lpcuts * c),
01910   CCtsp_init_tsp_lp_struct (CCtsp_lp * lp),
01911   CCtsp_free_tsp_lp_struct (CCtsp_lp ** lp),
01912   CCtsp_init_lpgraph_struct (CCtsp_lpgraph * g),
01913   CCtsp_free_lpgraph (CCtsp_lpgraph * g),
01914   CCtsp_init_statistics (CCtsp_statistics * stats),
01915   CCtsp_output_statistics (CCtsp_statistics * stats),
01916   CCtsp_add_cuts_to_queue (CCtsp_lp * lp,
01917                            CCtsp_lpcut_in ** c),
01918   CCtsp_init_lprow (CCtsp_lprow * cr),
01919   CCtsp_free_lprow (CCtsp_lprow * cr);
01922 /****************************************************************************/
01923 /*                                                                          */
01924 /*                            tsp_lp.c                                      */
01925 /*                                                                          */
01926 /****************************************************************************/
01928 int CCtsp_solve_sparse (int ncount,
01929                         int ecount,
01930                         int *elist,
01931                         int *elen,
01932                         int *in_tour,
01933                         int *out_tour,
01934                         double *in_val,
01935                         double *optval,
01936                         int *success,
01937                         int *foundtour,
01938                         char *name,
01939                         double *timebound,
01940                         int *hit_timebound,
01941                         int silent,
01942                         CCrandstate * rstate),
01943   CCtsp_solve_dat (int ncount,
01944                    CCdatagroup * indat,
01945                    int *in_tour,
01946                    int *out_tour,
01947                    double *in_val,
01948                    double *optval,
01949                    int *success,
01950                    int *foundtour,
01951                    char *name,
01952                    double *timebound,
01953                    int *hit_timebound,
01954                    int silent,
01955                    CCrandstate * rstate);
01959 /****************************************************************************/
01960 /*                                                                          */
01961 /*                             xtour.c                                      */
01962 /*                                                                          */
01963 /****************************************************************************/
01966 int CCtsp_x_greedy_tour (CCdatagroup * dat,
01967                          int ncount,
01968                          int ecount,
01969                          int *elist,
01970                          double *x,
01971                          int *cyc,
01972                          double *val,
01973                          int silent),
01974   CCtsp_x_greedy_tour_lk (CCdatagroup * dat,
01975                           int ncount,
01976                           int ecount,
01977                           int *elist,
01978                           double *x,
01979                           int *cyc,
01980                           double *val,
01981                           int silent,
01982                           CCrandstate * rstate);
01985 /****************************************************************************/
01986 /*                                                                          */
01987 /*                           domboss.c                                      */
01988 /*                                                                          */
01989 /****************************************************************************/
01991 #define CCtsp_DOMINO_WORK        'A'
01992 #define CCtsp_DOMINO_GRAPH       'G'
01993 #define CCtsp_DOMINO_NO          'N'
01994 #define CCtsp_DOMINO_RECEIVE     'R'
01995 #define CCtsp_DOMINO_SEND        'S'
01996 #define CCtsp_DOMINO_WAIT        'W'
01997 #define CCtsp_DOMINO_YES         'Y'
01998 #define CCtsp_DOMINO_EXIT        'X'
02000 #endif /* __TSP_H */

Generated on Thu Oct 20 14:58:40 2005 for DominoParitySeparator by  doxygen 1.4.5